Sensus communis
Sensus communis[1] (Graece κοινὴ αἲσθησις), vel intellectus communis,[2] vel iudicium commune,[3] vel simpliciter cor,[4] est ingenium rerum percipiendarum, intellegendarum, et iudicandarum, cuius paene omnes participes sunt, et quod a paene omnibus sine ulla disputatione rationaliter exspectari potest.[5]

Nexus interni
recensere- ↑ Lucr. et Hor., citati in Cassell's Latin Dictionary, ed. D. P. Simpson (Novi Eboraci: Wiley, 1968), 678.
- ↑ Quintilianus; in Ainsworth's citatus.
- ↑ Ainsworth's.
- ↑ John C. Traupman, Latin and English Dictionary, ed. tertia (Novi Eboraci: Bantam Books, 2007), 498.
- ↑ Compara definitionem Anglicam: "sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts" Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary.
recensere- Aristoteles. 1986. De Anima, textus a W. S Hett, ex textu Graeco Augusti Immanuelis Bekker conversus. Loeb Classical Library. Cantabrigiae Massachusettae: Harvard University Press.
- Brann, Eva. 1991. The World of the Imagination: Sum and Substance. Rowman & Littlefield.
- Bugter (1987), "Sensus Communis in the works of M. Tullius Cicero", in van Holthoon; Olson, Common Sense: The Foundations for Social Science, ISBN 9780819165046
- Descartes, Réné (1901), The Method, Meditations and Philosophy of Descartes, translated from the Original Texts, with a new introductory Essay, Historical and Critical by John Veitch and a Special Introduction by Frank Sewall, Washington: M. Walter Dunne
- Descartes, Rene (1970), "Letter to Mersenne, 21 April 1941", in Kenny, Anthony, Descartes: Philosophical Letters, Oxford University Press Conv. Anthony Kenny.
- Descartes, Rene (1989), Passions of the Soul, Hackett. Translated by Stephen H. Voss.
- Gadamer, Hans-Georg (1989), Truth and Method, 2nd rev. ed., trans. Joel Weinsheimer and Donald G. Marshall, Novi Eboraci: Continuum.
- Gilson, Etienne (1939), Thomist Realism and the Critique of Knowledge, ISBN 9781586176853
- Gregorić, Pavel (2007), Aristotle on the Common Sense, Oxford University Press, ISBN 9780191608490
- Heller-Roazen, Daniel (2008), Nichols; Kablitz; Calhoun, eds., Rethinking the Medieval Senses, Johns Hopkins University Press, ISBN 9780801887369
- van Holthoon (1987), "The common sense of Rousseau", in van Holthoon; Olson, Common Sense: The Foundations for Social Science
- van Holthoorn; Olson (1987), "Introduction", in van Holthoon; Olson, Common Sense: The Foundations for Social Science
- Hume, David (1987), Essays Moral, Political, Literary, edited and with a Foreword, Notes, and Glossary by Eugene F. Miller, with an appendix of variant readings from the 1889 edition by T. H. Green and T. H. Grose, Indianapoli: Liberty Fund
- Hume, David (1902), Enquiries Concerning the Human Understanding and Concerning the Principles of Morals by David Hume, ed. L. A. Selby-Bigge, M.A., ed. secunda, Oxoniae: Clarendon Press
- Hundert (1987), "Enlightenment and the decay of common sense", in van Holthoon; Olson, Common Sense: The Foundations for Social Science
- Kant, Immanuel (1914), "§ 40.: Of Taste as a kind of sensus communis", Kant’s Critique of Judgement, translated with Introduction and Notes by J.H. Bernard (2nd ed. revised), Londinii: Macmillan
- van Kessel (1987), "Common Sense between Bacon and Vico: Scepticism in England and Italy", in van Holthoon; Olson, Common Sense: The Foundations for Social Science, ISBN 9780819165046
- Lee, Mi-Kyoung (2011), "The distinction between primary and secondary qualities in ancient Greek philosophy", in Nolan, Lawrence, Primary and Secondary Qualities: The Historical and Ongoing Debate, Oxford
- Lewis, C. S. (1967), Studies in words, Cambridge, ISBN 9780521398312
- Moore, George Edward (1925), A defense of common sense
- Oettinger, M. Friedrich Christoph. 1861. Citatus in Gadamer (1989).
- Peters Agnew, Lois (2008), Outward, Visible Propriety: Stoic Philosophy and Eighteenth-century British Rhetorics, University of South Carolina Press, ISBN 9781570037672
- Reid, Thomas (1983), "An Inquiry into the Human Mind on the Principles of Common Sense", in Beanblosom; Lehrer, Thomas Reid's Inquiry and Essays, New York: Hackett
- Rosenfeld, Sophia (2011), Common Sense, Harvard University Press, ISBN 9780674061286
- Sachs, Joe (2001), Aristotle's On the Soul and On Memory and Recollection, Green Lion Press, ISBN 1-888009-17-9
- Schaeffer (1990), Sensus Communis: Vico, Rhetoric, and the Limits of Relativism, Duke University Press, ISBN 0822310260
- Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of (2001), Douglas den Uyl, ed., Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times, Indianapoli: Liberty Fund
- Spruit, Leen (1994), Species Intelligibilis: From Perception to Knowledge. I. Classical roots and medieval discussions, Brill, ISBN 9004098836
- Spruit, Leen (1995), Species Intelligibilis: From Perception to Knowledge. II. Renaissance controversies, later scholasticism, and the elimination of the intelligible species in modern philosophy, Brill, ISBN 9004103961
- Vico, Giambattista. 1990. On the Study Methods of our Time. Conv. Elio Gianturco. Ithacae Novi Eboraci: Cornell University Press.
- Vico, Giambattista. 1968. The New Science of Giambattista Vico. Ed. tertia. Ithacae Novi Eboraci: Cornell University Press. Conv. Bergin et Fisch.
- Voltarius. 1901. The Works of Voltaire: A Contemporary Version: A Critique and Biography. Ed. John Morley; notae Tobias Smollett, conv. William F. Fleming. Novi Eboraci: E. R. DuMont. Textus.
- Wierzbicka, Anna. 2010. Experience, Evidence, and Sense: The Hidden Cultural Legacy of English. Oxoniae: Oxford University Press.
Bibliographia addita
recensere- Coates, John (1996), The Claims of Common Sense: Moore, Wittgenstein, Keynes and the Social Sciences, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 9780521412568
- Ledwig, Marion (2007), Common Sense: Its History, Method, and Applicability, Peter Lang, ISBN 9780820488844
- McCarthy, John, et Vladimir Lifschitz. 1990. Formalizing Common Sense. Intellect Books. ISBN 9780893915353.