Usor:Ioscius/Tabularium disputationum 5
recensereWe are the promoters of the Wikipedia in Ancient Greek. we need your help, specially for write NEW ARTICLES and the TRANSLATION OF THE MEDIAWIKI INTERFACE FOR ANCIENT GREEK, for demonstrating, to the language subcommittee, the value of our project.
Thanks a lot for your help. Ἡ Οὐικιπαιδεία needs you! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 19:55, 30 May 2008 (UTC)
Let's continue the work!!!
recensereGratias tibi permaxime ago, quod me benigne in communitatem Vicipaedianam recepisti. Ut mihi vires sufficiant de iure historiaque medii, ut dicunt, aevi scribere.
Gratianus 12:20, 19 Septembris 2007 (UTC)
Archeologia Mediterranea.
recensereGrazie per le segnalazioni. Possiamo parlare in italiano, in inglese o in latino se preferisci. Per quanto riguarda il verbo STUDERE visto che è intransitivo hai ragione, mi è sfuggito!
SCIENTIAM io l'ho intesa non come parte nominale, come probabilmente intendi tu, ma come complemento oggetto. Ossia: L' Archeologia mediterranea è che cosa? Quindi l'ho messa in accusativo e il QUAM si riferisce perciò ad essa.
Per quanto riguarda EXCAVATIONES io utilizzo sia nello scrivere che nel parlare la pronuncia classica "pronuntiatio restituta" perciò la lettera "v" non esiste in latino o meglio la "v" è pronunciata sempre come "u" e il segno "v" si usa solo quando si scrive in maiuscolo es. VNIVERSITAS e quindi in minuscolo uniuersitas.
OBIECTIVVS si riferisce ad ARCHAEOLOGIA perchè EIVS si riferisce anche alla stessa. Vuol dire infatti obiettivo = target
Ad ogni modo adesso ho messo Latinitas inspicienda
Saluti, a presto
Iosephus Zuccalas 05:39, 27 Maii 2007 (UTC)
de haereditate
recensereUsor:Ioscius scripsit:
![]() | Huic usori maxime placent nuntia Latine scripta in pagina sua disputationis. |
Ave, ex Umbria ad Romam veni--Nnaluci 13:15, 30 Maii 2007 (UTC)
recensereAnd then I suppose that an odeon is a cinema... the cinema here in Oxford is called odeon too. --Xaverius 08:59, 1 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
"ubi non est relativum"
recensereAmice, in Amphitrites pagina dixeras "ubi non est relativum." Confer: "Relative clauses may be introduced by the relative adverbs ut, quantum, quanti, quanto, ubi, quo, unde, qua, quamdiu, quotiens" (Milena Minkova, Introduction to Latin Prose Composition, 2001, p. 47). Hmm? IacobusAmor 02:57, 2 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
- Stulte egi... certe est sententia "ubi es Gaius, sum Gaia"...--Ioscius (disp) 03:44, 2 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
recensereCum nuper comem et fructuosum commercium habemus, volo rogare opinioni tui.
I wasn’t sure where to put this kind of suggestion so I figured I would throw it your way as you would probably know and be able to give me feedback on it. I would like to propose a rating system for articles on the Vicipedia. I know that there already is a system that shows how well the Latin in a certain article is but I would like to propose a system that would rate the article on the complexity of the Latin similar to how users can show their level of language competence. Since just about everyone coming to this site uses Latin as a second language, I think this would help as we could set some article to be specifically written in simple Latin that someone in the process of learning it could potentially ready. Other articles could be written in more and more complicated Latin as needed and wanted of course. It might even be a badge of honor to see just how simple or complex someone can make an article.
Another idea I have is to set aside an area for Latin instruction and allow access to this from the main page. Again, since most are coming to Latin as a second language we might as well give them as many tools as we can to help them read and understand and eventually contribute.--Billiot 11:54, 6 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
- Your second idea I think is great, and it's something I would definitely like to see on our main page. Something like Porta eruditionis. Roland and I have talked about this for a while, Vicipaedia should definitely be a place where teachers can bring their students.
- I'm not sure I fully understand your first idea. You want both a {{latinitas}} and a {{fn|complexitas}}?--Ioscius (disp) 11:59, 6 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
What I actually want to propose for the firt idea is a box that shows the level of Latin needed to understand the page. I think some pages of course should use very formal and grammatically complicated Latin but other that might be high traffic areas for people still in initial study should have an effort to make them simple Latin so that they are easy to read. If someone has to go to the dictionary every sentence then they aren't going to read very far. Maybe instead of a box we would make it a catagory so that the pages we write in sort of Simple Latin are easily acessable. Still I think some sort of mark or box showing that the page is easy or difficult to read would be helpful. We could evaluate a page based on grammatical construction and vocabulary and overall flow. I think the idea really is that someone just coming here should read easy pages and as they get better then work their way up. Another idea is we could make all pages complicated but put an easy ready section in if not every article then the ones that it made the most sense. --Billiot 04:55, 10 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
- A fun way to do this might be to have a hidden box containing an abstract of the article in simple Latin, in much the same way that popular science magazines sometimes do. --Iustinus 05:06, 10 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
I think I have actually seen something like that on the page Wikiversity page that shows the French National Anthem. You can hide the English or see it. Come to think of it I think Vicipeida uses that on the Help page, hiding or showing an English translation. We should be able to do that since the programming looks to already exist. --Billiot 12:56, 11 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
Thanks for taking the first steps on the main page education section. --Billiot 13:01, 11 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
French lyrics | English Translation |
{{Solution|title=Verse I|text= :Arise children of our fatherland, :The day of glory has arrived! :Against us, tyranny, :Has raised its bloodied banner, (1) :Do you hear in the fields :The howling of these fearsome soldiers? :They are coming up into your arms (2) :To slit the throats of your sons and consorts! }} |
Refrain :
{{Solution|title=Refrain|text= ::To arms, citizens! ::Form your battalions! ::Let us march, let us march! ::Let impure blood (of our enemies) ::Soak the furrows (of our fields) }} |
auxilium pro
recensereThanks a lot, Ioshe! Having done some soul searching, I reached the conclusion that maybe my approach is too legalistic. And sorry if my tone was accusatory, maybe it was speed blindness. In any case, I'm mostly a bit shy to make high-handed emendations, unless the case is as clear as daylight. Therefore I like mumbling at the back door ... :-) -- But in fact, I didn't miss that one from Vergil but judged it as a non-case, because pro nomine tanto doesn't depend on or modify auxilium. Functionally, it's a sentence-adverbial. Let me re-hash the sentence so as to make its semantic structure more explicit:
pro nomine tanto, vires nobis (sunt) exiguae ad auxilium belli
'because of such a name (or fame), our forces are scanty as an auxiliary for war'.
As a matter of fact, the Vergilian passage confirms my point, which was that the proper way of rendering 'aid, help for some purpose' in Latin is to use the auxilium + Genitive construction; in the case at hand, auxilium belli, scarcely auxilium pro bello. --Neander 20:47, 6 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
Leeds/Leodis Article Deletion
recensereMr Ioscius, Why did you delete my Leeds (Leodis) article?
- I'm sorry, I deleted it because it's proper name is Ledesia... I recreated it under that title. What makes you think I harbor any ill-will for the North of England?--Ioscius (disp) 20:07, 7 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
- Ioshe, would it maybe be better to make Leodis a redirect? I haven't checked the history of this form, but it gets a lot of Google hits. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 20:41, 7 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
- Hmmm, I certainly didn't think so, but maybe I'm wrong. As I understand it, this leidis/leodis form is completely Celtic. I would think a redirect from Leeds to make much more sense. But if someone points out that I'm wrong, certainly a redirect is fine. What's a couple more bytes, right?--Ioscius (disp) 23:49, 7 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
- Further, searching for leodis + est cuts the hits down to about 2000, none of which appear to be Latin, but French. I would have simply moved the page, had I found evidence for Leodis...--Ioscius (disp) 23:51, 7 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
- Still, looking at those Google hits, it's evident at least that some people think this is the Latin name for Leeds. I felt that's reason enough to allow a redirect, so that such people will find our article. Perhaps, eventually, more can be said about the name. In good sources I have only found a variant of it as yet -- "Loidis Regio" in the Ordnance Survey Map of Britain in the Dark Ages, as an attested Latin name for the extremely obscure former kingdom of Elmet. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 12:24, 8 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
- Andrew, I'm really not trying to be difficult on this at all, I'm just not seeing it. I see plenty of French articles, but no Latin ones. Could you point out one of the Latin pages you found?
- And based on your latest find, maybe we should make it redirect to the future article we're going to eventually write on this kingdom of Elmet?
