Eastward Ho
Eastward Ho est ludus scaenicus a Georgio Chapman, Beniamino Jonson et Ioanne Marston anno 1605 doctus eodemque anno divulgatus.

Nexus externi
recensere- Textus apud The Holloway Pages
TOUCHSTONE, a goldsmith. QUICKSILVER, GOLDING, his apprentices. SIR PETRONEL FLASH. SECURITY, an old usurer. BRAMBLE, a lawyer. SEAGULL, a sea captain. SCAPETHRIFT, SPENDALL, adventurers bound for Virginia. SLITGUT, a butcher's apprentice. POLDAVY, a tailor. HOLDFAST, WOLF, officers of the Counter. HAMLET, a footman. POTKIN, a tankard-bearer. TOBY, a prisoner. MISTRESS TOUCHSTONE. GERTRUDE, MILDRED, her daughters. WINIFRED, wife to Security. SINDEFY, mistress to Quicksilver. BETTRICE, a waiting woman. MISTRESS FOND. MISTRESS GAZER. Drawer, Coachman, Scrivener, Page, Constable, Officers, Messenger, Two Prisoners and their Friend, Gentlemen. | |