Orestea inter septem Aeschyleas fabulas aetate Romana ad usum scholarum selectas et hoc modo usque ad aetatem nostram traditas numerabatur, non inter tres quae tantummodo a discipulis Byzantinis adhuc legebanturː quam ob rem manuscripti Oresteam tradentes pauci sunt.
Inter Francogallicos interpretatores memorandi sunt Alexis Pierron (1854), Leconte de Lisle (1872)[3], Paul Claudel[4] (Gallimard, 1920) cuius interpretationi Darius Milhaud musicam composuit.
- ↑ Porter, David (2005). "Aeschylus' "Eumenides": Some Contrapuntal Lines". The American Journal of Philology 126: 301–331 [1]
- ↑ Euben, J. Peter (mense Martio 1982). "Justice and the Oresteia". The American Political Science Review 76 (1): 22–33 [2]
- ↑ Bernard Latzarus, Leconte de Lisle, adaptateur des Erinnyes: contribution à l'histoire de l'hellénisme dans la littérature contemporaine : avec une note sur la Cassandre de Victor Hugo, Nemausi, 1920.
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- Andrea Blasina, Eschilo in scena : dramma e spettacolo nell'Orestea, Stuttgarti, 2003 Nonnullae paginae apud Guglum librorum
- A. M. Bowie, "Religion and Politics in Aeschylus' Oresteia", The Classical Quarterly, 1993ː 10-31
- Collard, Christopher (2002). Introduction to and translation of Oresteia. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-283281-6
- David Cohen, "The Theodicy of Aeschylus: Justice and Tyranny in the 'Oresteia'", Greece & Rome, 1986ː 129-141
- D.J. Conacher, Aeschylus' Oresteia : a literary commentary, Toronto, 1987
- Gabriel del Estal, La « Orestiada » y su genio juridico. Justicia de sangre y espiritu urbano. Aportación, desde la tragedia, a la historia de la filosofia del derecho, de la religion y de la sociedad en el mundo antiguo. Prologo de José Camon Aznar, El Escorial, 1962 Recensio critica
- J. Peter Euben, "Justice and the Oresteia", The American Political Science Review, 1982ː 22-33
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- Joseph Fontenrose, "Gods and Men in the Oresteia", Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association, 1971ː 71-109
- Simon Goldhill, Language, Sexuality, Narrative : the Oresteia, Cambridge University Press, 1984 Recensio critica Altera recensio critica Tertia recensio critica
- Hetty Goldman, "The Oresteia of Aeschylus as Illustrated by Greek Vase-Painting", Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, 1910: 111-159
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- Richard Kuhns, The house, the city and the judge : the growth of moral awareness in the "Oresteia", Indianapolis, 1962 Recensio critica Recensio critica
- Anne Lebeck, The "Oresteia": A Study in Language and Structure, Washingtoniae, 1971 Recensio critica
- C. W. MacLeod, "Politics and the Oresteia", The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 1982ː 124-144
- Ada Neschke, "L'Orestie de Stésichore et la tradition littéraire du mythe des Atrides avant Eschyle", L'Antiquité Classique, 1986ː 283-301
- Anne-Sophie Noel, "Un printemps sous le signe de l’Orestie", Agon, 2019.
- Widzisz, Marcel (2012). Chronos on the Threshold: Time, Ritual, and Agency in the Oresteia. Lexington Press. ISBN 0-7391-7045-7
- MacLeod, C. W. "Politics and the Oresteia." The Journal of Hellenic Studies, vol. 102, 1982, pp. 124–144.
- Deborah H. Roberts, Apollo and his oracle in the "Oresteia", Göttingen, 1984 Recensio critica
- Georges Roux, "Commentaires à l'Orestie", Revue des Études Grecques, 1974ː 33-79
- Nuria Scapin, The flower of suffering : theology, justice, and the cosmos in Aeschylus' "Oresteia" and presocratic thought, DeGruyter, 2020 Nonnullae paginae apud Guglum librorum Recensio critica
- Richard Trousdell, "Tragedy and Transformation: The Oresteia of Aeschylus", Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche, 2008ː 5-38
- William Whallon, Problem and Spectacle. Studies in Oresteia, Heidelbergae, 1980 Recensio critica Altera recensio critica
- William F. Zak , The polis and the divine order : the Oresteia, Sophocles, and the defense of democracy, Associated University Presses, 1995
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