Vicipaedia:Taberna/Tabularium 34
Disputationes antiquae Hoc est tabularium antiquarum disputationum. Non est recensendum. Sententiae hic collectae inter dies et scriptae sunt. |
De {{Capsa hominis Vicidata}}
Vicidatis semper semperque auctis, haec capsa sub rubricis inferioribus "Officium" et "Laurae" res plurimas praebere solet linguis barbaris scriptas, aegre utilibus. Ergo ad interim has rubricas celavi. (Talem rem et in aliis capsis informationis facere possumus.) Si haec mutatio tibi displiceat, s.t.p. placita tua hic inscribe! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 09:47, 10 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
Defaultsort vs. Lifetime
Why do contributors keep using the Defaultsort formula? The Lifetime formula is more efficient, saving bytes by compressing the dating and automatically specifying Mulieres or Viri as appropriate (without the need for coded categorization of the distinction)? Efficiency in coding is generally held to be a virtue. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 13:20, 14 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- "Mulieres" and "Viri" are added because of the interwiki link at Wikidata, not because of these magic words. But I quite agree with you that LIFETIME is briefer. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 13:55, 16 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- In fact, {{Lifetime}} (like {{Capsa hominis Vicidata}} and a few more templates) automatically adds the page to Categoria:Viri or Categoria:Mulieres according to the person's gender specified at the Wikidata item. Where neither of these templates is used (and where just perhaps the magic word DEFAULTSORT is used), neither Categoria:Viri or Categoria:Mulieres will be added automatically. So, {{Lifetime}} may be preferable to DEFAULTSORT. Greetings, --UV (disputatio) 22:42, 16 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Gratias ago: id non intellegi, quia semper, novam paginam biographicam creans, {{Capsa hominis Vicidata}} ad caput et {{Fontes biographici}} sub nexibus externis insero. {{Lifetime}} uti incipio. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 10:00, 17 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- In fact, {{Lifetime}} (like {{Capsa hominis Vicidata}} and a few more templates) automatically adds the page to Categoria:Viri or Categoria:Mulieres according to the person's gender specified at the Wikidata item. Where neither of these templates is used (and where just perhaps the magic word DEFAULTSORT is used), neither Categoria:Viri or Categoria:Mulieres will be added automatically. So, {{Lifetime}} may be preferable to DEFAULTSORT. Greetings, --UV (disputatio) 22:42, 16 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
De nova categoria instituenda
Mea quidem sententia oportet novam categoriam instituere quae omnes paginas ad jus pertinentes colligat et hac de causa nominetur "ius". Placentinus (disputatio) 08:30, 16 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Usque adhuc, si recte observavi, nostra Categoria:Iurisprudentia idem opus perficit quam aliorum en:Category:Law et fr:Catégorie:Droit [etc.]. Ergo quid facere oportet --
- Movere Categoria:Iurisprudentia ad Categoria:Ius?
- novam categoriam Categoria:Ius creare, quae loco categoriae hodiernae "Iurisprudentiae" ad categorias barbaras "Law" et "Droit" [etc.] adnectanda erit?
- alia res?? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 13:44, 16 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Probum consilium movere Categoria:Iurisprudentia ad Categoria:Ius mihi videtur. Placetne? Placentinus (disputatio) 14:43, 16 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- In wikipaedia Anglica, "Jurisprudence" est subcategoria categoriae "Law," quae revera nos monet: "Pages in this category should be moved to subcategories where applicable." Ergo ut videtur, subcategoria "Iurisprudentia" non delenda est, et categoria "Ius" creanda est. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 00:24, 17 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Recte quidem mones! Quomodo creantur categoriae? Quaeso ut mihi ignoscatis, nam numeror adhuc inter homines quos Angli vulgo vocitant "noobs" (Heri tantum inveni instrumentum "HotCat"...). Placentinus (disputatio) 06:54, 17 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Сategoriae eodem modo creantur, quo omnes paginae; categoriae superiores in pagina categoriae scribendae sunt. — Sed Categoria:Iurisprudentia nostra per Vicidata cum en:Category:Law Anglica coniuncta est, non cum “Jurisprudence”. (Ipse nescio, an movenda sit.) Demetrius Talpa (disputatio) 09:17, 17 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Si consentimus categoriam "Iurisprudentia" novo nomine "Ius" baptizare, deinde novam subcategoriam "Iurisprudentia" creare, deinde aliquas paginas in novam subcategoriam singultim movere, facile erit, hoc modo:
- categoriam nostram "Iurisprudentia" e Vicidatis pro tempore delere;
- postulare apud amicum @UV: (Vicipaedia:Automata/Petitiones de categoriis movendis hic) categoriam renominare omnesque paginas subcategoriasque, quae insunt, novo categoriae nomine munire;
- categoriam renominatam iterum in Vicidata eodem loco inserere;
- novam categoriam "Iurisprudentia" creare et cum linguis barbaris (Jurisprudence etc.) apud Vicidata coniungere;
- paginas (et fortasse subcategorias) nostras idoneas in hanc novam categoriam singultim matriculare.
- An consentimus omnes? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 09:54, 17 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Non sum sic peritus de his disciplinis ut sententiam meam habeam (tantummodo scio vocabulum “iuris” esse antiquius vocabulo “iurisprudentiae”), sed si categoriam creamus credo motiones esse gerendas quamque paginam ponderando, quia aliquae commentationes ambas categorias requirere possint. --Grufo (disputatio) 17:06, 17 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Recte dicis, Grufo: vide iam meam rubricam #5 supra. Categoria mota, nova categoria creata, certe licet paginas aut una categoria, aut binis categoriis, munire.
- Nemine contradicente, categoriam "Iurisprudentia" ad "Ius" ope UV et UVbot movendam suadebo. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:49, 18 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Categoriam movi. --UV (disputatio) 22:59, 18 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Categoriam novam "Categoria:Iurisprudentia" creavi tamquam subcategoria categoriae Categoria:Ius". Denuo aliis licet ad pedem paginarum idonearum "Categoria:Iurisprudentia" inscribere. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:29, 19 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Non sum sic peritus de his disciplinis ut sententiam meam habeam (tantummodo scio vocabulum “iuris” esse antiquius vocabulo “iurisprudentiae”), sed si categoriam creamus credo motiones esse gerendas quamque paginam ponderando, quia aliquae commentationes ambas categorias requirere possint. --Grufo (disputatio) 17:06, 17 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Si consentimus categoriam "Iurisprudentia" novo nomine "Ius" baptizare, deinde novam subcategoriam "Iurisprudentia" creare, deinde aliquas paginas in novam subcategoriam singultim movere, facile erit, hoc modo:
- Сategoriae eodem modo creantur, quo omnes paginae; categoriae superiores in pagina categoriae scribendae sunt. — Sed Categoria:Iurisprudentia nostra per Vicidata cum en:Category:Law Anglica coniuncta est, non cum “Jurisprudence”. (Ipse nescio, an movenda sit.) Demetrius Talpa (disputatio) 09:17, 17 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Recte quidem mones! Quomodo creantur categoriae? Quaeso ut mihi ignoscatis, nam numeror adhuc inter homines quos Angli vulgo vocitant "noobs" (Heri tantum inveni instrumentum "HotCat"...). Placentinus (disputatio) 06:54, 17 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- In wikipaedia Anglica, "Jurisprudence" est subcategoria categoriae "Law," quae revera nos monet: "Pages in this category should be moved to subcategories where applicable." Ergo ut videtur, subcategoria "Iurisprudentia" non delenda est, et categoria "Ius" creanda est. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 00:24, 17 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
De "nexu linguarum"
Addere "nexum linguarum" nequeo paginae cui index est Danaë imbrem aureum accipit (Titianus), quia – pro dolor! – mihi non licet inceptum exsequi: «You do not have the permissions needed to carry out this action.»
Placentinus (disputatio) 19:49, 17 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- @Grufo: nonne tu eandem obstructionem passus es? An solutionem repperisti?
- @Placentinus: ad interim potes nexum ad pedem singulae paginae barbarae subscribere (e.g. Anglicae aut Francogallicae aut Italianae), sic:
- [[la:Danaë imbrem aureum accipit (Titianus)]]
- Una pagina ita adnectata, automata (bots) nexum Vicidata inserere solent. Tempta! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 20:17, 17 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Gratias ago Demetrio Talpae qui quaestionem solvit. Placentinus (disputatio) 21:07, 17 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- @Andrew Oportet 50 recensiones apud Vicidata habere ad nulli obstructioni occurrendum, at usores sine 50 recensionibus concessionem specialem petere possunt. Ego concessionem specialem petivi quae recusata est, quia ipsa petitio fuit mea quinquagensima recensio. --Grufo (disputatio) 23:05, 17 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Catch-22! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:30, 19 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
Novae formulae de lemmate principi
Novas formulas {{Res}}, {{Res typis italicis}} (compendio: {{ires}}), {{Subres}} et {{Res tacita}} (compendio: {{tres}}) habemus ad lemma princeps commentationum scribendum. E.g.
{{res|Ars coquinaria}} est...
(in loco scriptionis'''Ars coquinaria''' est...
){{ires|In vino veritas}} est...
(in loco scriptionis'''''In vino veritas''''' est...
){{subres|Apparatus computatralis}} est...
(in loco scriptionis''Apparatus computatralis'' est...
)vel {{tres|(instrumentum) '''computatorium'''}}...
(in loco scriptionisvel (instrumentum) '''computatorium'''...
Duae sunt commoditates his formulis utendi:
- Cum paginam recenseamus lemma princeps e vicitextu melius eminet
- Hae formulae notam HTML
adhibent (de hac vide hic), quam robota interretialia et “screen readers” melius intellegere possunt
Nota bene: Hae formulae non sunt in locum '''...'''
, '''''...'''''
et ''...''
in aliis casibus substituendae, sed sunt adhibendae in casu lemmatis principis tantum.
Hoc dicto, usus harum formularum est voluntarius et semper formam veterem scribere possumus. --Grufo (disputatio) 18:11, 20 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Gratias ago propter explicationem, @Grufo:. Ratio creationis {{Subres}} nescio. Nonne lemmata semper litteris fortibus scribimus? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 18:45, 20 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- @Andrew: Vide hanc recensionem meam, ubi pluribus harum formularum utor. --Grufo (disputatio) 19:27, 20 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- P.S. Formulam {{Res tacita}} quoque nunc creavi. --Grufo (disputatio) 19:28, 20 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Hmm, hoc in exemplo neque qua lege Apparatus computatorius litteris italicis scribatur scio, neque ad quem usum "(instrumentum) computatorium" in formulam includatur! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 19:47, 20 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Fortasse exemplum non est clarum. {{Subres}} est cum lemmate principi cuiusdam partis vel capituli paginae adhibenda (nonne est nostra norma typis italicis haec lemmata scribere?). E.g.
{{res|Lemma}} est bla bla bla ... == De sublemmate 1 == {{subres|Sublemma 1}} est bla bla bla bla... == De sublemmate 2 == {{subres|Sublemma 2}} est bla bla bla bla...