- Of course, as I said, I have nothing against a redirect, but as yet, I'm just a bit confused. Cheers.--Ioscius (disp) 12:49, 8 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
- Still, looking at those Google hits, it's evident at least that some people think this is the Latin name for Leeds. I felt that's reason enough to allow a redirect, so that such people will find our article. Perhaps, eventually, more can be said about the name. In good sources I have only found a variant of it as yet -- "Loidis Regio" in the Ordnance Survey Map of Britain in the Dark Ages, as an attested Latin name for the extremely obscure former kingdom of Elmet. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 12:24, 8 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
- Ioshe, would it maybe be better to make Leodis a redirect? I haven't checked the history of this form, but it gets a lot of Google hits. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 20:41, 7 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
Hmmm, quoting from, In about 730, Venerable Bede in his Ecclesiatical History gives the following quotation about events in A.D.627: "In the place of which the later kings built themselves a COUNTRY-SEAT in the Country called LOIDIS [LEEDS]. But the altar, being of stone, escaped the fire and is still preserved in the monastery of the most reverend abbot and priest, Thridwulf, which is in Elsiete wood."
So we should be able to find a Latin source from that, then, wouldn't you think?--Ioscius (disp) 12:56, 8 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
- From the same page: 731 Bede’s "History of English Church and People" mentions Leeds Parish Church. Leeds was then called Loidis. But was it called this in Latin? Or just in Anglo-Saxon?--Ioscius (disp) 12:57, 8 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
- Sorry, I didn't see this till now. Delete the redirect if you really hate it.
- I never saw any pages in Latin. I saw many pages in English that suggested to me that Leodis was being taken as a Latin name for Leeds.
- Incidentally, I didn't ask Roland to take my remark as a general rule -- if you don't agree with it, delete it too!
- Bede wrote Latin, as we know. The map I cited (which is a strong scholarly source) printed it as a Latin name. But as a name for Elmet, not for Leeds, still less for Leeds parish church. All Web pages I have ever seen that mention the early Saxon/late Celtic history of England contain many errors ... Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 18:08, 8 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
- OK, I have looked at Bede now, but it doesn't help much. What did he mean by Loidis regio? The district of Leeds, or the whole of Elmet? It isn't clear. Plummer (editor of my edition of Bede) goes for Leeds; evidently the editors of the OS map went for Elmet. And I still don't know where the spelling Leodis comes from. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 20:11, 8 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
- ... but my best guess would be Camden's Britannia or some such source -- a misspelling which got locally popular, a bit like Boadicea. Frustratingly, I really haven't time to look now. One day soon, I'll write the article on Loidis regio, OK? My father was born in Leeds. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 20:21, 8 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
Actually, I think you will find that there was not any recoed of a Roman fort at Leeds, and in fact the nearest recoreded Roman site to where Leeds currently is, is a camp at Adel (also West Yorkshire). So there.--Alexander Potes 18:29, 22 Iunii 2007 (UTC)Alex Rex
I feel I should explain that to me, this means that there is no ACTUAL Latin word for Leeds, but maybe one made up.Alex rex 18:20, 27 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
Caro Ioscius,
recensereti ringrazio di cuore per avermi proposto e sostenuto nella candidatura ad amministratore. Da quando avrò le nuove facolt attruite ad un amministratore e come funzionano? Un abbraccio Max--Massimo Macconi 15:32, 9 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
recenseresalve--Ktopper 17:15, 11 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
Salve iterum
recensereSalve Ioshe. Thanks for the notice a few weeks back about pagina prima. The need to focus on academic work is keeping me from participating in the revisions, but I wanted to say that it's looking sharp, and I like the idea of the Porta Eruditionis! Macte! (Ben) Montivagus 17:28, 11 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
To Ioscius
recensereI would like to apologise for the remark I made. I was very tired at the time and deleted it about 5 seconds after I posted it because I knew it was the wrong way to go about things. I am really sorry if I offended you and thank you for all the support and comments you have given (you can probably guess who I am.) Could we please forgive and forget?
recensereI know this might be the wrong place to ask this, but it's been bugging me. What does a word mean when it stands in the ablative, dative and accusative case? At least from books and stuff I've read the word nihilo n. (nihilum in the ablative or dative or something) means "for nothing", does this make any sense? If so, could you tell me what meanings cases give words?--BiT 23:24, 12 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
Dzień dobry/To IosciusEposide II
recensereTo Ioscius, - Please can you not use offensive language on my talk page - Please can you stop interfering with my page - I am a child so yes, you are right. - Serve was not meant as such an awful insult that would offend you in the was it clearly did. - Please can you define "ey" - As for your "grow up" remark; I am doing so right at the moment! - Bardzo Cię Kocham. Dziękuję na Uwierz mi Jesteś tak piękna.
Kochający, You know who I am
Ey = Nu, don't know if it's Polish, but it is in Russian and Ukrainian, so I'm guessing.--Ioscius (disp) 17:29, 13 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
Hyvää päivää/To IosciusEpisode III
recensereTo Ioscius,
I am very for you addressing the issue of the insult, despite me having changed it very shortly after and regretting it and then apologising. I would just rather you didn't write the particular word you often write on my talk page and would rather you found a way around using the word (e.g. "the insult")
Voitteko kirjoittaa reseptin jotain piristävää varten? Tarvitsen teiltä virtsanäytteen! kiitos sekä näkemiin.
Yours, You Know who I am.
Latha math/To IosciusEposide IV
recensereTo Ioscius,
I would very much like to start again but is there no way you can just not do the "s" tag and using the word, my liege? Also, what was the second "insult" you mentioned, surely not serve?
S toigh leam briosgaidean gu mòr! Tapadh leat. Bha e brèagha an-de. Mar sin leibh an dràsda.
Yours, You Know who I am.
- Haec res mera fabula est. Oblivitus es! Iste se excusavit! Ut credo, non meretur amplius...--Xaverius 20:50, 13 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
Gracias/To IosciusEpisode V
recensereTo Ioscius,
Thank you ever so much for clearing all this up and I would definitely like to continue working on Vicipaedia. --Harrissimo
De salutatione advenarum
recensereIrenaeus Iosho s.p.d. Cum vidissem, Ioshe, salutationem advenarum aliquantum corrigi et expoliri posse, hanc tibi versionem commendavi:
Initio mihi liceat te recte salutare: Salve! Gratus aut grata in Vicipaediam Latinam acciperis! Ob contributa tua gratias agimus speramusque te delectari posse et manere velle.
Cum Vicipaedia nostra parva humilisque sit, paucae et exiguae sunt paginae auxilii, a quibus hortamur te ut incipias:
- Ops nexusque usoribus novis (en, de)
- Auxilium pro editione (latine) (en) Num istud Latinum? Nonne melius est "Auxilium editoribus" vel "Auxilia editoria"?
- Translator's Guide Institutio convertendi
- Taberna
- Porta communis
- Lexica Neolatina
- Fontes nominum locorum
- Vicipaedia: Regulae propositae
Si plura de moribus et institutis Vicipaedianis scire vis, tibi suademus, ut Vicipaediam aliam adeas, exempli causa: (...) In ipsis paginis mos noster non est nomen dare, sed in paginis disputationis memento editis tuis nomen subscribere, litteris impressis (...), quibus insertis nomen tuum et dies apparebit. Quamquam vero in paginis ipsis nisi lingua Latina uti non licet, in paginis disputationum qualibet lingua scribi solet. Quodsi quid interrogare velis, vel Taberna vel pagina disputationis mea tibi patebit. Ave! Spero te "Vicipaedianum" aut "Vicipaedianam" fieri velle!
Quae si tibi displicent, dimitte, sin placent, tibi vindica. Vale. --Irenaeus 15:03, 15 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
recensereWhat do you mean 'up to no good'?-- 16:09, 17 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
recensereAs a friend of someone you know, I would like to inquire why serve is an insult to you?
usor Ciconius Vinolentus;
recenserearo Iosciusla pagina è piena soltanto di stupidate su un fantasioso imperatore inventato dall'utente. Cancelliamo? Ciao--Massimo Macconi 12:54, 21 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
recensereSalve Ioshe! Could you please tell me what "sock puppet" means? --Harrissimo 16:39, 21 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
- Also, is it variable whether Neapolitan has a double 'n' or a single one in Neapolitan (you and English Wikipedia seem to clash on this)... --Harrissimo 22:10, 22 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
recensereBut of course, Ioshe! In any case we are merely stumbling in the dark, here ... and, who knows, the occasional friendly greeting may lighten the gloom ... :) Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 16:10, 27 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
De conventus conclusi admonitione
recensereIrenaeus Ioshio sal.
