Monocytus (Graece μόνος 'singulus' + κύτος 'cavitas') est inter leucocytorum cellulas maxima. Pars systematis immunitatis, monocyti se in macrophagocytos[1] sive cellulas dendriticas[2] convertere possunt. Munus monocytorum est structuras inimicas et alienas adoriri et destruere. Adhuc tres monocytorum classes notae sunt. Plerique monocytorum in liene conservantur.

Monocyti se in macrophagocytos convertere possunt.

Nexus interni

Pinacotheca recensere

Monocyti recensere

Macrophagocyti recensere

Cellulae dendriticae recensere

Notae recensere

  1. Liu H, Lorenzini PA, Zhang F, Xu S, Wong MSM, Zheng J, Roca X (2018). "Alternative splicing analysis in human monocytes and macrophages reveals MBNL1 as major regulator". Nucleic Acids Res 
  2. Randolph GJ, Beaulieu S, Lebecque S, Steinman RM, Muller WA (1998). "Differentiation of monocytes into dendritic cells in a model of transendothelial trafficking". Science 282 (5388): 480-3 

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