- Ergo rare adhibebitur…
- De {{Res tacita}}: Formulam “screen readers” et robota tantum credo adiuvare (at rare quoque adhibebamus). --Grufo (disputatio) 19:59, 20 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Gratias: intellego. Dicis: "nonne est nostra norma typis italicis haec lemmata scribere?" Nescio an regulam habuimus. Incertus sum, an tales locutiones re vera "lemmata" sunt eadem lege qua tituli paginae Vicipaedicae ... sed de occasione rara loquimur et de re minoris momenti :) Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 20:58, 20 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Neque ego scio. At quadam formula pro his casibus uti ({{Subres}}) nos sinit typos ubiqui mutare cum regulam Vicipaedianam de “sublemmatibus” inveniamus. --Grufo (disputatio) 21:06, 20 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Recte dicis! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 21:37, 20 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- @Andrew: Nunc formula {{Subres}} in nova pagina “Sagittarius A” usus sum. Quomodo tibi videtur? --Grufo (disputatio) 22:44, 20 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Optime. Exemplum perutile. Experimentum temptavi, quod tibi aut mutare aut revertere licet, formulis {{qc}} et {{ec}} utens. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 10:00, 21 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Rem similem feci in pagina iam a me incepta Sazerac. An melius est, sicut hoc casu feci, non vocabula in textu sed rubricas respectivas internectare? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 10:15, 21 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- At nonne est hic usus enormis formularum {{qc}} et {{ec}}, quae ad membra bibliographiae nectenda sunt adhibendae? Typis ignoratis (si typos graves praeferimus formulam mutare possumus), haec recensio ostendit quemadmodum formula {{Subres}} adhiberi possit ad nexus per argumentum
creandos (talis recensio corrigenda est, quia et “Sagittarius A orientalis” et “Sagittarius A occidentalis” iam sunt nomina capitum et ergo iam nomina quoque ancorarum). «An melius est, sicut hoc casu feci, non vocabula in textu sed rubricas respectivas internectare?»: Ita, melius est capita et non lemmata nectere! (disputatio) 11:09, 21 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- At nonne est hic usus enormis formularum {{qc}} et {{ec}}, quae ad membra bibliographiae nectenda sunt adhibendae? Typis ignoratis (si typos graves praeferimus formulam mutare possumus), haec recensio ostendit quemadmodum formula {{Subres}} adhiberi possit ad nexus per argumentum
- @Andrew: Nunc formula {{Subres}} in nova pagina “Sagittarius A” usus sum. Quomodo tibi videtur? --Grufo (disputatio) 22:44, 20 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Recte dicis! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 21:37, 20 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Neque ego scio. At quadam formula pro his casibus uti ({{Subres}}) nos sinit typos ubiqui mutare cum regulam Vicipaedianam de “sublemmatibus” inveniamus. --Grufo (disputatio) 21:06, 20 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Gratias: intellego. Dicis: "nonne est nostra norma typis italicis haec lemmata scribere?" Nescio an regulam habuimus. Incertus sum, an tales locutiones re vera "lemmata" sunt eadem lege qua tituli paginae Vicipaedicae ... sed de occasione rara loquimur et de re minoris momenti :) Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 20:58, 20 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Hmm, hoc in exemplo neque qua lege Apparatus computatorius litteris italicis scribatur scio, neque ad quem usum "(instrumentum) computatorium" in formulam includatur! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 19:47, 20 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
De sublemmatibus. Vicipaedia Anglica sublemmatibus typos graves adsignat:
Terms which redirect to an article or section are commonly bolded when they appear in the first couple of paragraphs of the lead section, or at the beginning of another section (for example, subtopics treated in their own sections or alternative names for the main topic – see § Article title terms, above).
Idcirco apud paginam “Sagittarius A” formulam {{Res}} in locum formulae {{Subres}} substitui, quia et Sagittarius A orientalis et Sagittarius A occidentalis sua capitula habent. Sed in pagina “Computatrum” credo Apparatum computatralem typis italicis scribendum esse (per formulam {{Subres}}), quia capitulo suo caret. Sed revera hoc ad rem minoris momenti attinet. --Grufo (disputatio) 00:29, 22 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
"Reference Tooltips" vs. "Reference Previews"
Here on la.wikipedia, we are currently using a gadget that is called "Reference Tooltips". This gadget is useful in that it adds visual tooltips and highlights to footnotes and references. For details please see Vicipaedia:Taberna/Tabularium 33#De nexibus intra paginam ad bibliographiam iunctis.
The kind programmers that constantly work on improving the MediaWiki software and the Wikimedia wikis are thinking about generally replacing "Reference Tooltips" with a similar product, "Reference Previews", see Vicipaedia:Nuntii Technici#A new feature for previewing references on your wiki. The advantage in doing this is that "Reference Previews" would be managed centrally for all Wikimedia wikis, while our "Reference Tooltips" currently needs to be maintained by ourselves. There is, however a disadvantage, because "Reference Previews" currently does not yet feature all the capabilities of "Reference Previews". I have voiced my concern at meta:Talk:WMDE Technical Wishes/ReferencePreviews#Reference Previews to become the default for previewing references on more wikis. Let us see how the kind programmers will react … Greetings, --UV (disputatio) 00:09, 24 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Hi UV. I do not know all the details, all I can say is that I appreciate the current change of background color during mouse hover. I even imitated the effect in the {{Ancora tacita}} template, but only after click.
- On that note I have a question. Here are four different ways of creating anchors,
# <span id="foobar1">Lorem ipsum</span> {{an|foobar1}} # <span id="CITEREFfoobar1">Lorem ipsum</span> {{an|CITEREFfoobar1}} # {{Ancora|foobar2|Lorem ipsum}} {{an|foobar2}} # {{Ancora|CITEREFfoobar2|Lorem ipsum}} {{an|CITEREFfoobar2}}
- which produce:
- Lorem ipsum foobar1
- Lorem ipsum CITEREFfoobar1
- Lorem ipsum foobar2
- Lorem ipsum CITEREFfoobar2
- As you can see, when you hover above “foobar1” and “foobar2” nothing happens. Instead, when you hover above “CITEREFfoobar1” and “CITEREFfoobar2” the background color changes. Furthermore, if you click on “foobar1” and “CITEREFfoobar1” nothing else happens (besides the page reaching the anchor), but when you click on “foobar2” and “CITEREFfoobar2” instead the background color of the nearby “Lorem ipsum” changes for some seconds. So my question is: How can I make the behavior of “CITEREFfoobar2” the standard behavior of {{Ancora tacita}} and other similar templates? Can it be done? --Grufo (disputatio) 00:43, 24 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- The background color change on click for some seconds, as you know, is the result of Formula:Ancora tacita/style.css. The background color change on hover is the result of "Reference Tooltips", which might be about to be replaced with "Reference Previews". I do not think that there is an easy way to add this behaviour to {{Ancora tacita}}. --UV (disputatio) 23:44, 24 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- I thought so… Well, nothing too tragic after all! --Grufo (disputatio) 03:11, 25 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- The background color change on click for some seconds, as you know, is the result of Formula:Ancora tacita/style.css. The background color change on hover is the result of "Reference Tooltips", which might be about to be replaced with "Reference Previews". I do not think that there is an easy way to add this behaviour to {{Ancora tacita}}. --UV (disputatio) 23:44, 24 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- This is interesting news, @UV:. It was very kind of you to create the templates we currently have for linking references displaying tooltips, and in theory it will be still better if the display capability can be centrally maintained for the future. We'll have to see how the programmers respond to your concerns. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 09:16, 24 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- I see that the response was not promising, @UV: it's nice that one of them is a Latin lover, but they are interested in their new tasks, not in our problem. Do you have an opinion about what we should do?
- My own quick reaction is, let's not change to Reference previews just yet, but only change later if needed to ensure central maintenance. (a) Is this choice possible, (b) is it advisable, (c) would we already be losing some advantages from Reference Previews? You probably understand the constraints better than I do, UV.
- I think Spanish and English wikis are currently on Reference tooltips, as we are, and it seems to work well. I think German and French wikis are on Reference previews. On fr:Winston Churchill (for an example) Reference previews does not adapt fully to the complex and inconsistent footnoting): worse, if I go to "preferences - gadgets" and choose Reference tooltips instead, I then get no tooltips at all. On de:Winston Churchill the footnotes are well suited to Reference previews: it works OK, although the footnotes have to be long and repetitive because they do not refer on to the bibliography. On de:wiki I see no way to choose Reference tooltips instead. I think some other wikis may decide not to move immediately to Reference previews, or, if they move, will find it less helpful. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 15:22, 30 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Given the unfavorable response at meta, I support your proposal not to change to "Reference Previews" just yet. We can stick with "Reference Tooltips" as long as the "Reference Tooltips" gadget works. Since "Reference Tooltips" is a "default gadget" on enwiki, it will probably continue to work for quite a long time. So my answer to your questions is (a) yes, (b) in my view yes, and (c) anyone who prefers "Reference Previews" over "Reference Tooltips" can easily go to Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets and disable the "Reference Tooltips" gadget, which will automatically enable "Reference Previews" for this user. Greetings, --UV (disputatio) 23:52, 3 Februarii 2024 (UTC)
- Debemus lingua nostra consensum indicare. Date veniam, o amici Latinistae, quia usque adhuc UV egoque Anglice de hac re disputavimus (nam Reference tooltips i.e. fenestrellae notarum subiunctarum adiutoriae, apud nos me postulante, UV agente, instauratae sunt). An nobis permittitis in hoc consilio pergere? Si dissonantiam videre vultis, videte en:Winston Churchill et fr:Winston Churchill et supra indices notarum subiunctarum (e.g.10, 16etc.) cursorem tuum movete. Systema nostrum, quod cum systemate Anglico correspondet, hoc tempore retinere suademus. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 10:03, 4 Februarii 2024 (UTC)
- Given the unfavorable response at meta, I support your proposal not to change to "Reference Previews" just yet. We can stick with "Reference Tooltips" as long as the "Reference Tooltips" gadget works. Since "Reference Tooltips" is a "default gadget" on enwiki, it will probably continue to work for quite a long time. So my answer to your questions is (a) yes, (b) in my view yes, and (c) anyone who prefers "Reference Previews" over "Reference Tooltips" can easily go to Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets and disable the "Reference Tooltips" gadget, which will automatically enable "Reference Previews" for this user. Greetings, --UV (disputatio) 23:52, 3 Februarii 2024 (UTC)
Negligence in fighting against cross wiki vandals
There was NO edit warring but tagging for deletion only. These w:pl:WP:CHICAGO = w:en:WP:LTA/GRP nonsense vandalisms are permitted to stay here indefinitely for days, and are even wrongfully protected here instead of being deleted locally on sight, so stewards are constantly forced to intervene here. 10:39, 24 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- You are, I think, talking about one discussion page on which a message, not obviously vandalistic, not obscene, remained peacefully for a few days. Evidently you are not fully informed of the scale of the recent attacks here: if you knew more, you would possibly reconsider the term "negligence".
- This is a small wiki, and it has been difficult, but we do our best. Several stewards have been very helpful and, as one of the admins concerned, I'd be happy to discuss this further with them. They can easily get in touch with me on my talk page, or continue the discussion here. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 13:28, 24 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Your talk page is protected from IPs, so we talk here. I repeatedly reverted this above LTA in other wikis especially. Links which once were at NOW deleted "Disputatio:Pugilatio (moderna)" talk page are nothing but GARBLED spam links from already ISP-deleted hate site by GRP named:
- ƃɹo˙ǝɯǝɹdnsɐıpǝdoꞁɔʎɔuǝ˙ʍʍʍ
- If you see something with it, delete it immediately, please.
- 15:25, 24 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- I understand, of course. I know who added the information, I know that it is useless. I (like you, no doubt, and many others) was getting multiple obscene threats from the same person. I am also hearing once again from "Wikinger", a pen-friend of "Chicago boys". How nice! The WMF has "banned and blocked" both persons, but the WMF legal department has refused any help to me.
- So, left alone by the WMF legal department, I tried an experiment. If I allowed this anonymous, useless, but not vandalistic, message to remain on a talk page (talk pages, after all, contain many other relatively useless and irrelevant messages) would I be named in fewer obscene semi-literate summaries? Would Vicipaedia get less vandalism for a few days? Yes, in fact, for those few days, it worked.
