Alexander Pope
Alexander Pope (Londinii die 21 Maii 1688–ibidem apud Twickenham die 30 Maii 1744) fuit Anglicus saeculi duodevicensimi poeta. Is Homeri opera e Graeco sermone in Anglicum decasyllabo iambico binis rimis convertit.

Opera selecta
recensere- 1700 : "Ode on Solitude" (Oda de solitudine)
- 1709 : Pastorals
- 1711 : An Essay on Criticism (Progymnasma de critica)
- 1712 : "Messia"
- 1712 : The Rape of the Lock
- 1713 : Windsor Forest
- 1715–1720 : versio Iliadis
- 1717 : "Eloisa to Abelard"
- 1717 : "Three Hours After Marriage"
- 1717 : "Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate Lady"
- 1723–1725 : (editor) The Works of Shakespear
- 1725–1726 : versio Odysseae
- 1727 : "Peri Bathous, Or the Art of Sinking in Poetry"
- 1728 : The Dunciad
- 1731–1735 : Satires (Saturae)
- 1733–1734 : An Essay on Man
Nexus externi
recensereLexica biographica: Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana • Den store danske • Deutsche Biographie • Treccani • Store norske leksikon • Большая российская энциклопедия • • Grove Art • Classical Archives |
Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad Alexandrum Pope spectant. |
- Iliadis et Odysseae versiones ab Alexandro Pope factae apud Vicifontem
- Biographia
- Alexander Pope apud Project Gutenberg
- Sepulchrum Alexandri Pope
- Alexander Pope apud Twickenham Museum
Haec stipula ad scriptorem spectat. Amplifica, si potes! |