Deliberatio de pace componenda Lutetiae facta (1919)
Deliberatio de pace componenda Lutetiae habita est ab die 18 Ianuarii anno 1919 ad annum 1920 praeside Georgio Clemenceau. Socii victores primi belli mundani praeparaverunt foedera ut statum futurum ordinarent et hostium devictorum et novarum civitatum. Suadente praecipue Woodrow Wilson, praeside Civitatum Foederatarum Americae, ex hac deliberatione condita est Societas Civitatum.
De Pactione Societatis Civitatum, Propositum aequalitatis inter phyles id est, conatus ad aequalitatem inter gentes affirmandum erat, tamen non admissum est.
Civitates participes
recensere Si plus cognoscere vis, vide etiam Participantes deliberationis de pace componenda (1919).
recensere- Britanniarum Regnum, duce David Lloyd George
- Civitates Foederatae Americae, duce Woodrow Wilson
- Francia, duce Georgio Clemenceau
- Iaponia, duce marchione Saionji Kinmochi
- Italia, duce Victore Emanuele Orlando
recensere- Aequatoria
- Africa Australis, duce Ludovico Botha
- Australia, duce Gulielmo Hughes
- Belgia, duce Paulo Hymans
- Bolivia, duce Ismael Montes
- Brasilia
- Canada
- Cuba
- Czechoslovakia, duce Carolo Kramář
- Graecia, duce Eleutherio Benizelo
- Guatemala
- Haitia
- Hedjaz, duce principe Faisal
- India
- Liberia
- Lusitania, duce Egas Moniz
- Nova Zelandia
- Panama
- Peruvia
- Polonia, duce Ignatio Paderewski
- Romania, duce Ioanne Bratianu
- Serbia
- Sina
- Siam, duce principe Charun
- Uruguaia
Foedera cum civitatibus devictis icta
recensere- Foedus Versaliis ictum (1919) cum Germania
- Foedus apud Sanctum Germanum in Laya ictum (1919) cum Austria (successore Austrohungariae)
- Foedus Noviliaci ictum (1919) cum Bulgaria
- Foedus apud Trianonium sanctum (1920) cum Hungaria
- Pactum Savarae ictum (1920)
recensereCommentaria praesentium
recensere- Luigi Aldrovandi Marescotti, Guerra diplomatica. Mediolani 1936.
- Luigi Aldrovandi Marescotti, "La settimana di passione adriatica a Parigi" in Nuova Antologia (Aprilis/Maius 1933).
- Stephen Bonsal, Suitors and Suppliants: the little nations at Versailles. Urbe Novi Eboraci 1946. [1]
- E. J. Dillon, The Inside Story of the Peace Conference. The Inside Story of the Peace Conference by Emile Joseph Dillon - Project Gutenberg apud
- David Lloyd George, The Truth About the Peace Treaties. Londinii 1938.
- Robert Lansing, The Big Four and Others at the Peace Conference[nexus deficit].
- David Hunter Miller, My Diary at the Conference of Paris. 21 voll. Novi Eboraci 1924.
- Harold Nicolson, Peacemaking 1919. Londinii 1964.
- George Riddell, Lord Riddell's Intimate Diary of the Peace Conference and After 1918-1923. Londinii 1933.
- Charles Seymour, Letters from the Paris Peace Conference. New Haven 1965.
- James T. Shotwell, At the Paris Peace Conference. Novi Eboraci 1937.
- H. W. V. Temperley et alii, A History of the Peace Conference of Paris. 6 voll. Londinii 1920-1924.
- Eleutherius Benizelus, Ιδιόγραφον ημερολόγιον. Cydoniae 1979.
- What really happened at Paris; the story of the Peace Conference, 1918-1919, by American delegates edd. E. M. House, C. Seymour. Londinii: Hodder & Stoughton, 1921.
recensere- Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States: the Paris Peace Conference 1919.
- Paul Mantoux, Les délibérations du Conseil des Quatre 24 mars-28 juin 1919; notes de l'officier interprête Paul Mantoux. Lutetiae: CNRS éditions, 1955.
- Versio anglica: The deliberations of the Council of Four (March 24-June 28, 1919): notes of the official interpreter, Paul Mantoux ab Arthur S. Link versa. 2 voll. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992.
Libri historici
recensere- René Albrecht-Carrié, Italy at the Paris Peace Conference. New York: Columbia University Press, 1938.
- Michael Dockrill, John Fisher, edd. The Paris Peace Conference, 1919: peace without victory? Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2001.
- David Fromkin, A Peace to End All Peace: The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation of the Modern Middle East. Novi Eboraci: Owl Books, 2001. 0-8050-6884-8
- Paul C. Helmreich, From Paris to Sèvres: the partition of the Ottoman Empire at the Peace Conference of 1919-1920. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1974. ISBN 0-8142-0170-9
- Dimitri Kitsikis, Propagande et pressions en politique internationale: la Grèce et ses revendications à la Conférence de la paix (1919-1920). Lutetiae: Presses Universitaires de France, 1963.
- I. J. Lederer, Yugoslavia at the Peace Conference. New Haven, 1963.
- Margaret MacMillan, Paris 1919. Six Months that Changed the World. Novi Eboraci: Random House 2003.
- F. S. Marston, The Peace Conference of 1919: organisation and procedure. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1944.
- N. Petsalis-Diomidis, Greece at the Paris Peace Conference (1919). Thessalonicae 1978.
- S. D. Spector, Rumania at the Peace Conference. New York, 1962.
- E. P. Stickney, Southern Albania or Northern Epirus in European International Affairs 1912-1923. Stanford 1926.