Andreas Leith Adams (vulgo Andrew Leith Adams), natus 21 Martii 1827; mortuus 29 Iulii 1882), fuit medicus, physicus, biologus et geologus Scoticus. Leith Adams Regalis Societatis Londinii sodalis fuit accurate in eam anno 1872 cooptatus est.

  • 1859, "Notae de nonnullarum avium Indicarum hibitibus, venatione et ceteris" (Anglice Notes on the habits, haunts, etc. of some of the birds of India). Proc. Zool. Soc. Londinii.
  • 1859, "De avibus Casmiricis et Ladacicis" (The birds of Cashmere and Ladakh). Proc. Zool. Soc. Londinii.
  • 1870, "Notae biologicae in Valle Nilotica et Melita" (Notes of a naturalist in the Nile Valley and Malta) Edimburgi.
  • 1874, On the dentition and osteology of the Maltese fossil elephant, being a description of the remains discovered by the aurthor in Malta between the years 1860 and 1866. Proc. Zool. Soc. Londinii.
  • 1875, "De saurii vertebra quadam fossili", Arctosaurus osborni e regione Antarctica" (On a fossil saurian vertebra, Arctosaurus osborni from the Arctic region). "Academiae Hibernicae Regalis Processus" (Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy).

Nexus externus

David's face

Haec stipula ad biographiam spectat. Amplifica, si potes!