
Gratus sis apud nos. Nunc volemus scribere paginas de H.P. Lovecraft (vide etiam Categoria:Howard Phillips Lovecraft), quia paginam quamdam esse paginam mensis volumus.
recenserePaginae emendandae aut creandae
recensereHaec est pagina de Cthulhui Mythis. Si vis, collabora nobiscum apud Porta:Lovecraft. |
- Lovecraft et Categoria:Howard Phillips Lovecraft
- Augustus Derleth
Cthulhui Mythos(mythos, -i)
recensere(Nomina Latina inventa apud The Call of Cthulhu (ludus personarum))
Categoria:Libri de Cthulhui Mythis(in Categoria:Howard Phillips Lovecraft et Categoria:Libri ficticii)De vermis mysteriisUnaussprechlichen KultenNecronomiconLiber IvonisCthaat Aquadingen- Cultes des goules
- The King in Yellow
Pnakotica- R'lyeh texta
- Zanthu Tablets
Entes, dei et monstra
recensereAntiqui (Lovecraft)- Byakhee
Color ex spatio- Dago (Lovecraft)
- Magna progenies Yithiana
- Mi-Go
Canes Tindali- Aboth
- Cthugha
- Hastur
- Ithaqua
- Yog-sothoth
(Nomina Latina inventa apud The Call of Cthulhu (ludus personarum))
- Azathoth
- Iuvenes Nigritae ("Dark spawn of Shub-Niggurath")
- Cthonius
Cthulhu(-i, m.)Nayrlat hotep- Nigrita (Lovecraft) ("Shub-Niggurath")
recensereArkham- Innsmouth
- Dunwich
YuggothUniversitas Miskatonicensis- Urbs amissa (Lovecraft)
R'lyeh- Olathoë
- Terrae somniorum
recensereThe Call of Cthulhu (ludus personarum)- The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath
- The Case of Charles Dexter Ward
- At the Mountains of Madness
- The Shadow Over Innsmouth
- The Shadow Out of Time
- "The Tomb"
- "Dagon"
- "A Reminiscence of Dr. Samuel Johnson"
- "Polaris (Lovecraft)"
- "Beyond the Wall of Sleep"
- "Memory"
- "Old Bugs"
- "The Transition of Juan Romero"
- "The White Ship"
- "The Doom that Came to Sarnath"
- "The Statement of Randolph Carter"
- "The Street"
- "The Terrible Old Man"
- "The Cats of Ulthar"
- "The Tree"
- "Celephaïs"
- "From Beyond"
- "The Temple"
- "Nyarlathotep (Lovecraft)"
- "The Picture in the House"
- "Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family"
- "The Nameless City"
- "The Quest of Iranon"
- "The Moon-Bog"
- "Ex Oblivione"
- "The Other Gods"
- "The Outsider"
- "The Music of Erich Zann"
- "Sweet Ermengarde"
- "Hypnos (narratio)"
- "What the Moon Brings"
- "Azathoth (Lovecraft)"
- "Herbert West–Reanimator"
- "The Hound"
- "The Lurking Fear"
- "The Rats in the Walls"
- "The Unnamable"
- "The Festival"
- "The Shunned House"
- "The Horror at Red Hook"
- "He"
- "In the Vault"
- "Cool Air"
- "The Call of Cthulhu"
- "Pickman's Model"
- "The Strange High House in the Mist"
- "The Silver Key"
- "The Colour Out of Space"
- "The Descendant"
- "The Very Old Folk"
- "History of the Necronomicon"
- "The Dunwich Horror"
- "Ibid"
- "The Whisperer in Darkness"
- "The Dreams in the Witch House"
- "The Thing on the Doorstep"
- "The Book"
- "The Evil Clergyman"
- "The Haunter of the Dark"
- "The Green Meadow"
- "The Horror at Martin's Beach"
- "Under the Pyramids"
- "The Thing in the Moonlight"
- "The Curse of Yig"
- "The Mound"
- "Medusa's Coil"
- "The Crawling Chaos"
- "The Horror in the Museum"
- "Through the Gates of the Silver Key"
- "Out of the Aeons"
- "The Tree on the Hill"
- "Till A’the Seas"
- "In the Walls of Eryx"
Nexus interni
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