- I have no sympathy for the WMF, its bans and its lawyers, since they have no sympathy for me. But I have lots of sympathy for the stewards and cross-wiki patrollers, who deal with far more of this stuff than I do. So, since you ask me not to run such an experiment again, I won't. Just keep on watching us, please! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 16:25, 24 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- So now all is good! Failed experiment is HOPEFULLY dead, it only would permit to trash latin wiki pages with spam. I use dynamic IP, and for example, I reverted "w:sl:WP:PZAP/GRP" once here: Specialis:Conlationes/ If I will notice something then I will tag it for deletion, in other case revert. That's all. 16:50, 24 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Yes, fairly good :) Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 17:01, 24 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- So now all is good! Failed experiment is HOPEFULLY dead, it only would permit to trash latin wiki pages with spam. I use dynamic IP, and for example, I reverted "w:sl:WP:PZAP/GRP" once here: Specialis:Conlationes/ If I will notice something then I will tag it for deletion, in other case revert. That's all. 16:50, 24 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
Discussion about verbs derived from dare on Wiktionary
For those interested, there is a discussion I am participating to on Wiktionary concerning the derived verbs of dare. It started after I added a few verbs to the list of the “derived terms” of that verb (like abdere, addere, indere, perdere, etc.). Whatever your opinion is, if you are interested in the topic you are invited to participate. --Grufo (disputatio) 09:23, 27 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- @Grufo: I'm sorry, this will seem very unhelpful, but my inclination, when a wiki argument has become so heated that you can't stir it with a spoon (metaphor based on en:Porridge), is to walk away from it for about two years. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 09:43, 27 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
- Andrew, probably I will. But whether for two years or one day will depend on the fact that I am the only one discussing or not. If I remain the only one, it will probably be two years. --Grufo (disputatio) 09:48, 27 Ianuarii 2024 (UTC)
Quomodo invenire paginas autotranslatas?
Succurrite mihi! Non scio quomodo paginas formula "paginae autotranslatae" ornatas inveniam ut videam num interim rescriptae/emendatae sint. Itaque apud Kamo no Chōmei addidi formulam de latinitate. Cui bono bella formula nova de autotranslatione si paginas ita signatas rursus detegere non possumus? - Giorno2 (disputatio) 16:45, 1 Februarii 2024 (UTC)
- @Giorno2: Eae sunt in Categoria:Latinitas -7 (non latine). Vide documentationem formulae {{Pagina autotranslata}}:
- Paginae quae hac formula utuntur in Categoria:Latinitas -7 (non latine) numerabuntur. Postremo, ab octavo die post tempus Vicipaedianum quod argumentum
statuit, aut ab octavo die post ultimam recensionem si argumentum|tempus={{subst:REVISIONTIMESTAMP}}
omittitur, in Categoria:Correctiones neglectae quoque numerabuntur. - P.S. Credasne fortasse paginas cum formula {{Pagina autotranslata}} in sua propria categoria esse numerandas (e.g. Categoria:Translationes machinariae)? --Grufo (disputatio) 17:40, 1 Februarii 2024 (UTC)
- Optime vir! Scio paginas autotranslatas apud "Categoria:Latinitas -7 (non latine)" inveniri. Tamquam FORMULA. Sed nullo loco est elenchus singularum paginarum istarum! Ita examen de paginarum emendatione fieri non potest quia eas non iam in promptu habemus. Nam tunc tantummodo Formula:Pagina autotranslata aut Formula:Pars autotranslata apparet, FORMULA sed non CATEGORIA. Propositum tuum de CATEGORIA creanda laudo. Etiam est necesse omnes paginas vetustiores FORMULA signatas in CATEGORIA (nova) esse. Gratias! Giorno2 (disputatio) 03:18, 2 Februarii 2024 (UTC)
- Optime. Postremo categoriam novam creavi et formulas redintegravi. P.S. Multae paginae autotranslatae iam deletae sunt; nunc duae paginae tantum formulam ostendunt, quarum una est in spatio nominali usoris. --Grufo (disputatio) 04:13, 2 Februarii 2024 (UTC)
- Gratias ago ego tibi. Giorno2 (disputatio) 11:55, 2 Februarii 2024 (UTC)
- Optime. Postremo categoriam novam creavi et formulas redintegravi. P.S. Multae paginae autotranslatae iam deletae sunt; nunc duae paginae tantum formulam ostendunt, quarum una est in spatio nominali usoris. --Grufo (disputatio) 04:13, 2 Februarii 2024 (UTC)
- Optime vir! Scio paginas autotranslatas apud "Categoria:Latinitas -7 (non latine)" inveniri. Tamquam FORMULA. Sed nullo loco est elenchus singularum paginarum istarum! Ita examen de paginarum emendatione fieri non potest quia eas non iam in promptu habemus. Nam tunc tantummodo Formula:Pagina autotranslata aut Formula:Pars autotranslata apparet, FORMULA sed non CATEGORIA. Propositum tuum de CATEGORIA creanda laudo. Etiam est necesse omnes paginas vetustiores FORMULA signatas in CATEGORIA (nova) esse. Gratias! Giorno2 (disputatio) 03:18, 2 Februarii 2024 (UTC)
Formulam {{Myrias}} sex commentationibus addidi (#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6). Estne hic index nunc redintegrandus cum novis nexibus ad Vicipaediam Latinam? --Grufo (disputatio) 11:32, 5 Februarii 2024 (UTC)
- Si, sus nombres deben fijarse en el índice, Vicipaedia:Paginae quas omnibus Wikipediis contineri oportet/Expansio. Yo he hecho el primero, de Sagitario A*. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 12:29, 5 Februarii 2024 (UTC)
- Gratias tibi ago, Iacobe. Sed cur locutus sis mecum Hispanice? --Grufo (disputatio) 12:31, 5 Februarii 2024 (UTC)
- Quia coffeum matutinum nondum biberam, et adhuc dormiebam, nihil mente comprehendens. :) IacobusAmor (disputatio) 12:52, 5 Februarii 2024 (UTC)
- Gratias tibi ago, Iacobe. Sed cur locutus sis mecum Hispanice? --Grufo (disputatio) 12:31, 5 Februarii 2024 (UTC)
Global ban proposal for Slowking4
Hello. This is to notify the community that there is an ongoing global ban proposal for User:Slowking4 who has been active on this wiki. You are invited to participate at m:Requests for comment/Global ban for Slowking4 (2). Seawolf35 (disputatio) 13:07, 15 Martii 2024 (UTC)
Album Angelorum
Quid sentitis de hac pagina Album Angelorum quae multa nomina hominum in rebus philosophicis, politicis, in artibus etc. versantium continet? Estne fons validus quem uti possumus? Alex1011 (disputatio) 22:27, 28 Martii 2024 (UTC)
- Mea opinione ludus est curiosus, sed non fons validus. — Demetrius Talpa (disputatio) 08:04, 29 Martii 2024 (UTC)
- Cum Demetrio consentio. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 13:05, 29 Martii 2024 (UTC)
- Consentio quoque. Situs fontibus carere videtur. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 13:33, 29 Martii 2024 (UTC)
- Item. --Grufo (disputatio) 14:05, 29 Martii 2024 (UTC)
- Consentio quoque. Situs fontibus carere videtur. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 13:33, 29 Martii 2024 (UTC)
- Cum Demetrio consentio. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 13:05, 29 Martii 2024 (UTC)
de administratione vicilibris
Salvete omnes, possitisne me et alios in viclibris adjuvare? Peto aut petimus ius administratoris in Vicilibri, ad editionem paginae primae et cetera. Non multi si iam contribunt, ergo spero invenire hic alios quos latine curant et consilium nostrum confirment. Si velis adjuvare aut confirmare, quaeso hic in Porta communis vicilibrorum commenteris. JimKillock (disputatio) 11:00, 14 Aprilis 2024 (UTC)
- Respondi, o @JimKillock:. Fortasse non "UW" sed "UV" pingere debuisti? :) Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 15:45, 14 Aprilis 2024 (UTC)
- ah, certe erravi, gratias! JimKillock (disputatio) 17:50, 14 Aprilis 2024 (UTC)
Suadeo aliis Vicipaedianis ut ibi in Portam communem vicilibrorum placita sua inscribant. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 18:39, 17 Aprilis 2024 (UTC)
Chang'an (nomen Anglicum); vide "Siganum"
Scripsit Andreas: "optime, sed fontem nominis Latini Changanum frustra (usque adhuc) quaesivi." Here too, and apparently, the tempting Latin term Sianganum designates a city, "Siangyang," said to be on the Ham River in Huquan Province at longitude 129.16, that may be Xiangyang, on the Han River in Hubei Province, at longitude 112°07′19″E. Chang'an is on the Wei River. Confusing evidence, but let's register it here, in case it helps. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 13:44, 14 Aprilis 2024 (UTC)
- Interesting. Was this comment intended for Disputatio:Siganum? It seems more relevant there: anyway, I have copied it there and have added a comment there. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 15:19, 14 Aprilis 2024 (UTC)
- Fair enough. We never know where interest may be piqued. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 17:02, 14 Aprilis 2024 (UTC)
- Interesting. Was this comment intended for Disputatio:Siganum? It seems more relevant there: anyway, I have copied it there and have added a comment there. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 15:19, 14 Aprilis 2024 (UTC)
Ciao Wikipedia Latino,
sono un correttore di Wikipedia Italia e sto testando la versione "beta" della piattaforma. Essa include un traduttore per l'agevolazione della traslazione di una voce da una Wikipedia ad un'altra. Ho provato a portare qua, una voce scritta da me (Filippo Biagioli). Mi è stato fatto notare che la traduzione era tutta sbagliata. Quindi, visto che ormai l'avevo "tradotta" ho rifatto fare la correzione ad un traduttore professionista. Qualcuno può per favore vedere se adesso la voce va bene? Grazie Autunno2022 (disputatio) 16:59, 16 Aprilis 2024 (UTC)
Translatio paginae Specialis:Census
Pagina Specialis:Census (et idcirco, eamdem paginam imitando, etiam formula {{Annales/omnia mensis}}) plures locutiones Anglicas ostendit. Ego velim ad linguam Latinam eas vertere. Hic subter sunt meae translationes propositae. Quid dicatis? Consensu invento, a nostro UV petere possumus paginam Specialis:Census redintegrare.
Nomen labens | Translatio proposita | Notio collecta |
Paginae in spatio nominali principali | Commentationes | {{NUMBEROFARTICLES}}
Paginae | Paginae | {{NUMBEROFPAGES}}
Fasciculi | Fasciculi | {{NUMBEROFFILES}}
Recensiones paginarum factae ab initio Vicipaediae | Recensiones paginarum factae ab initio Vicipaediae | {{NUMBEROFEDITS}}
Usores relati | Usores relati | {{NUMBEROFUSERS}}
Usores activi | Usores activi | {{NUMBEROFACTIVEUSERS}}
Automata | Automata | {{NUMBERINGROUP:bot}}
Magistratus | Magistratus | {{NUMBEROFADMINS}}
Interface administrators | Architecti | {{NUMBERINGROUP:interface-admin}}
Grapheocrates | Grapheocrates | {{NUMBERINGROUP:bureaucrat}}
Censurae | Censores | {{NUMBERINGROUP:suppress}}
Stewards | Custodes | {{NUMBERINGROUP:steward}}
Account creators | Nominatores | {{NUMBERINGROUP:accountcreator}}
Importers | Importatores | {{NUMBERINGROUP:import}}
Transwiki | Transviciales | {{NUMBERINGROUP:transwiki}}
IP block exemptions | Usores remissi | {{NUMBERINGROUP:ipblock-exempt}}
Check users | Speculatores vel Exploratores | {{NUMBERINGROUP:checkuser}}
Push subscription managers | Purgatores | {{NUMBERINGROUP:push-subscription-manager}}
Users blocked from the IP Information tool | Usores expulsi | {{NUMBERINGROUP:no-ipinfo}}
Confirmed users | {{NUMBERINGROUP:confirmed}}
--Grufo (disputatio) 15:20, 23 Aprilis 2024 (UTC)
- Salve, @Grufo,
- Mihi placent.