Qui conventum concluserit, hanc leget admonitionem:
Conventum tuum conclusum est. Ignote continues Vicipaedia uti, aut conventum novum vel sub eodem vel novo nomine aperias. Nota bene paginas fortasse videantur quasi tuum conventum esset apertum, priusquam navigatrum purgaveris.
Quae cum melius rectiusque explicari posse videantur, haec scribenda propono: Conventus tuus nunc est conclusus. Licet sane tibi aut ignoto Vicipaedia uti pergere aut conventum novum sub nomine vel alio vel eodem aperire. Nota bene quibusdam in paginis conventum tuum apertum esse videri posse, quoad navigatrum purgaveris.
Vale. --Irenaeus 09:10, 28 Iunii 2007 (UTC)
- Gratias, Ioshe, ago pro consilio respecto. Uteris autem voce conventum quadam neutrius generis (conventum, -i, n.), quam, nisi fallor, masculini generis esse oportet (conventus, -ūs, m.). Vale.--Irenaeus 17:42, 3 Iulii 2007 (UTC)
recensereCiao Ioscius, sei un grosso, perché sei americano e parli l'italiano e il latino.Ti ammiro,non sono lingue così facili.
Can you help me?
recensereHello! I'm sorry to write in english, but I need a translation of this anthem to latin. Can you make it to me, when you get free time, please? Thank you very much! 02:19, 1 Iulii 2007 (UTC)
recensereHello Yoshi! Hole es!
Ioscius, what is a hole? Is it from Holus - vegetable? 09:33, 17 Iulii 2007 (UTC)
Duo nomina habeo
recensereI just thought I may as well have a Henricus account too in case I decide to switch one day.
It won't be for sockpuppet/evil reasons. Probably... --Harrissimo 18:36, 10 Iulii 2007 (UTC)
Opus or Porta?
recensereIn Xaverius' talk page, There was the following suggestion for Portal:
I've done what I can. There is the problem that i cannot remember if opus is opus, opi or opus, operis.
Why don't you post a "cry for help" in the taberna? It tends to work.--Xaverius 17:23, 4 Iulii 2007 (UTC)
Opus, operis n. Good idea to try and create a portal! --UV 20:58, 4 Iulii 2007 (UTC)
Is Opus or Porta better, mi Iosci? --Harrissimo 12:57, 11 Iulii 2007 (UTC)
- Opus means work, it doesn't signify anything remotely close to "portal"... For my part, I can't even really figure out why anyone suggested opus, let alone thought it was a good idea after suggesting...--Ioscius (disp) 13:05, 11 Iulii 2007 (UTC)
- Grazie. --Harrissimo 13:07, 11 Iulii 2007 (UTC)
- If I said opus it is because what we were talking about is a proyect, not a portal, or at least that's what I understood. In my disputatio page I had the link to the disputatio of the new pagina prima, where there were some coments made on portals and proyects.--Xaverius 13:40, 11 Iulii 2007 (UTC)
- Aha! Opus isn't bad for project, but I think we'e used collaboratio in the past. Coeptum isn't terrible, either...--Ioscius (disp) 14:14, 11 Iulii 2007 (UTC)
- I guess then that maybe opus is ok for Opus:Politica Franciae but not for Opus:Finnia and it should be Porta:Finnia. And about opus and so, do we have a page on opus?--Xaverius 16:00, 11 Iulii 2007 (UTC)
- Yes, we do... --Xaverius 16:03, 11 Iulii 2007 (UTC)
- Sorry for being a nuisance, but I was looking in usor:Tbook's talk page and I found that people used (at one point) Vicicollaboratio. There is even Vicipaedia:Vicicollaboratio Lingua Latina. But... Am I wrong? This looks like a completely different type of project, which resembles the Opus in no way. --Harrissimo 23:07, 29 Iulii 2007 (UTC)
- Yes, we do... --Xaverius 16:03, 11 Iulii 2007 (UTC)
- I guess then that maybe opus is ok for Opus:Politica Franciae but not for Opus:Finnia and it should be Porta:Finnia. And about opus and so, do we have a page on opus?--Xaverius 16:00, 11 Iulii 2007 (UTC)
- Aha! Opus isn't bad for project, but I think we'e used collaboratio in the past. Coeptum isn't terrible, either...--Ioscius (disp) 14:14, 11 Iulii 2007 (UTC)
Gratias tibi ago...
recensereob invitationem tuam atque tuum consilium de Vicipaedia Latina. Paulatim modum hac Vicipaedia utendi discam, nam plurima sunt spectanda et legenda et discenda. Iam formulam Rusticationis in mea pagina usoris addidi, quam ob rem quoque gratias ago. Plus ibi addam cum tempus (et scientiam) habuerim. Interim ego legam et observabo. (etiam, quomodo mutatur mea subsignatio ut tantum praenomen monstretur?)
Gratias iterum tibi ago. --Iason Slanga 19:06, 11 Iulii 2007 (UTC)
- Gratias tibi ob responsum tuum. Maxime hypertextum scio, sed nihil textus Vicipaediae. Mores quoque sunt mihi discendi. Oportet ut tibi respondeam annotationem meam recensere (sicut hic) aut tuum responsum in mea disputatione recensere aut iterum tuae disputationi adnotare? -- Iason 20:19, 11 Iulii 2007 (UTC)
salve iosci
recenseremeministi mei iosci?...veni quia salutare te volebam tantum..hahae perdiu non te vidi... iam articulos meos non intravisti ad dicendum me podicem esse! lol obiter..graecam antiquam loqui scis?--leo 22:55, 15 Iulii 2007 (UTC)
ahh iosci dicitur..da veniam, ego dicebam iosce quia antea nomen tuum non I habebat :P --leo 12:48, 16 Iulii 2007 (UTC) quid novi?
recensereHello, Ioscius, I have made a survey of the morphological aspect-forms in ancient Greek, but there ist no colour. What's wrong? Actually, there MUST BE any colour, I tried everything... -- IP Quindicenne 11:53, 19 Iulii 2007 (UTC)
Hi! I've manage the tabula (granted that it wasn't my first imagination). What do you think about the colour, I think it make an ancient impression - and that is adapted to Ancient Greek! -- IP Quindicenne 16:39, 19 Iulii 2007 (UTC)
I wanna say you: Thank you for the transliteration, I wasn't able to do it, I don't speak Russian. You are a great Vicipedian, with people like you its pleasant to work! Thanks! IP Quindicenne 22:04, 19 Iulii 2007 (UTC)
recensereExempli gratia:
Articulum gallo-francicum melior est, sed singulus anglicus in alias regionibus est officialis. Gratias! - Georgius 01:36, 22 Iulii 2007 (UTC)
- Id procrastinabo, ut valde defessus sum, at me promitto conversurum. Valeas.--Ioscius (disp) 03:16, 22 Iulii 2007 (UTC)
- Servus! Credo, cum lingua latina in Vaticano singula officalis est, quam ius de reproductione italicus applicabilis est. In hæc circumstantiam, textum italicum conversatur. Mihi autem, versio belga placet, istam enim usabo, sed non secundum voluntatem meam, sed iurem et legem debitur. In isto tempore, unde lingua omnisuperponentis fecitur anglica, bonum est, ut homini latinam usare possint in loco anglicæ, quemadmodum in terras unde non una, sed multa alia linguæ loquetur. - Waelsch 04:15, 24 Iulii 2007 (UTC)
(16:36, 30 Iulii 2007)
recensereYoshi, Estne Adultus!
recensereMe dijeron que entiendes español. Me puedes ayudar con esta traduccion. Gracias! [1]
Valerio luci filius Marcila ano XXX hic sepultus est. Casum meum quiem factus (adi) lis (diebus) habiam. (Debrajeuta) deflua (mon) rapint et tumulauit amor.
