Georgius Chapmanus
(Redirectum de Georgius Chapman)
Georgius Chapmanus, vulgo George Chapman (natus in oppido Hitchin Hertfordiensis comitatus anno circiter 1559;[1] mortuus die 12 Maii 1634) fuit miles regni Angliae, poëta scriptorque scaenicus Anglicus, et interpres textuum Graecorum. Versio Odysseae, quam ille primus Anglice vertit, saepissime laudata est.
recensere- A. R. Braunmuller, A Seventeenth Century Letter-Book: A Facsimile Edition of Folger MS. V. A. 321 (Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1983) p. 395 (petitio Chapmani ob impecuniositatem suam)
recensere- ↑ De nomine Latino et aetate vide imaginem nostram: "Georgivs Chapmanus Homeri metaphrastes, aeta: lvii MDCXVI"
Nexus externi
recensere- Opera nonnulla apud
- Ludi nonnulli apud English Prose Drama
recensere- Editiones operum
- Chapman, George. The Tragedies, with Sir Gyles Goosecappe. Ed. Allan Holaday. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1987. vol. 2 of The Plays of George Chapman. 2 vols. 1970-87.
- ---. The Comedies. Ed. Allan Holaday. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1970. vol. 1 of The Plays of George Chapman. 2 vols. 1970-87.
- ---. The Poems of George Chapman. Ed. Phyllis Brooks Bartlett. New-York: Modern Language Association of America, 1941.
- ---. Selected Poems. Ed. Eirian Wain. Manchester: Carcanet - Fyfield Books, 1978.
- Chapman, George, trans. The Works of George Chapman: Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. Ed. Richard Herne Shepherd. London: Chatto & Windus, 1875.
- ---. George Chapman's Minor Translations: A Critical Edition of His Renderings of Musæus, Hesiod and Juvenal. Ed. Richard Corballis. Salzburg Studies in English Literature: Jacobean Drama Studies, 98. Salzbourg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 1984.
- ---. Homer's Batrachomyomachia, Hymns and Epigrams, Hesiod's Works and Days, Musæus' Hero and Leander, Juvenal's Fifth Satire. Ed. Richard Hooper. London: John Russel Smith, 1858.
- Historica et critica
- Mark Eccles, "Chapman's Early Years" in Studies in Philology vol. 43 (1946) pp. 176-193
- Steven Matthews, "T. S. Eliot's Chapman: 'Metaphysical' Poetry and Beyond." Journal of Modern Literature Vol. 29 No. 4 (Summer 2006), pp. 22-43
- R. Ornstein, "The dates of Chapmans Tragedies, once more" in Modern Philology (1961)
- E. Schwartz, "The date of Chapman’s Byron Plays" in Modern Philology (1961)
- W. Wieler, George Chapman. The effect of stoicism upon his tragedies. New York: Kings Crown Press, 1949.
Opera Georgii Chapmani
Scriptores scaenici Anglici: aevum litterarum renascentium