- -- Apollo (loquere) 14:11, 24 Aprilis 2024 (UTC)
Usores probati? --Marcus Terentius Bibliophilus (disputatio) 17:12, 9 Maii 2024 (UTC)
- @Marce: Num “probatos” ad vicem “confirmatorum”, tamquam ultimo versui addidi, significes? --Grufo (disputatio) 20:17, 9 Maii 2024 (UTC)
- Sic equidem malim ut 'qui de se probationem dederint. Sed sermo Latinus mihi non patrius est, atque etiam si esset lingua per tot saecula ita mutata est ut nihil interesset. Errare possumː fac ut mavis. Certe usores confirmati' plane cum Francogallico "utilisateurs confirmés" congruit. An ita Cicero dixisset, alia quaestio. --Marcus Terentius Bibliophilus (disputatio) 16:13, 13 Maii 2024 (UTC)
- Credo “probati” esse melius quam “confirmati”. Postremo meam translationem retracturus sum. --Grufo (disputatio) 19:34, 13 Maii 2024 (UTC)
- Sic equidem malim ut 'qui de se probationem dederint. Sed sermo Latinus mihi non patrius est, atque etiam si esset lingua per tot saecula ita mutata est ut nihil interesset. Errare possumː fac ut mavis. Certe usores confirmati' plane cum Francogallico "utilisateurs confirmés" congruit. An ita Cicero dixisset, alia quaestio. --Marcus Terentius Bibliophilus (disputatio) 16:13, 13 Maii 2024 (UTC)
Nova formula de paginis non idoneis
Novam formulam {{Movenda ad spatium nominale usoris}} creavi ad paginas non idoneas signandas quae tamen multum studium auctoris praebent (hocmodo eius labor servabitur). In talibus casibus nova formula adhibenda est in loco formulae {{Delenda}}. Spero hanc excogitationem fore utilem.
{{Movenda ad spatium nominale usoris|TitiusCaius}}
aut (melius)
{{subst:petitio|Movenda ad spatium nominale usoris|TitiusCaius}}
Suadetur ut haec pagina ad spatium nominale auctoris moveatur Haec pagina putatur non idonea ad Vicipaediam, sed ob longum laborem factum suadetur ut in loco deletionis ad spatium nominale auctoris auctricisve (TitiusCaius) moveatur. Novum nomen propositum est: Usor:TitiusCaius/Harenarium/Vicipaedia:Taberna/Tabularium 34. Sententiam tuam, quaesumus, profer in pagina disputationis. |
Codex manuscriptus:
{{Movenda ad spatium nominale usoris|TitiusCaius|Harenarium 2/Lorem ipsum}}
aut (melius)
{{subst:petitio|Movenda ad spatium nominale usoris|TitiusCaius|Harenarium 2/Lorem ipsum}}
Suadetur ut haec pagina ad spatium nominale auctoris moveatur Haec pagina putatur non idonea ad Vicipaediam, sed ob longum laborem factum suadetur ut in loco deletionis ad spatium nominale auctoris auctricisve (TitiusCaius) moveatur. Novum nomen propositum est: Usor:TitiusCaius/Harenarium 2/Lorem ipsum. Sententiam tuam, quaesumus, profer in pagina disputationis. |
P.S. De forma {{subst:petitio|movenda ad ...}}
vide hic. --Grufo (disputatio) 16:49, 26 Aprilis 2024 (UTC)
De motione veterum disputationum apud nostram legationem ad tabularium
Disputatio Vicipaediae:Legatio nostra disputationes sedecim annos scriptas ostendit. Nemine obstante, disputationes ad Disputatio Vicipaediae:Legatio nostra/Tabularium 1 moturus sum. --Grufo (disputatio) 10:33, 7 Maii 2024 (UTC)
De nominibus
Does Vicipaedia need articles on the hundreds of thousands of surnames that have served as forenames? Innumerable people have been named for figures familial and otherwise, especially political (see "Jefferson Davis" and "Washington Irving"). An early nineteenth-century ancestor of mine bore the first name Wilkins—a puzzlement until genealogical research showed that it was the (maiden) surname of his great-grandmother. Should Vicipaedia therefore have an article on the name Wilkins? Why not? Where do we draw the line? IacobusAmor (disputatio) 15:26, 9 Maii 2024 (UTC)
- Of course not. But how else should we deal with that if not on a case-by-case basis (e.g. by adding {{Gravitas dubia}} when needed)? --Grufo (disputatio) 20:34, 9 Maii 2024 (UTC)
- Encyclopaedias are not about names, they are about things. If it's names you want, you go to a dictionary of proper names, or various other kinds of dictionary, but not to an encyclopaedia. If Iacobus's ancestor is notable, the information can go in his biography; if not, it's not for us!
- The anonymous user who makes articles about forenames has been told that they are out of scope. They do serve as discretiva pages if they link to at least two existing pages. On that basis, I have not so far deleted pages about forenames that are also discretiva pages. Their big fault is that they give dubious information on origins from dubious sources or none.
- Articles about surnames should surely be deleted. Anyone who fancies making templates (!) could make one saying encyclopedia articles should be about things, not names; or such articles could be marked "delenda" with an explanation in the summarium. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 19:03, 13 Maii 2024 (UTC)
- I could make a template along the lines of what Wikipedia is not (not a dictionary, not a telephone directory, etc.). Something like “Haec pagina putatur non esse enc
iyclopaedica. Vicipaedia non est ... et cetera”. The problem is that I don't know how to say “telephone directory” in Latin :) Morgan suggests only index, album (but then I guess telephonicus/-um? – see under “.phon directory”) --Grufo (disputatio) 19:30, 13 Maii 2024 (UTC)- Maybe "repertorium telephonicum" would work?
- You were quick to respond to that anonymized hint! It could be useful I think.
- If we wonder whether cognomina belong to the future of Vicipaedia, it would be a good idea to look at Categoria:Cognomina (which are in fact Latin ones) and subcategories (all other languages) to see how they are used. If the pages have nothing much in common except that they are discretivae, then a basic question is, do we want eventual big discretiva pages like e.g. en:Bailey or do we consider them useless/out of scope? Could we realistically maintain them, or would they forever be incomplete? Would anyone come to Vicipaedia to look for that (unless, possibly, for Latin cognomina)? Would they ever be useful? In my view, if a user was looking for a certain "Bailey" having forgotten the forenames, a clever Google search would work better than trawling though a long list like the one on en:wiki.
- For myself, I am in favour of ruling this subject area out of scope. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 19:56, 13 Maii 2024 (UTC)
- Before creating it I will just write here a draft of the template. Feel free to edit the text below as you prefer.
- I could make a template along the lines of what Wikipedia is not (not a dictionary, not a telephone directory, etc.). Something like “Haec pagina putatur non esse enc
Haec commentatio putatur non esse encyclopaedica Vicipaedia non est: |
- The name of the template could be {{Non Vicipaedia}}. --Grufo (disputatio) 17:19, 14 Maii 2024 (UTC)
- Addition. Furthermore we would need to clarify when to use this template and when to use instead {{Gravitas dubia}}. I think that a criterion could be this: if the topic falls among the points listed in {{Non Vicipaedia}}, use {{Non Vicipaedia}}, otherwise use {{Gravitas dubia}} (e.g. a poet – poets are certainly an encyclopedic topic! – whom only I know, because they happen to be my neighbour).
- Last but not least. What category should we use? Still Categoria:Gravitas dubia or should we create a new category instead (e.g. Categoria:Non Vicipaedia)?: --Grufo (disputatio) 22:25, 14 Maii 2024 (UTC)
- The name of the template could be {{Non Vicipaedia}}. --Grufo (disputatio) 17:19, 14 Maii 2024 (UTC)
- Greetings, fellow Wikipaedians.
- Since the English language is full of proper names derived from surnames (for exemple, Wayne is a surname in Ioannes Wayne and a forename in Wayne Gretzky and Wayne Rooney), I began creating some of these pages, like Grant or Scott. However, these pages are all about surnames and names, not surnames-only, without names. So, answering to IacobusAmor's question, Vicipaedia does not need articles on all the hundreds of thousands of surnames in the English language, only those that are used also as forenames and (possibly) middle names. 13:44, 18 Maii 2024 (UTC)
- As mentioned, Wilkins has served as a forename, so you evidently think Vicipaedia needs an article on it, but the example in your next sentence seems to say it doesn't, on the grounds that Vicipaedia has no article on somebody whose forename is Wilkins, right? IacobusAmor (disputatio) 17:41, 18 Maii 2024 (UTC)
- You are right. As for now, Vicipaedia only has two articles on personalities who bore Wilkins as their surname, not as a forename. 07:46, 19 Maii 2024 (UTC)
- As mentioned, Wilkins has served as a forename, so you evidently think Vicipaedia needs an article on it, but the example in your next sentence seems to say it doesn't, on the grounds that Vicipaedia has no article on somebody whose forename is Wilkins, right? IacobusAmor (disputatio) 17:41, 18 Maii 2024 (UTC)
- For example, Kennedy is the surname of eleven personalities with their own pages on the Latin Vicipaedia, but since there is not a single page in which it is used as a proper name, its page cannot be created. On the other hand, Ryan is used six times as a forename and at least four times as a surname, so it could have its page.
- As a disambiguation with only one page is useless, several name pages simply cannot be created on Vicipaedia (at least for now), like Scarlett (only 1 page) or Athenodorus (0 pages). At the same time, a name page cannot be too short, or it would be a stub, so I think more than two existing pages is better. Regarding the sources for the etymology, I use Behind the name, sometimes the Online Etymology Dictionary and old books on Google Books. I think adding a source is always better than having none. If there are better sources you can suggest to all the Vicipaedian community, then we are happily waiting for your feedback.
- Thank you all and have a nice day. 13:44, 18 Maii 2024 (UTC)
- Thanks for joining in the discussion. I fully agree that adding a source is better than having no source. I have no magic guide to reliable sources for the origin of forenames or surnames: it is a subject area in which truly reliable sources are hard to find.
- It is questionable whether the "meaning" of a forename or a surname can be stated at all, and whether that meaning is relevant to its use in the names of individuals. In my case (I may as well use my case as example) Google tells me without hesitation that my forename means “strong” or “manly.” But that's not relevant to me, and it wasn't relevant to my mother or father. In general, the etymology of individual names is not necessarily relevant to the individuals who have those names. Even if the etymology and "meaning" of personal names can be cited to a reliable source, how is it relevant to an encyclopedia? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:43, 18 Maii 2024 (UTC)
Post unionem paginarum
Ut historia servetur, post unionem paginarum, si nobis placet, in paginam disputationis paginae cui contribuitur (e.g.: Disputatio:Collyra) scribere possumus:
{{Huic contributa est|Pasta vermiculata|2023-06-07}}
Hoc gignit:
Die pagina “Pasta vermiculata” in paginam huic coniunctam contributa est. Auctoribus auctricibusque illius paginae hic enumeratis gratias agimus. English On 6/7/2023 the page “Pasta vermiculata” was merged with the attached page. We are grateful to the authors of that page as listed here. Español El 6/7/2023 la página “Pasta vermiculata” se fusionó con la página adjunta. Agradecemos a los autores de esa página que se enumeran aquí. Italiano In data 6/7/2023 la pagina “Pasta vermiculata” è stata accorpata alla pagina allegata. Siamo grati agli autori e alle autrici di quella pagina elencati qui. |
Haec formula est aliqua similis formulae {{Attributio}}. Apud Vicipaediam Anglicam appellatur {{en:Merged-from}}.
Si pagina contributa disputationes habebat et haec servatae sunt (e.g.: Disputatio:Pasta vermiculata), ibi scribere possumus:
{{Alibi contributa est|Collyra|2023-06-07}}
Hoc gignit:
Die pagina huic coniuncta in paginam “Collyra” contributa est. Auctoribus auctricibusque hic enumeratis gratias agimus. English On 6/7/2023 the attached page was merged with the page “Collyra”. We are grateful to the authors as listed here. Español El 6/7/2023, la página adjunta se fusionó con la página “Collyra”. Agradecemos a los autores que se enumeran aquí. Italiano In data 6/7/2023, la pagina allegata è stata accorpata alla pagina “Collyra”. Siamo grati agli autori e alle autrici elencati qui. |
Hic secundus casus rarius evenit. Apud Vicipaediam Anglicam appellatur {{en:Merged-to}}.