Si hay algo incoherente puede estar mal separadas las palabras o errores en las letras
- Si yo puedo ayudarti. Yo ti escribí una mensaje a la tu cuenta española.--Ioscius (disp) 01:07, 10 Augusti 2007 (UTC)
recensereJust out of curiosity: what is this category for? Articles that need Latin corrections badly? ;) --Nomad 00:45, 10 Augusti 2007 (UTC)
- Thank you for your answer ;) No, it's ok, nothing what I wrote was put into it, I just edited some other articles and noticed this category. Actually my edits are very basic yet (interwikis and external links only) ;) And thank you for your kindness, it's really refreshing after lt:wiki. And yes, I guess I would use your help as soon as I learn Latin good enough to do something more than just basic edits, thanks again for that ;) --Nomad 13:48, 10 Augusti 2007 (UTC) post scriptum - I see you like Sicilia if I understood correctly :) That's a wonderful country for anybody interested in history and nature, but not that good if you like law and order... I'm interested in Sicilia too, I used to hitch-hike there for a week but that was not enough to see all that wonderful country rich of nature's beauty and historical heritage.
recensereEs una lapida del siglo XXX, se encuentra en algun museo, es procedente de Puçol ciudad al lado de la Saguntum romana de antes de Cristo. Te doy el tiempo que necesites. Gracias
Quoniam rogasti ...
recensereIosci, I'm copying this message of yours: Say more about this in my talk page. Are you writing a paper? I'm curious, too.--Ioscius(disp) 02:19, 23 Augusti 2007 (UTC)
- Because you asked, I say this: I'm interested in the mechanisms of change, not only linguistic change but -- because it's not realistic to compartmentalise language as a calculus and look upon it as though it hasn't anything to do with the rest of what we call culture -- also "cultural (micro)change", whatever that means in the last analysis. I've published a lengthy paper on "The 'invisible hand' explanation of linguistic change" (in Finnish), and I'm plannig to brush it up in "some intelligible language" (read: English... :-) as soon as I get the time. The "invisible hand" comes of course from Adam Smith, but I'm no longer happy with his metaphor. The "unintended consequences" aspect of Smith's explanation is great, but the "amelioration" aspect is extremely problematical. I guess what I'm groping after is an evolutionary (not in the sociobiology sense!) view of linguistic and cultural change. Transmission of ideas (or "memetic transmission") and its mechanisms can be observed in any social context, where people cumulatively copy or ape each other, selectively of course but in great enough numbers so that the collective behaviour has social/cultural impact (e.g. fashion). --Neander 19:36, 23 Augusti 2007 (UTC)
- Yes, evolution is a fitting analogy. There's a book in which the author explored the verbal mechanics of how a children's song had changed over time, and concluded: "In the natural progress of its art, the genius of a Sāmoan children's song binds itself to follow general rules, by which sounds cohere as templates, framed in a model native to a listener's mind; these templates favor some changes, and are inhospitable to others. Successful mutations are mistakes that, by fitting the template's patterns, insinuate themselves into the model. Mistakes make change possible; templates put it in order. And the power, the spur, the engine, behind what seems to be directional drift, is random error" (J. W. Love, Sāmoan Variations: Essays on the Nature of Traditional Oral Arts (New York & London: Garland Publishing, 1991, p. 247). Of course that would be random error within phonological & other constraints imposed by pertinent linguistic & musical systems. Praecipue vide capitulum VIII, "The Nature of Musical Change." IacobusAmor 11:06, 26 Augusti 2007 (UTC)
- Thanks for the tip! Seems as though similar processes underlie Homeric formulas, or the activities of ancient aoidoi in general. Neander 12:01, 30 Augusti 2007 (UTC)
- Yes, evolution is a fitting analogy. There's a book in which the author explored the verbal mechanics of how a children's song had changed over time, and concluded: "In the natural progress of its art, the genius of a Sāmoan children's song binds itself to follow general rules, by which sounds cohere as templates, framed in a model native to a listener's mind; these templates favor some changes, and are inhospitable to others. Successful mutations are mistakes that, by fitting the template's patterns, insinuate themselves into the model. Mistakes make change possible; templates put it in order. And the power, the spur, the engine, behind what seems to be directional drift, is random error" (J. W. Love, Sāmoan Variations: Essays on the Nature of Traditional Oral Arts (New York & London: Garland Publishing, 1991, p. 247). Of course that would be random error within phonological & other constraints imposed by pertinent linguistic & musical systems. Praecipue vide capitulum VIII, "The Nature of Musical Change." IacobusAmor 11:06, 26 Augusti 2007 (UTC)
Help, please!
recensereHi! I'm Zoltan and Massimo told me to ask you if you could create a userbox for Sardinian language knowledge: Formula:Usor sc-1 for me. Thank you in advance. --Zoltan 10:10, 26 Augusti 2007 (UTC)
- Sì, già l'ho visto, non c'è problema. L'han fatto giusto dopo della mia domanda, mi pare che qualcuno ha letto nostre discussioni. Ma grazie per tutte le maniere :) --TheMexican (scribe!) 06:59, 27 Augusti 2007 (UTC)
Vista, somebody can help me!
recensereCaro Ioscius, magari tu puoi aiutarmi ti riporto di seguito la discussione che ho aperto nella taverna. Devo fare tutto con taglia e incolla ed è tutto meno che semplice. Ciao e grazie Massimo Macconi 21:08, 28 Augusti 2007 (UTC)
- problem solved. It was only the protection level, I reduced it for the area wikipedia and now all the buttons work. Ciao--Massimo Macconi 17:26, 29 Augusti 2007 (UTC)
Vista, somebody can help me!
recensereI have a new PC with vista but I do not find any more the buttons to write and correct pages (nexus, parenthesis etc. ) Someone could help me, thank you Massimo (even the signature button is not there)
- Aperuisti conventum tuum? (Mihi quoque est Vista.) IacobusAmor 17:46, 28 Augusti 2007 (UTC)
- tibi gratia ago, sed conventum iam apertum est.
- Not a huge help, bur probably worth mentioning: you can sign by typing four tildas (--~~~~) --Iustinus 18:32, 28 Augusti 2007 (UTC)
- Fortasse alio browser utendum (e.g. Mozilla)?
- thank you but I wouldn'try with on other browser till I 'm not sure it can't work with internet explorer, because I worry I would do worse--Massimo Macconi 18:58, 28 Augusti 2007 (UTC). For the moment I work with "taglia e incolla" but it is very difficult
Cuestión curiosa
recensereHola! Disfrutando la oportunidad, te escribo ahora en español (que es la lengua en la que más fácilmente me expreso). Espero no fastidiarte, sólo quisiera saber que según tú, aparentemente cuál lengua se parece más al latín fonética y morfológicamente (pienso en las conjugaciones verbales, la formación de plurales, etcétera), el español o el italiano? Espero tu opinión! (Por supuesto puedes escribirme en italiano, inglés, latín, portugués, sardo, catalán, etc). Gracias, te saludo desde Hungría. :) --TheMexican (scribe!) 12:09, 30 Augusti 2007 (UTC)
Quare permutavisti prænominem?
recenserePlurimem salutem Gundisalvus Ioscio dicit, Tibi gratias ago multissimas ob tuam attentionem. Sed non possum intelligere cur prænomomen mi in casu accusativo esse. Nonne vidisti "(ad) me" esse, ubi ellypsin præpositionis occurrit? --Gundisalvus 18:28, 31 Augusti 2007 (UTC)
- Pro certo non vidi, quia non habuisti. Mutavi in casum dativum. Recte factum, si me rogas.--Ioscius (disp) 18:59, 31 Augusti 2007 (UTC)
- Grazie.--Gundisalvus 07:35, 1 Septembris 2007 (UTC)
Vista, somebody can help me!
recenseregrazie lo stesso, è stato solo un piccolo problema subito risolto, ciao--Massimo Macconi 00:47, 1 Septembris 2007 (UTC)
Gratias tibi
recensereSalve, Ioscius. Ego Latinissimus non sum. Te quedaría muy agradecido si me dijeras qué cosas son incorrectas de las que están escritas en latín en mi página de usuario. Espero tu respuesta. Gracias por anticipado. Un saludo.
--Bonnot 15:53, 6 Septembris 2007 (UTC)
recensereSalve, Ioscius. A lo que me dices de "nemo vivus est Latinissimus", te contesto con el artículo Augustus Garcia Calvo. Espero tu respuesta. Gracias por anticipado. Un saludo.
--Bonnot 20:43, 6 Septembris 2007 (UTC)
Latinissimus 2
recensereSalve. Ioscius. "Latinissimus" es una palabra que utilizaba en sus obras Sophronius Eusebius Hieronimus, por lo que es posible que sea latín vulgar. El latín que yo conozco y utilizo es una mezcla de latín clásico y de latín vulgar, por lo que las correcciones de lo que escribo son bien recibidas, ya que, a veces, utilizo palabras y locuciones en un latín poco académico, aunque me parece que fácilmente comprensible para alguien que sepa latín, pero siempre será mejor que alguien me corrija lo que escribo porque puede haber una forma más correcta de decir las cosas en latín, y por eso digo que no soy Latinissimus, como decía el autor citado. Así que te agradezco las correcciones. Intentaré familiarizarme con el latín que usais en Vicipaedia y os ruego perdonéis las molestias que os pueda causar por utilizar un latín tan poco académico hasta que aprenda a decir las cosas correctamente. Un cordial saludo y gracias.
