pasta farta
Wonton (Mandarinice 餛飩 hún tún, Cantonice 雲吞 wan4 tan4) est offa farta, quae saepe ex iure vel diluto vel meraco infertur. Nomina alia 抄手 (chāo shǒu) in Suchuen, 扁食 (pián-si̍t) in Fochiena Taivaniaque, 水餃 (shuǐ jiǎo) in Wuhan, 包麵 (bāo miàn) in Hubeia.
Wonton ex iure diluto, more Cantonensi
Wonton liquamine suffusae, more Sichuanensi
Wonton frictae ex oleo, more Hongcongensi
Pangsit ayam, sive wonton frictae more Indonesiano
recensere- Praecepta culinaria
- 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Yinshan zhengyao 1.30A (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] no. 13, p. 283)
- ante 1374 : Ni Zan, Yunlintang yinshi zhidu shi (Teresa Wang, E. N. Anderson, "Ni Tsan and his Cloud Forest Hall Collection of Rules for Drinking and Eating" in Petits Propos Culinaires no. 60 (1998) pp. 24-41)
- 2019 : Fuchsia Dunlop, The Food of Sichuan (Londinii: Bloomsbury, 2019) pp. 377-381
- Lexicographica
- 【餛飩】[nexus deficit], e Dictionario Linguae Sinicae Retractato Ministerii Educationis Reipublicae Sinarum.