Apud formulas {{Huic contributa est}} et {{Alibi contributa est}} plura de usu legere potestis.
P.S. Sunt multe paginae adhuc relictae in Categoria:Uniones paginarum propositae! --Grufo (disputatio) 09:29, 18 Maii 2024 (UTC)
Macharaviaya creationem Verae Fabricae De Naipes familiae Galvez debet. Ex illo tempore, pagus magnus mercaturae butyrum expertus est, ob monopolium suum in navi tabulatorum chartarum in America. Ob suam gravem oeconomicam progressionem, hic pagus "Parvulus Matriti" notus est. Officinas operationes anno 1815 cessaverunt et aedificium in habitationem conversa est. The De Los Galvez Museum dedicatum est familiae quae ad progressionem Macharaviaya et ad historiam huius oppidi in Axarquía deducta est. Tributum huic familiae, In Introitu Macharaviaya El Templete de Los Galvez, saeculo duodevicesimo erecta, necnon fons cum imagine Bernardo De Galvez, ob munus in bello Americano Libertatis egit. Vetustissimum monumentum in Macharaviaya est Ecclesia S. Ioannis. Condita est saeculo XVI, antequam oppidum institueretur, quamvis anno 1783 reaedificatum esset. Renovatio operis per patronatum familiae Galvez possibilis facta est. Quaedam membra in pantheo in conclavi templi jacent cum sculpturis repraesentantibus. Tres chiliometrorum ex Macharaviaya, pago Benacense, ecclesiam Nuestra Señora De la Encarnación visitare potes. TEMPLUM MUDEJARIS IN XVI CENTURIA aedificatum est in mosque antiquo, quod in belfridum converti minabatur. Natalis Salvatoris Rueda prope est, cum supellectili, libris et personalibus poetae, qui praecursor modernismi Hispanici censetur. Error in citando: tags existere pro caterva nomine "website", sed nulla coetus matching "website"/> inventus est 2600:6C56:7F00:210:1952:A7C4:E8CC:6411 09:57, 22 Maii 2024 (UTC)
Paginarum novarum editio
Quomodo paginae novae edi possunt? 06:29, 6 Iunii 2024 (UTC)
Can Latin Wikipedia integrate an automatic Latin macronizer feature please? Beginners like me's pronunciation would benefit. It would be as convenient as how on Chinese Wikipedia you have the option to convert between traditional and simplified. 23:40, 7 Iulii 2024 (UTC)
- The short answer is no. It can be done easily code-wise, in theory, but would require editors always to write the “macronized” version in the wikitext, and that will never happen. E.g., imagine a template named {{Bifrons}} that displays “Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres” by default, but can display “Găllĭă ĕst ŏmnĭs dīvīsă ĭn părtēs trēs” if you click on some option; to implement that, editors will have to write in the wikitext
{{Bifrons|Găllĭă ĕst ŏmnĭs dīvīsă ĭn părtēs trēs}}
(with the default result of “Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres”). The other way around – i.e. automatically reconstructing the vowel length starting from simple vowels – is simply not possible. --Grufo (disputatio) 01:41, 8 Iulii 2024 (UTC)- zhwiki doesn't always write traditional, but the simplified (like lawiki unmacronized) to traditional (like lawiki macronzied) still works. This inverse is not a function, but I think they use a word/phrase list to fix the wrong reconstructions.
- Though now I see the challenge. Whereas the converter for zhwiki could near 99% accuracy, the one for lawiki might only reach an unacceptable 70% accuracy. This is based on seeing around 3 out of 7 words of Littera marked with warnings after pasting the lede and the first heading into .
- I suppose the Latin macronization would be more computationally expensive to get right because of the difficulties in recovering context from the free word order. Perhaps I need to ask elsewhere for a browser extension that uses AI for this. 06:19, 8 Iulii 2024 (UTC)
De primae paginae facie
Salvete Vicipaediani! Usor Nguyengiabach1201 novam faciem “Paginae primae” proponit. Hic aut apud “Disputatio Vicipaediae:Legatio nostra § About styling on Pagina prima” vestram sententiam ferre potestis. --Grufo (disputatio) 16:05, 6 Augusti 2024 (UTC)
- Hello, and sorry for "my" bad English: it's the translation machine's fault. The proposed new system seems a little complicated to me. I myself have been suggesting the "pagina quotidiana" every day since the midst of April 2021. I would like to hand this duty over to someone else. Who would like to take on this duty? Thank you. - Giorno2 (disputatio) 19:11, 17 Augusti 2024 (UTC) (hoc textum scripsi in disputatione "magna" omnium vicipaedianorum, cuius nexum tu supra indicavisti)
Nova formula: {{Capsa tabellaria}}
Our standard (and correct) way to insert infoboxes is normally that of relying on preformatted templates that allow to display a finite set of properties for a given item. However sometimes it can happen that we want to display a non-standard infobox that will be unique for a particular case, and there is where the new {{Capsa tabellaria}} template – which allows to list open sets of properties – can come in handy.
To give an example, the same infobox that is created by the {{Particula}} template can easily be created by {{Capsa tabellaria}} with a comparable level of low verbosity. But, of course, as in this case we have the {{Particula}} template we should not replace it with {{Capsa tabellaria}} in our pages: the latter is for non-standard infoboxes only.
Using {{Particula}} – our standard way:
| nomen = Electron
| definitio = [[Lepton]]
| massa = {{val|510.99895069|(16)|u=[[Electron-volt|keV]] [[celeritas luminis|c]]<sup>−2</sup>}}<br /><small>({{val|9.1093837139|(28)|e=-31|u=[[chiliogramma|kg]]}})</small>
| onus_electricum = {{val|-1.602176634|e=-19|u=[[coulomb (unitas)|C]]}}
| volubilitas = {{ofrac|1|2}}
| onus_coloris = 0
| compositio = ''minima''
| longaevitas = Stabilis
Proprietates generales | |
Definitio | Lepton |
Compositio | minima |
Proprietates physicae | |
Massa | 510.99895069(16) keV c−2 (9.1093837139(28)×10−31 kg) |
Onus electricum | −1.602176634×10−19 C |
Onus coloris | 0 |
Volubilitas | 1⁄2 |
Longaevitas media | Stabilis |
Using {{Capsa tabellaria}}:
{{Capsa tabellaria | titulus = Electron
| ; Proprietates generales
| [[Physica particularum elementarium|Definitio]]: [[Lepton]]
| Compositio: ''minima''
| ; Proprietates physicae
| [[Massa]]: {{val|510.99895069|(16)|u=[[Electron-volt|keV]] [[celeritas luminis|c]]<sup>-2</sup>}}<br /><small>({{val|9.1093837139|(28)|e=-31|u=[[chiliogramma|kg]]}})</small>
| [[Onus electricum]]: {{val|-1.602176634|e=-19|u=[[coulomb (unitas)|C]]}}
| [[Volubilitas]]: {{ofrac|1|2}}
| [[Onus coloris]]: 0
| [[Longaevitas media]]: Stabilis
Proprietates generales | |
Definitio | Lepton |
Compositio | minima |
Proprietates physicae | |
Massa | 510.99895069(16) keV c-2 (9.1093837139(28)×10−31 kg) |
Onus electricum | −1.602176634×10−19 C |
Volubilitas | 1⁄2 |
Onus coloris | 0 |
Longaevitas media | Stabilis |
More information on how to use this template at {{Capsa tabellaria}}.
Note Our preferred way still remains that of relying on preformatted templates when they exist.
--Grufo (disputatio) 15:10, 29 Augusti 2024 (UTC)
- Formam novae "capsae tabellariae" valde laudo. Bene erit -- si tempus ad id faciendum nobis datur! -- capsas vetustas, e.g. "Particula", in novam formam, sicut tu hic adoptavisti, convertere. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 15:31, 29 Augusti 2024 (UTC)
- Gratias tibi ago, Andrew. Concordo. Sed formula {{Capsa}} (ex qua {{Particula}} dependet) est longa et difficilis. Fortasse celerius erit novam formulam, similem formulae {{Capsa}}, ex novo creare… Aliquando tandem aliquid excogitabo. --Grufo (disputatio) 15:45, 29 Augusti 2024 (UTC)
- Nova. Formula {{Particula}} nuper renovata est (et novam formulam {{Metacapsa tabellaria}} – in locum veteris formulae {{Capsa}} substituendam – habemus). --Grufo (disputatio) 21:32, 29 Augusti 2024 (UTC)
- Gratias tibi ago, Andrew. Concordo. Sed formula {{Capsa}} (ex qua {{Particula}} dependet) est longa et difficilis. Fortasse celerius erit novam formulam, similem formulae {{Capsa}}, ex novo creare… Aliquando tandem aliquid excogitabo. --Grufo (disputatio) 15:45, 29 Augusti 2024 (UTC)
Videte, o amici, nominationem Grufonis quam nuper proposui hic. Vide etiam Vicipaedia:Petitio magistratus et Vicipaedia:Magistratus. Pauci sumus qui hodie apud Vicipaediam nostram laborant! Ite ad paginam, si bene vultis: voces ibi date. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 08:14, 7 Septembris 2024 (UTC)
- Gratia tibi ago, bone Andrew. Tu suades ut ad curam Vicipaediae honorer atque me proponis candidatum; mihi laetum est accipere. --Grufo (disputatio) 08:44, 7 Septembris 2024 (UTC)
De paginis discretivis et de paginis discretivis nominum
Nostrae paginae de nominibus sunt paginae discretive – i.e. non ipsa nomina tractant, sed homines talibus nominibus appellatos colligunt. Si sub quodam lemmate homines collecti numero res superant, formulam {{Pagina discretiva nominis}} ordinariae formulae {{Pagina discretiva}} praeferre possumus. Immo, cum tales paginae discretivae nexūs ad homines praebeant, etiam nonnullas notitias breves de nomine ipso narrare possunt.
Casūs igitur illos non intellego in quibus sive paginam discretivam nominis sive paginam discretivam simplicem habemus (exempli gratia: Paris (nomen) et Paris). Nonne suppeditat tantummodo pagina Paris? Nomina tractare tantummodo ad nomina colligenda mihi videtur esse labor ad dictionarium, haud ad encyclopaediam, idoneus. Nihilominus, si statuimus quasdam paginas de quibusdam nominibus commendabiles esse, tametsi similes paginas discretivas iam habeamus, credo in his casibus formulam {{Pagina discretiva nominis}} e paginis de nominibus removendam esse: plures paginae discretivae de eadem re utilitati ipsi paginas discretivas habendi obstant.
Our pages about forenames are disambiguation pages – that is, they are not about the names, they simply collect the people called with such names. And so, if under a certain lemma the number of people surpasses the number of things, we can favour the {{Pagina discretiva nominis}} template to the more ordinary {{Pagina discretiva}} template. Of course, while these pages provide links to people, they can also provide short notions about the name itself.
With this in mind, I don't understand those cases in which we have both a “name disambiguation page” and an ordinary disambiguation page (e.g., Paris (nomen) and Paris)). Is Paris not enough? Dealing with names just for the sake of collecting names looks to me better suited to a dictionary than an encyclopedia. Nevertheless, if we do decide that certain pages about certain names are acceptable, even when we already have similar disambiguation pages, then I think that in these cases we have to remove the {{Pagina discretiva nominis}} template from the pages about the names: having more disambiguiation pages for the same thing goes against the very utility of having disambiguation pages.
Casus genitivus an nominativus argumento omisso?