--Bonnot 23:39, 6 Septembris 2007 (UTC)
Utraque lingua
recensereEn ambas lenguas, en una lengua y en la otra (dando por sobreentendido que nos referimos al latín y al griego) me parece que es una locución correcta en latín. Es posible que sea una forma de decir las cosas que la mayoría de los usuarios de Vicipaedia no entiendan. No sé, tu dirás. Un cordial saludo y gracias.
--Bonnot 23:49, 6 Septembris 2007 (UTC)
recensereSalve, Ioscchius. Puede que esté equivocado pero yo no diría "Augustus est peritus linguarum Latinae et Graecae", porque me parece latín macarrónico o "latin de cuisine" como dicen en francés. Yo diría, en todo caso, "Agustus Latinae et Graecae peritus est". No sé, me gustaría conocer tu opinión. Gracias por anticipado.
--Bonnot 00:14, 7 Septembris 2007 (UTC)
possiblity tense?
recensereSalve Ioscius! Habe latina tempus potestas? Estne recte dicere hoc? : Forsan Philippinas est maniola indicatur a Ptolemeus. Aut Potestas Philippinas est maniola indicatur a Ptolemeus. (?)
The above is a sample of Jondelicus latinus, a language which is far far superior and erudite than ordinary or classical latin. A translation is as follows:
Hi Ioscius! Does latin have a possibility tense. Is this correct? :Forsan Philippinas est maniola indicatur a Ptolemeus. 'Or' : Potestas Philippinas est maniola indicatur a Ptolemeus. (?) -It is possible/maybe, the Philippines is maniola indicated by Ptolemy.-
(In Spanish you would use subjunctive or future tense or something like it could be, seria possible que )
Gratias ago .--Jondel 05:34, 7 Septembris 2007 (UTC)
- It's often better not to complicate life or grammar: Philippinae fortasse sunt insulae a Ptolemaeo Maniola appellatae? Philippinae fortasse sunt insulae quas Ptolemaeus Maniola appellavit? IacobusAmor 13:53, 10 Septembris 2007 (UTC)
Thanks Iacobus. Ioscius's word descripsit seems more apt-> describes. I do try to simplify, but things seem to get complicated on their own.--Jondel 04:50, 13 Septembris 2007 (UTC)
accusative-> possibility
recensereThank you very much!! :)
So we use accusative for possibility?(potential) Just to iron things out, the finalized sentence would be:
Fortasse, Philippinas(plural form , accusative) sint maniola quam Ptolymaeus descripsit.
? Ptolymaeus-nominative with an `a` before the eus.
Thanks again.
--Jondel 13:20, 10 Septembris 2007 (UTC)
Vade mecum
recensereSalve, Ioscius. Lo entiendo todo menos el emoticono ( =]. ) ¿Qué significa? Espero tu respuesta. Gracias por anticipado. Un saludo.
--Bonnot 11:00, 10 Septembris 2007 (UTC)
Gol-liardus sum
recensereSalve Ioscius, Gol-liardus 'pathaphysicusque sum animus iocandi et non magister, et nihil plus per nunc. (Hola, Iosciussoy un eterno estudiante vagamundos de 'Patafísica risueña et no un maestro, y nada más por ahora)--Bonnot 13:20, 13 Septembris 2007 Nihil prius fide (doy fé) (UTC)

recensereOh I didn't realize about that.--Rafaelgarcia 19:52, 14 Septembris 2007 (UTC)
- Maybe you could have a link to his Furman homepage in the formula. It isn't exactly hard to find the lexicon from that page. --Harrissimo 20:04, 14 Septembris 2007 (UTC)
- Let's try and respect his wishes, if possible...--Ioscius (disp) 04:36, 15 Septembris 2007 (UTC)
- Should we delete the nexus externus from Morgan, then? --Harrissimo 10:41, 15 Septembris 2007 (UTC)
- Let's try and respect his wishes, if possible...--Ioscius (disp) 04:36, 15 Septembris 2007 (UTC)
Gratias ago
recensereTibi gratias ago pro tua acceptione. --Freddyballo 19:40, 24 Septembris 2007 (UTC)
recensereGracias por tu recibimiento. No hablo latín pero e gustaría yudar en esta wikipedia poniendo tablas o lo que fuera. ¿En que puedo ayudar? --Jeneme 19:50, 24 Septembris 2007 (UTC)
Hispania Visigothica...
recenserehopefully, this will be my last post requiring help on this... I have finished adding the footnotes, a small hint on the king and the magistrates and some other minor changes, and red links (there are still some). I think that the page it is finally fully finished, wouldn't you think so? Could you read it through one last time? hopefully it has been a good pagina mensis!
As soon as I add some more kings, I'll take over Ultimi Philippinarum again to finish it. Do you think it could be a good candidate topic for pagina mensis? I am affraid it may not be much of an encyclopedia as it would be part of a text book...--Xaverius 15:32, 25 Septembris 2007 (UTC)
Ho visto con ...
recenserepiacere l'articolo del giornale con la tua foto. Sono molto contento che si stia accendendo l'attenzione sulla vicipaedia. Grazie e ciao--Massimo Macconi 06:30, 30 Septembris 2007 (UTC)
- I agree with the last speaker!! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 07:57, 30 Septembris 2007 (UTC)
Request for Help, please
recensereGreetings Mr. Ioscius,
Can you kindly help me translate these passages into the unique and honourable Latin language? Please.
- "Jesus Christ, the Word who became flesh, died on the cross for the redemption of sinners, resurrected on the third day and ascended to heaven. He is the only Saviour of mankind, the Creator of the heavens and earth, and the only true God".
- "The Holy Bible, consisting of the Old and New Testaments, is inspired by God, the only scriptural truth, and the standard for Christian living".
- "Salvation is given by the grace of God through faith. Believers must rely on the Holy Spirit to pursue holiness, to honour God, and to love humanity".
- "The Church, established by our Lord Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit during the time of the 'latter rain', is the restored true church of the Apostolic time".
- "The Lord's Second Coming will take place on the Last Day when He descends from heaven to judge the world: the righteous will receive eternal life, while the wicked will be eternally condemned".
Your help would be very Gratefully Appreciated, Thankyou very much. --Jose77 05:08, 1 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
- "The latter rain" =? IacobusAmor 23:59, 1 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
recensereSalve, Iosci. I just saw the article about Vicipaedia. Macte! Montivagus 22:22, 1 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
recensereSalve Ioscius, sic, vincula facebam inter paginas usoris variae linguae, et nunc me negligenter paginem secundam in nomine usoris ut alibi creavisse invenio. Paginem Sedgefoot ad Ulvapes redirigere debeo. Gratias tibi me stultitiam meam docendo! Sed etiam delenda erint continentia paginae Sedgefoot. Ulvapes 00:28, 14 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
- Denuo gratias: res facta est. Ulvapes 00:46, 14 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
recensereI think that this is not a profanity, but a word play on the character from Harrius Potter named Serious Black in english. -- Secundus Zephyrus 04:58, 19 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
- Just making sure. I confess I haven't read any Harry Potter. Thanks for coming to his defense.--Ioscius (disp) 05:01, 19 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
recensereVidi te emdendasse, quod scripseram in Vicipaedia de "Oberweis". Gratias ago, sed nescio, quid sint "incoles". Si responderes, valde laetarer (
- Incoles sunt nugae, quippe. Clariter in animo habui scribere "incolae".--Ioscius (disp) 04:13, 21 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
recensereIs it possible to get rid off the taxoboxsystem, and create articles without it? , Hendricus 18:40, 21 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
- I'm not against it in theory. What would be your counterproposal for data display? We have dozens, maybe hundreds of articles with taxoboxes, so it will be quite an endeavor.--Ioscius (disp) 18:47, 21 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
- Well i've created some startups now wich you can see at Eogastropoda > Docoglossa working your way down, there are two steps down to go their about the genus and te specimen, there is a part with a header called taxinomia, and climbing a ladder, on the top below the name there's room for text about the things the members of the group has in common and about habitat and distribution, on the right there can be images - below the head with the taxo there's room for header called references or literature (what's latin use for that?) I think a taxobox is so common - all pedia sites use them and in fact i think their uglu and take a lot of space, this is a Latin project so it's a good thing to have soom differances towards english or dutch pedia, it makes it somuch mor - scientific approach, don't you think ?, Hendricus 19:08, 21 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
that ugly fundraising sitenotice
recensereThat ugly fundraising sitenotice has finally reached us. If you would like to help translate, you need to go to meta:Fundraising 2007/Text for sitenotice#L and write your translations for the two remaining messages on that page. Thereafter, a meta administrator will copy your text to the respective system messages on meta, which will cause the messages to appear here. Greetings, --UV 22:44, 24 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
- Done!.
