Eduardus Newman (Anglice: Edward Newman) natus die 13 Maii 1801 ad Hampstead - mortuus est die 12 Iunii 1876, fuit studiosus botanistae, ornithologiae et entomologiae Anglicus .

  • Attempted division of British Insects into natural orders. The Entomological Magazine 2: 379-431 (1834)
  • A History of British Ferns and Allied Plants (1840)
  • Note on the pterodactyle tribe considered as marsupial bats The Zoologist 1, 129-131 (1843)
  • Birds-nesting (1861)
  • New Edition of Montagu's Ornithological Dictionary (1866)
  • Illustrated Natural History of British Moths (1869)
  • Illustrated Natural History of British Butterflies (1871)


  • Michael A. Salmon, The Aurelian Legacy ISBN 0-946589-40-2.
  • Mullens et Swann, A Bibliography of British Ornithology (1917).
  • A. J. Desmond, The Hot-blooded Dinosaurs (1977) ISBN 0-86007-494-3.

Nexus externi

David's face

Haec stipula ad biographiam spectat. Amplifica, si potes!