Formulam {{PetrucciCat}}, {{en:IMSLP}} similem, creavi, sub titulo nexuum externorum scribendam – vide, exempli gratia:
- Aetas Classica (musica) § Nexus externi
- Ioannes Adolphus Hasse § Nexus externi
- Reinhardus Keiser § Nexus externi
- Nicolaus Antonius Manfroce § Nexus externi
Secundum argumentum formulae casum genitivum requirit (e.g. Ioannis Adolphi Hasse
in {{PetrucciCat|Hasse, Johann Adolph|Ioannis Adolphi Hasse}}
, quod gignit Partiturae liberae Ioannis Adolphi Hasse apud Bibliothecam Musicam Petrucci.). Nihilominus sententiam sic mutare possum ut casum nominativum requirat (e.g. Ioannes Adolphus Hasse partituras liberas apud Bibliothecam Musicam Petrucci habet.). Hoc quidem faciendo secundum argumentum omitti potest, quia nostra formula responsum {{PAGENAME}}
legere potest. Attamen credo formam secundae sententiae esse inferiorem. Quid dicitis? --Grufo (disputatio) 17:53, 18 Septembris 2024 (UTC)
- Nunciam Ioannes Adolphus Hasse nihil habet; bibliotheca vero partituras habet vel adservat. --Frognall (disputatio) 22:10, 18 Septembris 2024 (UTC)
- Ad litteram, verum est. Praeferimusne igitur casum genitivum manu scribere? --Grufo (disputatio) 17:31, 19 Septembris 2024 (UTC)
Vicipaedia antiqua
Paginam Vicipaedia:Vicipaedia antiqua creavi ad veteres paginas spatii nominalis Vicipaedia:
stipandas (similis pagina apud Vicipaediam Anglicam appellatur en:Wikipedia:Historical archive – vide etiam subpaginas eius). De nomine tamen certus non sum, quia duplicatio vocabuli “Vicipaediae” in “Vicipaedia:Vicipaedia antiqua” non mihi placet. --Grufo (disputatio) 07:57, 21 Septembris 2024 (UTC)
Salvete, amici! Vos certiores facere volo me iterum in Vicitatio magistratum petere. Vestrae opiniones et voces mihi grata erunt. Wüstenspringmaus (disputatio) 10:17, 6 Octobris 2024 (UTC)
Deployment of Dark mode in Latin Wikipedia
Hello Latin Wikipedians,
We are happy to announce that the Wikimedia Foundation Web team have deployed dark mode here on Latin Wikipedia! This was possible because pages on your wiki have passed our checks for accessibility and other quality checks. Congratulations!
This was only possible due to the diligent work of editors and other technical contributors in your community who have made sure that templates, gadgets, and other parts of pages can be accessible in dark mode. Thank you all for making dark mode available for everybody!
For context, we would like to add that the Web team's work on dark mode has concluded. If on some wikis, the option is not yet available for logged-out users, this is likely because many pages do not yet display well in dark mode. As communities make progress on this work, we enable this feature on additional wikis once per month.
If you notice any issues after enabling dark mode, please create this page: Reading/Web/Accessibility for reading/Reporting/
in MediaWiki (like these pages), and report the issue in the created page.
Thank you!
On behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation Web team. UOzurumba (WMF) (disputatio) 02:24, 9 Octobris 2024 (UTC)
Magistratus: novae nominationes
Salvete omnes! Novos candidatos habemus! Licet nobis sententias nostras apud has paginas ferre:
- Vicipaedia:Petitio magistratus/Demetrius Talpa
- Vicipaedia:Petitio magistratus/Marcus Terentius Bibliophilus
--Grufo (disputatio) 08:38, 15 Octobris 2024 (UTC)
- Nova. Et Bis-Taurinum quoque habemus candidatum!
- --Grufo (disputatio) 11:55, 16 Octobris 2024 (UTC)
Help expanding articles
I have created a stub about Encanto, but I need help writing more content. Rugrats also might be deleted soon if not expanded from the looks of it. I personally think it's about time the protections of pages like Brother Bear and Charlotte's Web were removed. These pages have been protected for 15 years, and signs of disruption don't seem to be coming back. The IP ranges that vandalized the pages have not edited this Wikipedia (or any Wikipedia) since 2011, and they are currently globally blocked. If it's OK, may I request translating a few sentences on these articles? For Encanto, the film follows a multigenerational Colombian family, the Madrigals, led by a matriarch whose children and grandchildren—except for Mirabel Madrigal—receive magical gifts from a miracle, which they use to help the people in their rural community, called the Encanto. When Mirabel learns that the family is losing their magic, she sets out to find out why and save the family and house. For Rugrats, the series focuses on a group of toddlers, most prominently Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, and Lil, and their day-to-day lives, usually involving life experiences that become much greater adventures in the imaginations of the main characters. I'm not sure if Brother Bear and Charlotte's Web have enough content either, but I think they should be unprotected by now. Anyone want to help me on this? Shopping metaphor (disputatio) 18:26, 23 Octobris 2024 (UTC)
- @Andrew Dalby:, is it OK to remove protection from Charlotte's Web (pellicula 1973) and Charlotte's Web 2: Wilbur's Great Adventure? Also, more of these pages are tagged as short pages, can someone please add to them? The oldest one is Bambi. Brother Bear isn't really any better than Bambi, shouldn't it be tagged too? Shopping metaphor (disputatio) 16:33, 26 Octobris 2024 (UTC)
- @Shopping metaphor: You should be able to edit them, why do you find it important to remove the semiprotection from these pages? I have removed the semiprotection from Charlotte's Web (pellicula 1973) and Charlotte's Web 2: Wilbur's Great Adventure, but it goes without saying that as soon as disruptive actions appear they will go under protection again. --Grufo (disputatio) 19:36, 26 Octobris 2024 (UTC)
- I just think enough time has passed to remove protection. Hopefully more people can contribute to these pages now. Since 2014, only once did disruption briefly occur, in 2021. As long as they don't get disrupted, removing protection should be fine. However, I admit that the lack of content is a much bigger issue, can someone help me with that? Shopping metaphor (disputatio) 20:00, 26 Octobris 2024 (UTC)
Lunae Dies, Martis Dies, et cetera
Tituli nostrarum paginarum de diebus hebdomadae structurae nominativi + genitivi favent (e.g. Dies Lunae, Dies Martis, etc.), at linguae Romanicae structuram genitivi + nominativi hereditaverunt (cf. nomina Francogallica Lundi, Mardi, etc.; vel nomina Italica Lunedì, Martedì, etc.). Hoc suggerit talem fuisse praelatissimum ordinem; nonne melius sit et apud nos eandem formam praeferre? --Grufo (disputatio) 12:57, 28 Octobris 2024 (UTC)
- Traupman habet dies Lunae et cetera. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 23:46, 28 Octobris 2024 (UTC)
- Linguae Romanicae non omnes talem ordinem servant, — Occitane oc:diluns, oc:dimars, Catalane ca:dilluns, ca:dimarts... Demetrius Talpa (disputatio)
- Fortasse ambae formae sunt classicae. Maneant igitur nomina. --Grufo (disputatio) 01:24, 29 Octobris 2024 (UTC)
- Linguae Romanicae non omnes talem ordinem servant, — Occitane oc:diluns, oc:dimars, Catalane ca:dilluns, ca:dimarts... Demetrius Talpa (disputatio)
Index formarum Latinarum nominum Iaponicorum?
Greetings. Recently I created two pages for the Japanese names Akira and Hideki, and I could not find any Latin source for these names, nor a Latin declination for the first one, but in Vicipaedia there are some pages with Japanese names which have been adapted in Latin. Ieyasu, for example, is Latinized as Ieiasus, Shinzō as Scinzus and Nobunaga as Nobunanga (Oda is the surname). Would not be useful a page for listing these Latinizations of Japanese names, since we already have a page for the Arabic ones? Thank you and have a nice day. 14:31, 16 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- Of course, that would be an interesting addition. Demetrius Talpa (disputatio) 18:08, 16 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- As for now I have only found five Latinized Japanese names (not counting the honorific titles, such as Taicosama): the three already mentioned above, Akihitus and Michika. Well, there is a sixth name, but the only source for Hirohitus I could find is from the article Victoriane Mortua Est? written by Daniel Pipes in 2009. I am not sure if blogs can be used as a source for Latin names. Also, I could not find any source for "Hisahitus", so I think that page should be moved to Hisahito. 21:51, 18 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- I meant searching in Latin books, for example, De rebus in Japoniae regno ... gestis epistolae duae, and not in Wikipedia itself. And Hisahito can be renamed. Demetrius Talpa (disputatio) 22:25, 18 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- Well, I have found a Latin book that is a gold mine for these Latinized names, Litterae Annvae Iaponiae Anni M.DC.XXIV.. It was first written in Italian, and then translated in Latin, so I am also linking here (as a placeholder) the original Italian version. 10:28, 19 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- I meant searching in Latin books, for example, De rebus in Japoniae regno ... gestis epistolae duae, and not in Wikipedia itself. And Hisahito can be renamed. Demetrius Talpa (disputatio) 22:25, 18 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- As for now I have only found five Latinized Japanese names (not counting the honorific titles, such as Taicosama): the three already mentioned above, Akihitus and Michika. Well, there is a sixth name, but the only source for Hirohitus I could find is from the article Victoriane Mortua Est? written by Daniel Pipes in 2009. I am not sure if blogs can be used as a source for Latin names. Also, I could not find any source for "Hisahitus", so I think that page should be moved to Hisahito. 21:51, 18 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
Category for Wikisource learner texts
Hi all, Could you help me with a category name for texts for learners of Latin, for use on Wikisource? I had wikisource:la:Categoria:Textus ad discendam linguam latinam but wanted to see if there was a better way of writing this. JimKillock (disputatio) 21:18, 18 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- Textus ad discendum linguae latinae maybe? JimKillock (disputatio) 21:19, 18 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- I would say definitely the gerundive instead of the gerund (i.e. “ad linguam' Latinam discendam”). It seems good to me. Maybe instead of “textus” you could use “libri” or “fontes”? As in “Libri ad linguam Latinam discendam”. My two cents. --Grufo (disputatio) 22:31, 18 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- I think it's okay, why not. Demetrius Talpa (disputatio) 22:28, 18 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- Thanks all! JimKillock (disputatio) 22:15, 29 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
Correct the article for Fier on the Latin Wiki
@Andrew Dalby Hi Andrew! I have seen that you understand the Latin language and you make many edits on the Latin Wiki. I have created an article for the city of Fier in Albania on the Latin Wiki: Fierum and I used its correct name in Latin found in sources on the internet, one in an archive article, and the other in a book formatted as PDF. But I have used a translator to translate the content from English to Latin, so I would ask you can you view the original content I used in English, on this link on Dropbox: and write it correctly in Latin on the article for Fier, so the article will be correct in Latin. I have requested the article to be created to one of the main editors on the Latin Wiki: who has updated the page I created for the city of Fier on this Wiki, but he hasn't replied to me nor corrected it. So I would like from you to correct it as you know this language and you make many edits on this Wiki. Thanks LevaneNevale (disputatio) 19:09, 21 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- Sorry, I think machine translation into Latin is worse than useless, so I will not go to Dropbox to read your text. I have moved the article to "Fier" because there was really no evidence for "Fierum" in the first source. Worse, the second link that you provided attempted to force a download to my computer. I think you need to understand the format of links on Wikipedia in your own language, or in English, before attempting to make edits in Latin. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 16:36, 22 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- @Andrew Dalby Hi Andrew! Please remove again page to "Fierum" as this is the correct name for this city on Latin. The second link is a book written in PDF format that you didn't opened, and it provides history for Albania in the past times, where the city of Fier is mentioned there as "Fierum" in Latin. Please believe me, I took so much time on the internet to find this name on Latin for the city of Fier, since the city of Fier is not so much old city founded in Albania, it was founded in the 19th century. But is mentioned in a Latin book. Also add the second reference, which the book in PDF explains the name. And the content that I used to write from English to Latin is this:
" Fier is the seventh largest city in Albania. Fier was founded in the 19th century by the Vrioni family and officially in 1864 by Omer Pasha Vrioni II who was the father of Kahreman Pasha Vrioni (1889-1955), which were one of the most powerful Albanian families in the 19th century. Fier has its official city status since 1869. The city is surrounded by Gjanica river in the west, the Myzeqe plain stretching through the city, the Seman river in the north, the Vjosa river in the south and the Morava Mountains in the east of the city. 25km away from Fier is based the Apollonia temple, which is an ancient Illyrian monument."