* (update live) Adiuva nos sapientiam late diffusam promptare. Dona Vicipaediae! * (update live) 1 234 567 homines donarunt. * (update live) Celare hoc nuntium * (update live) Monstrare plus * (update live)
- --Ioscius (disp) 01:35, 25 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
- Thanks! I made a minor change from "wikipedia" to "wikimedia" for consistency with the English text. Greetings, --UV 09:31, 25 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
- Oh sure. My fault. Thanks, UV.--Ioscius (disp) 15:14, 25 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
- Salve Iosci et UV. Would 'celare hunc nuntium' be the more normal usage? Also, since 'promptare' seems to be fairly uncommon, and 'sapientia' is perhaps not primarily what Vicipaedia trades in, would another construction work better, such as: "opem fer nobis doctrinam late (or 'per mundum') diffundentibus" to translate English (if that's what we want to do) "Help us spread knowledge worldwide?" Montivagus 23:55, 26 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
- Well I have long argued for nuntium, ~i, n., so I'm a fan of hoc here. Promptare is uncommon, but it means exactly what the gist of the whole English sentence means. And I'm not sure what the problem with translating knowledge as sapientia? I'm not real sure where our verb is, either in your sentence? Do you mean diffundere instead of diffundentibus? Sorry, ben, it's been a long day, if I seem dense...--Ioscius (disp) 01:00, 27 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
- Succurre nobis ut scientiam omnibus diffundamus? IacobusAmor 01:42, 27 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
- Well I have long argued for nuntium, ~i, n., so I'm a fan of hoc here. Promptare is uncommon, but it means exactly what the gist of the whole English sentence means. And I'm not sure what the problem with translating knowledge as sapientia? I'm not real sure where our verb is, either in your sentence? Do you mean diffundere instead of diffundentibus? Sorry, ben, it's been a long day, if I seem dense...--Ioscius (disp) 01:00, 27 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
- Salve Iosci et UV. Would 'celare hunc nuntium' be the more normal usage? Also, since 'promptare' seems to be fairly uncommon, and 'sapientia' is perhaps not primarily what Vicipaedia trades in, would another construction work better, such as: "opem fer nobis doctrinam late (or 'per mundum') diffundentibus" to translate English (if that's what we want to do) "Help us spread knowledge worldwide?" Montivagus 23:55, 26 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
- Oh sure. My fault. Thanks, UV.--Ioscius (disp) 15:14, 25 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
- Perhaps this is a case of duelling dictionaries, but OLD, s.v. nuntius, -i, m., meaning 3, gives 'a message conveying information, a report,' and cites all kinds of authors, poetry and prose: Plautus, Cicero, Tacitus, Suetonius, and others. This is also the normal usage in several beginning textbooks, such as Wheelock's. Under nuntium, -i, n. OLD gives 'a message, communication', but cites only Catullus and Apuleius, who, while indubitably excellent Latinists, were perhaps intending to sound poetic/religious/archaic in these instances (not that I actually looked up the context). As for (ad)iuvo + acc. + inf., I've never been confident that it's common Latin. Under adiuvo OLD gives one citation + inf. [(pater) adiuvat ... incubare (Plin. Nat. 11.85)], but shows no sign of an acc. (but again I'm committing the cardinal sin of not looking up the citation.) Hence I went with (overliteral translation) 'bring aid to us (who are) spreading knowledge widely / through the world.' But I also think an ut purpose clause would serve well, if the participle doesn't cut it: fer opem ut diffundamus... Doctrina = 'science, erudition, learning'; sapientia = 'good taste, wisdom, philosophy' (these defs. now from Lewis and Short Elem.). I don't say Vicipaedia lacks the latter, but I think its raison d'être is the former. Gotta go, big plans tonight. Hope grad school is treating you alright. Montivagus 01:38, 27 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
- My dictionary says 'a public notice' is a proscriptio and an edictum. IacobusAmor 01:47, 27 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
- Yes, but nuntius can also mean "messenger". I have argued for distinguishing the two: "Hic nuntius fert hoc nuntium", a case where I think utility calls for the poetic usage to be prevalent. Ut clause is fine, I was just really going for simplicity. As far as adiuva + accusative, the only source I was using was that old hymn "Domine, adiuva me". If it takes a single accusative, it's got to be able to take a double accusative... The english uses a supine structure it really means "help us (to) spread knowledge worldwide", which is another reason I was avoiding an ut clause. Doctrina clearly has as its root doceo, so I take it to mean something like "things having been taught". Sapientia comes from the same root as saber and sapere in Romance languages, and I have always taken it to mean "things known" or more abstractly "knowing".
- Bottom line, change what you want. I don't much care about this. I do a lot to help Wikimedia spread knowledge worldwide everyday, these 4 tiny phrases are small fries to me.--Ioscius (disp) 14:11, 27 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
- My dictionary says 'a public notice' is a proscriptio and an edictum. IacobusAmor 01:47, 27 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
- Thanks! I made a minor change from "wikipedia" to "wikimedia" for consistency with the English text. Greetings, --UV 09:31, 25 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
- Since others aren't weighing in, I guess it's not a big deal. Stet. Montivagus 23:40, 27 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
- I would think a better translation for knowledge is scientia but wisdom sapientia is close enough. Not a big deal.--Rafaelgarcia 00:03, 28 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
- Itero: "Succurre nobis ut scientiam omnibus diffundamus?" (I take 'the world' to be omnes.) IacobusAmor 02:31, 28 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
- Ita. Accordo. Melior sit.--Rafaelgarcia 02:35, 28 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
- Itero: "Succurre nobis ut scientiam omnibus diffundamus?" (I take 'the world' to be omnes.) IacobusAmor 02:31, 28 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
- I would think a better translation for knowledge is scientia but wisdom sapientia is close enough. Not a big deal.--Rafaelgarcia 00:03, 28 Octobris 2007 (UTC)
recensereIosci, I think there is little difference (yet) between cithara and your recently createdcithara Hispanica. Are you expanding the latter afterwards?--Xaverius 17:42, 3 Novembris 2007 (UTC)
recenserePerdona que no me exprese en latín, ya que lo tengo algo oxidado. Con respecto al nombre de Logroño, donde nací y llevo viviendo 40 años, esta es la primera vez que veo tal referencia. He buscado por internet y he encontrado esto donde en la página 3 y siguientes sitúa "Iuliobrica" en el nacimiento del río Ebro, es decir, en Cantabria, a muchos km. de la capital de La Rioja. Saludos -- 23:43, 3 Novembris 2007 (UTC)
- Respondí en mi página.--Xaverius 19:06, 4 Novembris 2007 (UTC)
recenserehi. i'd just like to ask if i can ask your advice from time to time. i'd love to be able to contribute to Vicipaedia; Latin is my passion. I'm a high school student from London so my latin isn't too advanced. I would appreciated your help. Vale!!!!! - Usor:kai_su_teknon
- I'm the next one. I am also not very fluent in Latin, but I work hard to learn it! I hope to be helpful here, some day. --Xarthat Xio 21:21, 12 Novembris 2007 (UTC)
recensereCur est uicopaedia uelut chartophylax huic paginae sed rex Ieff ac vera escimonum nebrascensium historia in solitudines uastas expelluntur? nemo litteris latinis doctus crederet quosdam escimones condidisse nebrascam. et nemo uicopaediam latinam de nebrasca ista ultro adiret. sic credentes uicopaediae editores sunt retardati omnino se fuckendo. 16:03, 16 Novembris 2007 (UTC)
recensereSalve! Hi Ioscius! :D
Could you help me with this phrase: Exstat civitas Zamboanga ubi chabacano dialectum Hispanicum loquuntur.
- does the declension change if I say: Chabacano dialectum(=>dialecto -ablative) Hispanicum Hispanicum (=>hispanice , ablative)loquuntur. (Appropriate to use the dialecto Hispanice as an adverb? )
- Yes, use the ablative, yous peak languages in the ablative, for sure.
- Can I use cum instead of ubi and is that more frequent?
- No.
- If I only wanted to say using the passive, do I say Hipanice (ablative)loquitur? or Hispanicem (accussative)loquitur?
- Actually, this isn't passive, it's deponent. Loquitur is truly an active form of the verb (there is no way to use this verb passively). Ille loquitur means "he speaks", not "he is spoken", whereas with dico there is a difference: ille dicit = "he says", ille dicitur = "he is said".