Please write correctly this text in Latin I used to translate from English to Latin, move the page name again to "Fierum" as this is the correct Latin name for this city and every city in Latin Wiki has its own unique name and add the reference in PDF: as it proves the name and the history in Latin for this city. Thanks IacobusAmor (disputatio) 03:53, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC) " LevaneNevale (disputatio) 17:04, 22 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- The book seen in that PDF was published in 1572, yet you say it tells the story of a city established in 1864. How is that possible? Also: you haven't specified the page on which the attestation is found. You don't really expect strangers to read the whole book to find the page, do you? IacobusAmor (disputatio) 03:53, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- @IacobusAmor I know, but the city of Fier was before as a small town in Albania which was established during ancient times and was popularized and continued to grow during the middle ages. Then got its city status in 1869. The name for "Fier" was used first for the town since middle ages. So the book in Latin mention it, and this name is correct in Latin for this city. As the book provides content about the history of Albania. I took so much time to find this source in Latin for the city of Fier. So this source is the correct reference that proofs the name for it in Latin, as every city in Latin language has its own unique name. Thank you LevaneNevale (disputatio) 05:16, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- @LevaneNevale: In which page of the PDF is the Latin name of the city mentioned? --Grufo (disputatio) 05:57, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- @Grufo In some pages, as far as I have seen. On the book is mostly mentioned Albania and its history in different aspects and points of view, and less mentioned its old settlements, written in Latin. I have found sources too that the city of Fier was first a small settlement (village) in the Ancient times, and became popularized and grown as a town in the Middle Ages. Then it was established as a city in the 19th century. The name of "Fier" was mentioned since the Ancient times and later Middle Ages, so it has also writings in Latin about this city. I have added information and sources on the article for the city of Fier on the Latin Wikipedia article, during pre-establishment of the city. So the books written in Latin shows everything about the history of Albania, including the city of Fier, mentioned in Latin as "Fierum". Thank you for understanding me LevaneNevale (disputatio) 06:51, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- «In some pages, as far as I have seen»: If you have seen these pages, it should not cost you too much to write the page numbers here. We only need a single mention of the Latin word “Fierum”. Without that, the page will likely be moved to “Fier”. --Grufo (disputatio) 06:56, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- @Grufo You can open the PDF and search for "Fierum" there, and the parts of the article which mention this name will appear. So please remove the tag "source failed" on the article and keep the name of "Fierum". Please believe me, the book written in Latin explains that name and the history of Albania in different points of view and its settlements. Thanks LevaneNevale (disputatio) 07:04, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- @LevaneNevale: «You can open the PDF and search for "Fierum" there»: Done already. The scan has been automatically converted to (a hidden) text, therefore is highly inaccurate. Searching for all the occurrences of “Fierum” yields as only result “vesperum”, pp. 26–27. If you have other results, please post them here. Otherwise, as far as I can see, the book does not mention the city of Fier at all. The {{Fons fefellit}} template is only reporting what I am reporting: unless you provide a page number it is (virtually) impossible to verify the claim that the book mentions the word “Fierum” at all. --Grufo (disputatio) 07:14, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- @Grufo Yes, is this source also on Archive website: please also note on the book formatted in PDF there's the name "Fierum" which mentions the earlier settlement of Fier in Albania, but it doesn't provide much information for it. Also the text converted from PDF can cause errors in previewing as a main text. So the name for Fier is correct in Latin as "Fierum". I have also told that each city and country has its own unique name in Latin. So please keep the name "Fierum" on the article. It even spells as "Fierum" in Latin, as most cities, especially the old ones, have the word "um" after the city name in its original name or English. Thanks LevaneNevale (disputatio) 07:23, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- @LevaneNevale: «Please also note on the book formatted in PDF there's the name "Fierum"»: Once again, if there is, please provide the page number in the PDF. --Grufo (disputatio) 07:29, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- @Grufo In the last text of 26th page (on the PDF page 30th) and somewhat in the beginning of the 27th page (on the PDF page 31st). Even the name "Fierum" doesn't show the history related to the city, it show some particular aspects which were known about this settlement. There is also Albania mentioned, somewhat on the last of 213th page (on the PDF page 217th) and somewhat on the beginning of the 221st page (on the PDF page 225th). The information about Albania relates to other names of the places in Albania regarding this book. You can refer also to the other reference I provided on the previous conversation, where the name of the city is mentioned as "Fierum" and even Albania is mentioned there, and both the city and the country provide information related to each other. So if you want, keep the reference as PDF on the article, or the other reference took from Archive website but keep the name "Fierum" as I told you that each city and country in Latin language has its own unique name and also many cities, especially the old ones, have the word "um" after the city name in English or other language which is spoken to the city's based country. Thanks LevaneNevale (disputatio) 07:50, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- @LevaneNevale: «In the last text of 26th page (on the PDF page 30th) and somewhat in the beginning of the 27th page (on the PDF page 31st)»: That is what I was talking about. The text there is the following (you can find highlighted what you read as “Fierum”):
- … id est, in determinato tempore: quia haec diversitas certo tempore contigit. Et vesperum, id est, eandem Venerem sero apparentem, super filios terrae consurgere facies?
- «There is also Albania mentioned, somewhat on the last of 213th page (on the PDF page 217th)»: In that passage many nations are mentioned. It has nothing to do with Fier.
- «You can refer also to the other reference I provided on the previous conversation, where the name of the city is mentioned as "Fierum" and even Albania is mentioned there»: Where?
- «I told you that each city and country in Latin language has its own unique name»: Many cities, yes, but not all cities. This one might have a Latin name, but we need a source. --Grufo (disputatio) 08:01, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- @Grufo Yes, the information is explained clearly on the reference: you can keep this reference as is the correct information for it. I have found no other reference for it on Latin. The name even sounds better as "Fierum" in Latin than "Fier", as most of the cities in Latin have the word "um" after the city's name in its own original language. So if you want, you can keep the reference I mentioned on this message or remove it, but keep the name "Fierum" in Latin, as most of the articles for Fier in Latin-based languages have the name "Fier" and in Latin language the city should have its own unique name. Please understand me, this is a better name for the city of Fier in Latin. I would be so happy if you will keep this name. It doesn't cost you anything to keep this name. Thanks LevaneNevale (disputatio) 08:26, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- It costs Vicipaedia the respect of the world if Vicipaedia promulgates false information. Please show us the page in a published book or authoritative website where the Latin name you're defending appears. If your surmise is correct, you'll find this name in the form of Fierum or Fieri or Fiero. Even an adjective having the form of Fieranus or Fierensis (or their oblique spellings) might prove pertinent. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 13:10, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- @IacobusAmor The reference proves this name. Please keep the name "Fierum" as this name sounds in this way in Latin language for the city, too, and close this conversation. Also don't add anymore the tab "source failed" and keep the source. Thank you for understanding me. LevaneNevale (disputatio) 16:23, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- It costs Vicipaedia the respect of the world if Vicipaedia promulgates false information. Please show us the page in a published book or authoritative website where the Latin name you're defending appears. If your surmise is correct, you'll find this name in the form of Fierum or Fieri or Fiero. Even an adjective having the form of Fieranus or Fierensis (or their oblique spellings) might prove pertinent. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 13:10, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- @Grufo Yes, the information is explained clearly on the reference: you can keep this reference as is the correct information for it. I have found no other reference for it on Latin. The name even sounds better as "Fierum" in Latin than "Fier", as most of the cities in Latin have the word "um" after the city's name in its own original language. So if you want, you can keep the reference I mentioned on this message or remove it, but keep the name "Fierum" in Latin, as most of the articles for Fier in Latin-based languages have the name "Fier" and in Latin language the city should have its own unique name. Please understand me, this is a better name for the city of Fier in Latin. I would be so happy if you will keep this name. It doesn't cost you anything to keep this name. Thanks LevaneNevale (disputatio) 08:26, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- @LevaneNevale: «In the last text of 26th page (on the PDF page 30th) and somewhat in the beginning of the 27th page (on the PDF page 31st)»: That is what I was talking about. The text there is the following (you can find highlighted what you read as “Fierum”):
- @Grufo In the last text of 26th page (on the PDF page 30th) and somewhat in the beginning of the 27th page (on the PDF page 31st). Even the name "Fierum" doesn't show the history related to the city, it show some particular aspects which were known about this settlement. There is also Albania mentioned, somewhat on the last of 213th page (on the PDF page 217th) and somewhat on the beginning of the 221st page (on the PDF page 225th). The information about Albania relates to other names of the places in Albania regarding this book. You can refer also to the other reference I provided on the previous conversation, where the name of the city is mentioned as "Fierum" and even Albania is mentioned there, and both the city and the country provide information related to each other. So if you want, keep the reference as PDF on the article, or the other reference took from Archive website but keep the name "Fierum" as I told you that each city and country in Latin language has its own unique name and also many cities, especially the old ones, have the word "um" after the city name in English or other language which is spoken to the city's based country. Thanks LevaneNevale (disputatio) 07:50, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- @LevaneNevale: «Please also note on the book formatted in PDF there's the name "Fierum"»: Once again, if there is, please provide the page number in the PDF. --Grufo (disputatio) 07:29, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- @Grufo Yes, is this source also on Archive website: please also note on the book formatted in PDF there's the name "Fierum" which mentions the earlier settlement of Fier in Albania, but it doesn't provide much information for it. Also the text converted from PDF can cause errors in previewing as a main text. So the name for Fier is correct in Latin as "Fierum". I have also told that each city and country has its own unique name in Latin. So please keep the name "Fierum" on the article. It even spells as "Fierum" in Latin, as most cities, especially the old ones, have the word "um" after the city name in its original name or English. Thanks LevaneNevale (disputatio) 07:23, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- @LevaneNevale: «You can open the PDF and search for "Fierum" there»: Done already. The scan has been automatically converted to (a hidden) text, therefore is highly inaccurate. Searching for all the occurrences of “Fierum” yields as only result “vesperum”, pp. 26–27. If you have other results, please post them here. Otherwise, as far as I can see, the book does not mention the city of Fier at all. The {{Fons fefellit}} template is only reporting what I am reporting: unless you provide a page number it is (virtually) impossible to verify the claim that the book mentions the word “Fierum” at all. --Grufo (disputatio) 07:14, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- @Grufo You can open the PDF and search for "Fierum" there, and the parts of the article which mention this name will appear. So please remove the tag "source failed" on the article and keep the name of "Fierum". Please believe me, the book written in Latin explains that name and the history of Albania in different points of view and its settlements. Thanks LevaneNevale (disputatio) 07:04, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- «In some pages, as far as I have seen»: If you have seen these pages, it should not cost you too much to write the page numbers here. We only need a single mention of the Latin word “Fierum”. Without that, the page will likely be moved to “Fier”. --Grufo (disputatio) 06:56, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- @Grufo In some pages, as far as I have seen. On the book is mostly mentioned Albania and its history in different aspects and points of view, and less mentioned its old settlements, written in Latin. I have found sources too that the city of Fier was first a small settlement (village) in the Ancient times, and became popularized and grown as a town in the Middle Ages. Then it was established as a city in the 19th century. The name of "Fier" was mentioned since the Ancient times and later Middle Ages, so it has also writings in Latin about this city. I have added information and sources on the article for the city of Fier on the Latin Wikipedia article, during pre-establishment of the city. So the books written in Latin shows everything about the history of Albania, including the city of Fier, mentioned in Latin as "Fierum". Thank you for understanding me LevaneNevale (disputatio) 06:51, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- @LevaneNevale: In which page of the PDF is the Latin name of the city mentioned? --Grufo (disputatio) 05:57, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- @IacobusAmor I know, but the city of Fier was before as a small town in Albania which was established during ancient times and was popularized and continued to grow during the middle ages. Then got its city status in 1869. The name for "Fier" was used first for the town since middle ages. So the book in Latin mention it, and this name is correct in Latin for this city. As the book provides content about the history of Albania. I took so much time to find this source in Latin for the city of Fier. So this source is the correct reference that proofs the name for it in Latin, as every city in Latin language has its own unique name. Thank you LevaneNevale (disputatio) 05:16, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- The book seen in that PDF was published in 1572, yet you say it tells the story of a city established in 1864. How is that possible? Also: you haven't specified the page on which the attestation is found. You don't really expect strangers to read the whole book to find the page, do you? IacobusAmor (disputatio) 03:53, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
«Yes, the information is explained clearly on the reference:»
- If it is so clearly explained, why nobody can find it?