Regards, --Jondel 06:57, 18 Novembris 2007 (UTC)
- Thanks. I keep forgetting about the deponent. It feels so much like the passive.--Jondel 12:56, 19 Novembris 2007 (UTC)
- A lot of seeming actives have similar nuances, and therefore take nonaccusative cases for their "direct objects": faveo 'I'm well disposed toward' (not quite 'I favor'), studeo 'I'm zealous for' (not quite 'I study'), and so on. IacobusAmor 15:33, 19 Novembris 2007 (UTC)
Delevi hanc redirectionem quia opportet ducere ad Linguam Phoenicam, quam, ut plane videas, nondum scripsimus. Valeas!--Ioscius (disp) 20:24, 19 Novembris 2007 (UTC)
- Phoenīcē (-ēs) est non adverbium sed nomen pro terra civitatis antiquae. Vide Plinii Naturalem Historiam 5.66. Incolarum lingua est aut Lingua Phoenica aut Lingua Punica. Wayne's Quicky Lube 21:51, 19 Novembris 2007 (UTC)
te delevisse paginam "harpastum" innotui sed ratio deest. disputationem addidi rogantem.
- Salve, Andrea. Delevi paginam Italice scriptam. Recte, procul dubio, scribi debet.--Ioscius (disp) 04:54, 20 Novembris 2007 (UTC)
Salve, Iosci!
recensereEgo Marcus, carminum recitator. I am hoping to do a vici entry on my poetic persona "Didaskalos," and link to it from the SORGLL page, where I am listed as ex-com. "Didaskalos" was created to articulate all the things I can't articulate in real life, and is consequently rather scabrous, as you can see at the following address, if you fix it: I have translated (well, 2/3) this article into Latin, and rewritten it out of the ED ethos and into the vici ethos. "Didaskalos" has recited Homer in 22 states, making him a hard-working poet, if not actually notable. I am now officially signed up at Vicipaedia. Thanks, Mark Miner /"Didaskalos"
- ---Didaskalos 00:39, 22 Novembris 2007 (UTC)
Pagina usoris:Magister equitum
recensereSalve!Gratias agit tibi pro consiliis.Sed: apud preposizio, regit accusandi casum, ergo apud lyceum. Num erram?--Magister equitum 18:45, 23 Novembris 2007 (UTC)
- iterum gratias agit tibi.--magister equitatum pervenit! 19:20, 23 Novembris 2007 (UTC)
recensereGoodday Ioscius, as you have noticed i'v started som stipula's about scientific disciplines, and one of them was Parasitologia, for now it's given the intention it's about the studie of a group of animals (like ornithologia is for birds), but ofcourse parasitologia isn't about a group it's about a way of life of species from different groupes of animals, variing from insects, protozoans and mollusca, maybe you can help changing the discription in the first alinea, thanks, Hendricus 13:12, 24 Novembris 2007 (UTC)
recensereHi again, according to zoologia (used it as example), i have placed the link to the Latin dictionary, i just found out that of all of these disciplines: zoologia was the onlyone subscribed in it, should i remove all these "empty" links or should i - somewhere - request for adding them into the victionary?? Hendricus 14:16, 24 Novembris 2007 (UTC)
recensereI'm sorry, but I didn't understand how I can insert links.Could you explain me it in english, please?THANK YOU VERY MUCH--magister equitatum pervenit! 14:35, 24 Novembris 2007 (UTC)
- yes!Now I understand!--magister equitatum pervenit! 20:01, 24 Novembris 2007 (UTC)
Go on home British soldiers
recensereAyúdame con la traducción, por favor. --Jeneme 19:12, 1 Decembris 2007 (UTC)
Usuario que se quiere marchar
recensereSalve! Ioscius. No quiero seguir siendo usuario registrado de esta enciclopedia. Recibe un cordial saludo.
--Bonnot 17:02, 9 Decembris 2007 (UTC) 16:22, 21 Decembris 2007 (UTC)== Help ==
Can you understand this Latin song? I fear that the subtitles and transtation are dreadfully flawed from the modest Latin I know.
If you cannot or do not want to help, could you recommend someone who could.--18:05, 19 Decembris 2007 Usor:
- Hey I'm at school right now, and don't have speakers, I will watch this when I get home, tonight. Cheers.--Ioscius (disp) 00:29, 20 Decembris 2007 (UTC)
- Actually, I read it (put on youtube with no sound) and there are definitely a few things. What is this song?--Ioscius (disp) 00:30, 20 Decembris 2007 (UTC)
It is the lyrics to of the new super smash bros theme, which has allegedly been translated into latin, and these are the alleged lyrics. 16:22, 21 Decembris 2007 (UTC)
A different kind of absurdity
recensereHi, Ioscius! I just want you to note my comment at Disputatio:Reductio ad absurdum. Tuus, Georgius B 10:52, 21 Decembris 2007 (UTC)
Peccatum capitale
recenserePuto peccatum capitale ideam theologiae Christianae esse, vide Catechismum Catholicae Ecclesiae: § 1876 Peccatorum, etiam venialium, repetitio vitia generat, inter quae peccata capitalia sunt praecipua.. Un abbraccio e tanti auguri per il 2008 --Massimo Macconi 11:11, 3 Ianuarii 2008 (UTC)
- Ok, grazie Massimo, non ero certo. Chi é il giudice e il carnefice? Tanti auguri anche per ti!--Ioscius (disp) 16:44, 3 Ianuarii 2008 (UTC)
Happy New Year!!
recensereBelated that is. Salve! Expero tibi omnibus bonis occuribunt. (Estne latine recte?) --Jondel 15:58, 7 Ianuarii 2008 (UTC)
recensereI have edited your user page to improve the language (grammar, spelling etc.). -- 09:31, 10 Ianuarii 2008 (UTC) ()
recensereHola mi nombre es Ana María soy de venezuela, quizas somos familia mi e-mail
Deo Volente
recensereHi Ioscius, my name Mikahilov. Can you help me? Mikhailov Kirow 09:11, 18 Ianuarii 2008 (UTC)
- What is Jehovah's Witnesses Legal Instrument in your country?
- In USA :
- Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
- In Britain :
- Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Britain
- In Canada :
- Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Canada
- How about in your country? Mikhailov Kirow 06:19, 21 Ianuarii 2008 (UTC)
recensereHehehe... Sit tibi laetus dies, Iosci!--Xaverius 09:29, 21 Ianuarii 2008 (UTC)
Pues ahora no me marcho
recensereSalve Ioscius! Pues como dije que me quería marchar y no me hiciste caso, he decidido quedarme.
--Bonnot 07:09, 5 Februarii 2008 (UTC)
recensereBetter have a look at Disputatio Usoris:Xaverius#Explicatio Vitae, Universo, Omnibusque. Xaverius considered our shortest page a "non stipula". Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 16:54, 5 Februarii 2008 (UTC)
Dear Ioscius; Thanks! The masters for the local la:user:i18n#useful links are commons:user:i18n#useful links and w:en:user:i18n#useful links. Best regards
·לערי ריינהארט·T·m:Th·T·email me· 14:12, 7 Februarii 2008 (UTC)
Mudhoney - nonne voluisti dicere mihi nonnullas res?
recensereIn the Mudhoney talk you promised to tell me some things about my Mudhoney article. I just wondered what it was, although I already found some stupid mistakes myself (like using uti with accusative - argh! or using the wrong locative! I should know better!). Anyway, if you find some time to do it, I would like to get some advices :-)
--Passera 09:38, 10 Februarii 2008 (UTC)
- I answered on my talk page. --Passera 17:36, 10 Februarii 2008 (UTC)
recensereI wanted to open an column about the chess articles. The problem is that only 3 articles are only about chess. The other problem is that I know almost nothing about latin, and only started my latin classes yesterday, and I don't have knowledge about writing topics about the Wikipedia editing style.