«I have found no other reference for it on Latin»
- Then we have no references for the Latin name.
«The name even sounds better as "Fierum" in Latin than "Fier"»
- I like Fierae more. Or even better, Fiera, since the name Fier seems to come from Italian fiera. Which name should we choose?
«The reference proves this name»
- Well, it doesn't. What you read here as
- Plinius 1. 11. cp. II. M'/r«« dein»
- de Jenalutf tr reu»£atut tn ^«fierum»
- Is actually a quotation of Pliny the Younger that reads as follows:
- Plinius l. 11. cp. II. Missus dein-
- de senatus et revocatus in posterum.
- Same goes for the other passage in which you think the word “Fierum” appears,
- Plioiutl. II. cp.lT M'lTnf dein^
- df fenatui, (t rtvocatut tn ptfieruMm
- which, once again, reads as
- Plinius l. 11. cp. II. Missus dein-
- de senatus et revocatus in posterum.
Imagine I created an Albanian Wikipedia page using what I believe is the correct Albanian name of the word “chewing gum”, quoting a book of Galileo Galilei on the moons of Jupiter as a reference for the name. That is more or less what you are doing. --Grufo (disputatio) 17:44, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- @Grufo No, the name is mentioned on that source but it doesn't show the history about it. Since Albania is mentioned too. Is a writing of a publisher. So the name "Fierum" should be kept. This is the correct Latin name for the city. In most of the cities using Latin names, there is the word "um" after the original city name in its own unique language, so the city of Fier is spelled as "Fierum" in Latin. Please keep this name, the source and we should close this conversation now! Thanks LevaneNevale (disputatio) 17:59, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- @LevaneNevale:
- «The name is mentioned on that source but it doesn't show the history about it»: Please, copy and paste the passage here. Can you at least do that?
- «The name "Fierum" should be kept. This is the correct Latin name for the city»: Says who?
- «Please keep this name, the source and we should close this conversation now!»: We can close this conversation if you want. But that would mean that the page is moved to “Fier” ASAP. --Grufo (disputatio) 18:07, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- You can even search on Glosbe translator: where the city is named "Fierum" in Latin. It even provides this name on different languages, from Italian, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Finnish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese and Arabic translated as "Fierum" in Latin. I took so much time to find a translator that proves this name in Latin. So this is the correct name for the city in Latin language. Thanks LevaneNevale (disputatio) 18:09, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- That probably happens because it is using Vicipaedia as source, so you are basically quoting yourself. If we don't correct our mistake immediately this will happen with even more automatic translators that use us as their source. In any case Glosbe translator is not a valid source for Vicipaedia. --Grufo (disputatio) 18:14, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- @Grufo Glosbe is a correct translator. It has all the languages available on Wikipedia, which the well known companies in the world Google and Microsoft doesn't have them on their Google Translate and Bing Translator. In addition, many of the cities of Albania have the Latin word as "um": ; ;
- Also, most of the names for the city of Fier on Latin based languages have the name "Fier" for the city. Like the names for these cities and other cities of Albania are unique in Latin, Fier also has its own unique name in Latin and is "Fierum". The publisher of that writing doesn't have mentioned history about the city of Fier, but has mentioned the name of the city as "Fierum". He has mentioned the country, Albania in general and some related points of view for Albania in that writing. So the name is 100% as "Fierum" in Latin. Please keep the name Fierum, the source and close this conversation. Thanks LevaneNevale (disputatio) 18:27, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- This edition was made yesterday and also has no sources (on Glosbe they can also be indicated, usually these are dictionaries). - I will add that there is nothing bad in the name "Fier", in Latin it can even be declined as "puer". Demetrius Talpa (disputatio) 18:23, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- Good catch, Demetrius! --Grufo (disputatio) 18:26, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- A good catch indeed, but a phonetically (and morphologically?) closer analogy would be mulier. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 02:56, 24 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- You decide what you want to do with the usage of different things on Latin Wikipedia, however take my request into consideration to use this name I mentioned for the city of Fier, in Latin Wikipedia in the future, as Fier is an old city which was in the ancient times a small settlement (village) with two well-known ancient monuments close to it, Apollonia and Byllis, and was later expanded as a town and in the 19th century got its city status. It has also writings in Latin. Not all the writings in Latin exists on the internet for this city, but there exists only that source. Maybe new sources using that name will be added in the future on the internet. Thanks LevaneNevale (disputatio) 08:51, 24 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- When a source for the name appears we will be happy to rename the page to Fierum – if that is the way it is called in Latin (although, if it is true that the name comes from Italian fiera – ‘fair’ – it is likely that the Venetian merchants when writing in Latin would call the city either Fiera or Feriae: we just don't know). --Grufo (disputatio) 22:14, 24 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- You decide what you want to do with the usage of different things on Latin Wikipedia, however take my request into consideration to use this name I mentioned for the city of Fier, in Latin Wikipedia in the future, as Fier is an old city which was in the ancient times a small settlement (village) with two well-known ancient monuments close to it, Apollonia and Byllis, and was later expanded as a town and in the 19th century got its city status. It has also writings in Latin. Not all the writings in Latin exists on the internet for this city, but there exists only that source. Maybe new sources using that name will be added in the future on the internet. Thanks LevaneNevale (disputatio) 08:51, 24 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- A good catch indeed, but a phonetically (and morphologically?) closer analogy would be mulier. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 02:56, 24 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- Good catch, Demetrius! --Grufo (disputatio) 18:26, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- That probably happens because it is using Vicipaedia as source, so you are basically quoting yourself. If we don't correct our mistake immediately this will happen with even more automatic translators that use us as their source. In any case Glosbe translator is not a valid source for Vicipaedia. --Grufo (disputatio) 18:14, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- You can even search on Glosbe translator: where the city is named "Fierum" in Latin. It even provides this name on different languages, from Italian, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Finnish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese and Arabic translated as "Fierum" in Latin. I took so much time to find a translator that proves this name in Latin. So this is the correct name for the city in Latin language. Thanks LevaneNevale (disputatio) 18:09, 23 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
Create articles for Korçë (Coryza - in Latin), Kukës (unknown name in Latin) and Peshkopi (Penestae - in Latin)
@Andrew Dalby @Grufo @IacobusAmor @Demetrius Talpa Can someone from you create articles for the cities of Korçë:çë which is called "Coryza" in Latin, Kukës:ës which the Latin name for this city is unknown and Peshkopi: which is called "Penestae" in Latin. I would thank so much one of you, which one of you will create them. Thanks LevaneNevale (disputatio) 09:54, 27 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- Penestia, according Orbis Latinus, is a locality, a region, not a city; I couldn't find anything about Coryza (except that it’s a runny nose). Demetrius Talpa (disputatio) 21:17, 27 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- @Demetrius Talpa According to the English page on Wikipedia for Peshkopi, the name is "Penestae" in Latin.
- Other wikis aren't authorities on Latin names. If the correct name is indeed Penestae, then that fact will be established in one of the footnotes on that page, and that is the source you'll want to cite here. ¶ Note that Penestia (attested in Orbis Latinus) isn't the same as Penestae. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 13:50, 28 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- For the city of Korçë, I have seen that it is used "Coryza" as its name in Latin, due to a native Glosbe translating method, not added by others. If you can, create these articles with these names or use another names if you want. Thanks LevaneNevale (disputatio) 04:45, 28 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- Just a technical note: why are we using Andrew's page when we have our Taberna? @Andrew: If you give me the permission I can move the last two conversations to our Taberna and connect the history via {{Excepta}} / {{Accepta}}. --Grufo (disputatio) 05:04, 28 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- Do it, @Grufo:! Incidentally, I seem to recall that Coryza is correct: others may already have verified this. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 16:19, 28 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- Done :-) --Grufo (disputatio) 21:32, 28 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- Do it, @Grufo:! Incidentally, I seem to recall that Coryza is correct: others may already have verified this. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 16:19, 28 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- Penestae is an Illyrian tribe that lived here, it is mentioned by Livy, not the city. Penestia is his region. -- Writing short articles about cities is very easy, look at how others are done and write, I will correct. You can start with a draft in your personal space. Demetrius Talpa (disputatio) 08:34, 29 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- About Peshkopi: Our “Episcopia (discretiva)” page mentions an “Episcopia (Albania)” red link. The page was created by an IP address, so no way to contact them and ask for information. --Grufo (disputatio) 09:59, 29 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- Just a technical note: why are we using Andrew's page when we have our Taberna? @Andrew: If you give me the permission I can move the last two conversations to our Taberna and connect the history via {{Excepta}} / {{Accepta}}. --Grufo (disputatio) 05:04, 28 Novembris 2024 (UTC)
- Memento antequam novam creetur paginam ut "Coryza" morbum quoque contagiosum (sec. google Angl.: Sniffles) describat, ita Coryza (municipium) et coryza (morbus). Gratias vobis ago. Andreas Raether (disputatio) 14:46, 1 Decembris 2024 (UTC)
- @Demetrius Talpa According to the English page on Wikipedia for Peshkopi, the name is "Penestae" in Latin.
Jäger + Jaeger
If Jäger & Jaeger are, as they appear to be, the same person, the categories "Taxa Jäger" and "Taxa Jaeger" should be combined. But which spelling is the preferred one? IacobusAmor (disputatio) 11:42, 1 Decembris 2024 (UTC)
- Peter Jäger was German. The spelling “ae” for “ä” is usually adopted by English speakers when translitterating German surnames; in Germany “ä” is just “ä”. --Grufo (disputatio) 12:45, 1 Decembris 2024 (UTC)
- Which spelling is the preferred one in Latin? What is Vicipaedia's general practice with umlauts?
- Well, in classical Latin there might possibly be no way to write an exact representation of /ˈjɛːɡɐ/. The best approximation would be Iĕga, which would be pronounced as /ˈjɛ.ɡa/. Starting from the second century Iaega would start to sound more and more like /ˈjɛːɡa/. Long story short: I would stick to Jäger.
- Which spelling is the preferred one in Latin? What is Vicipaedia's general practice with umlauts?
IacobusAmor (disputatio) 12:47, 1 Decembris 2024 (UTC)
- In Wikispecies it's Jäger everywhere. I don't know, even if we change everything to Jaeger, it's still not Iaeger, so I would merge everything into Jäger. I don't insist, but I think it's easier this way. Demetrius Talpa (disputatio) 13:02, 1 Decembris 2024 (UTC)
- No one seems to mind "Taxa Jäger", I'll change the category in two articles. Demetrius Talpa (disputatio) 17:28, 1 Decembris 2024 (UTC)
Auxilium cupiam ut translatio epistulae emendetur
Creavi translationem anglicam asperam non tam peritamque epistulae Machiavelli ad usum in hac pellicula, quia translatio moderna sub iure auctoris usa erat; velit aliquis id aspicere corrigereque? Textus Latine hic est si velis me adjuvare. JimKillock (disputatio) 19:25, 3 Decembris 2024 (UTC)