- I'm not sure I understand... What kind of column do you want to open, and where do you want to open it? And what 3 articles are only about chess? We have a whole category Categoria:Scacci.--Ioscius (disp) 20:55, 19 Februarii 2008 (UTC)
Laurentius Sanger
recensereIs wikipediam non invenit; He merely organized wikipedia (what would be a good latin for Organizer?). Vale--Trulexicon 03:47, 21 Februarii 2008 (UTC)
- Qui ordinat, constituit, componit, describit, temperat, apparat, administrat, (ef)fingit, figurat, (con)format, fabricatur, facit, efficit, instruit, (consilium) init, (consilium) capit, etc. IacobusAmor 11:15, 12 Iulii 2008 (UTC)
recensereThanks for helping, best regards ;o) --Dalibor Bosits 17:44, 2 Martii 2008 (UTC)
Hi, Josh. In this article I adjusted the reference to the Historia Augusta because, as I understand it, people don't now believe in the six-authors claim and the work is usually treated as anonymous. If you don't like what I've done, please just revert my last edit! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:53, 4 Martii 2008 (UTC)
- No, you're right. We should put a <ref> on the name in the citation. Thanks, Andrew.--Ioscius (disp) 17:36, 4 Martii 2008 (UTC)
Rocky Mountains
recenseregrazie mille. Buona Pasqua e ciao--Massimo Macconi 13:23, 19 Martii 2008 (UTC)
- Prego. Perche è pasqua, ho tempo per la prima volta nel semestre. Aiutare mi fa allegro. =] --Ioscius (disp) 13:38, 19 Martii 2008 (UTC)
- allora anche buone vacanze
Very important
recensereUsor:name of person removed, the metu dangalak is created by me. If you had looked at his user page, you have read something in English, and then in Turkish. In English speeches, only he can understand what does it mean. But in Turkish, I have written terrible things and he is very angry now. I have to delete that awful speeches from his page, and please delete his character totally. And than please delete these massage after you read. You can trust me as looking his contributions on wikipedia in last months. You will see nothing. Thanks... You can send me an e-mail if you can't make up your mind: e-mail address removed
(I wrote my awful ideas on these wiki because if I wrote on English or Turkish, they can understand.)
- This guy came on IRC, asking us to help him with deleting that user here on I'm afraid he did not express himself any more clearly there. I think he is trying to say the user name is insulting him personally. 'Dangalak' seems to be rather insulting in Turkish. -- Cyrius 01:06, 27 Martii 2008 (UTC)
I don't want to be rude. English is not fluent, may be you understand me in a wrong way. Dangalak means fool in English. And S.G is a Turkish name. Please delete Usor:name of person removed, the metu dangalak's page. I create it for laugh. And then delete this massage totally, for preserving him. He is angry. 01:58, 27 Martii 2008 (UTC)
- See his new comment at Disputatio usoris:Cyrius.
- The way I understand it, it is the opposite of what Cyrius says. Our anonymous suppliant A created the name ("B is a fool") as a joke. B has found it and is very cross, and A is now wishing he had not done it and asks us to delete it.
- If I am correct, A needs to log in once more under that username and write a message to a sysop e.g. Disputatio usoris:Adam Episcopus saying "with this silly username I have caused offence. I have made no other contributions. Please delete this username completely". Will that do it? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 08:47, 27 Martii 2008 (UTC)
- I don't know Andrew, can Adam even do that? --Ioscius (disp) 12:28, 27 Martii 2008 (UTC)
- I guess what we can do as magistratus is to delete the userpage and disputatio. Since we are assured it is offensive (see above), I guess we ought to do that. So I'll do it. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:51, 27 Martii 2008 (UTC)
- I don't know Andrew, can Adam even do that? --Ioscius (disp) 12:28, 27 Martii 2008 (UTC)
de summariis tuis
recensereEx conlationibus tuis recentibus:
- 22:08, 30 Martii 2008 (hist) (diss) m AC Perusia (pedo) (vertex)
- 22:08, 30 Martii 2008 (hist) (diss) m Barcino PS (pedo) (vertex)
- 22:07, 30 Martii 2008 (hist) (diss) m Bundesliga Germania (pedo)
- 22:07, 30 Martii 2008 (hist) (diss) m CFC Genua (pedo) (vertex)
- 22:06, 30 Martii 2008 (hist) (diss) m D.C. United (pedo) (vertex)
- 22:06, 30 Martii 2008 (hist) (diss) m Fenerbahçe (pedo) (vertex)
- 22:06, 30 Martii 2008 (hist) (diss) m Iuventus Pediludii Societas (pedo) (vertex)
- 22:05, 30 Martii 2008 (hist) (diss) m Liverpool FC (pedo) (vertex)
- 22:04, 30 Martii 2008 (hist) (diss) m Mancunienses Uniti (pedo) (vertex)
- 22:04, 30 Martii 2008 (hist) (diss) m Consociatio Pediludium Mediolanum (pedo) (vertex)
- 22:03, 30 Martii 2008 (hist) (diss) m Societas Lusoria Olisipo et Benfica (pedo) (vertex)
- 22:02, 30 Martii 2008 (hist) (diss) m Utinensis Pediludium (pedo?) (vertex)
Vere duodecies pepedisti? ;-) SCNR --UV 21:23, 30 Martii 2008 (UTC)
recensereDear Ioscius, thanks for your message. Don't worry, I wasn't put off or anything; in fact, I was hoping for feedback when I posted my message, and sense the general opinion on the subject. It's just something that bothered me everytime used Vicipaedia, but I won't make a crusade out of it or anything, don't worry. I agree with you, there are much bigger fish to fry; it's just that these small details sometimes just seem to matter so much... anyway, count on me to work with the project and provide all the help I can; I am a regular contributor of Wikipedia in Portuguese, and although I may not know enough Latin to write to you in it, I certainly love the language and hopefully will someday be able to contribute here much more than I have done so far. Salve and all the best, Rsazevedo disp 02:41, 1 Aprilis 2008 (UTC)
Catherina aut Catharina
recenseredebemus etiam Sancta Catharina Senensis ad Catherina Saenensis movere? Ciao--Massimo Macconi 19:13, 4 Aprilis 2008 (UTC)
- Quid est hoc? Vidi te, Iosci, Dominam Zeta-Jones a Catharina in Catharinam movisse, sed non video cur. Licet, "Catherina" est nomen genuinum et attestatum, sed cum Catharina est accuratior, et frequentior malim "Catharina" uti nisi causa quaedam sit "Catherinae." --Iustinus 20:07, 4 Aprilis 2008 (UTC)
recensereJosh, you had such a question some time ago ... it:Discussioni_utente:Alfio#Long_Tail_of_Wikipedia_Usage- --Rolandus 06:35, 26 Aprilis 2008 (UTC)
Bot flag
recensereAve Ioscius! I didn't ask for the flag for Ginosbot because i read, here, that for pywikipedia bots adding interwiki links it's not necessary. Anyway, can I ask for the flag (i hate that your bot is not flagged and it may get blocked)? Thank you!
recensereSalve Ioscio, optime vales? Nonne recte dicere 'Nexi externi' ut congruat plurem verborum? How do you say?: Isn't it correct to say Nexi externi to (achieve agreement) agree multiplicity of words? (Requesting answers to this as a 1)question and the question 2)itself). Gratias ago.--Jondel 23:58, 15 Maii 2008 (UTC)
- Hey Jondel, not entirely surw what you're asking, but nexus externi is the proper plura, as nexus, nexus, m. is a 4th declension word... Cheers.--Ioscius (disp) 02:28, 16 Maii 2008 (UTC)
- I was assuming nexus was being used as a passive participle of necto. I understand now. Thanks.The other question was, how do you translate:Isn't it correct to say Nexi externi to make the many words agree? But nevermind. Cheers.--Jondel 03:53, 16 Maii 2008 (UTC)
- Nonne rectum autem dicere "nexi externi" ut verba singula inter se congruant. Is what I would say... --Ioscius (disp) 04:32, 16 Maii 2008 (UTC)
- 'Inter se ' is very nicely put- 'among other verbs'. Rectum , accusative since it is our target to be correct? Using 'recte' is OK as an adverb? I read somewhere that St. Isidor said something like Grammatica est recte loquendi.--Jondel 05:48, 16 Maii 2008 (UTC)
- Hoc se est vocabulum reflexivum (sicut hodie in Lingua Hispanica): inter se = 'among themselves'. Hoc rectum cum dicere (vocabulo neutro) fortasse congruit. Hoc nexus est vocabulum declinationis quartae: unus nexŭs, duo nexūs, tres nexūs. IacobusAmor 10:52, 16 Maii 2008 (UTC)
- 'Inter se ' is very nicely put- 'among other verbs'. Rectum , accusative since it is our target to be correct? Using 'recte' is OK as an adverb? I read somewhere that St. Isidor said something like Grammatica est recte loquendi.--Jondel 05:48, 16 Maii 2008 (UTC)
- Nonne rectum autem dicere "nexi externi" ut verba singula inter se congruant. Is what I would say... --Ioscius (disp) 04:32, 16 Maii 2008 (UTC)
- I was assuming nexus was being used as a passive participle of necto. I understand now. Thanks.The other question was, how do you translate:Isn't it correct to say Nexi externi to make the many words agree? But nevermind. Cheers.--Jondel 03:53, 16 Maii 2008 (UTC)
recensereAve et gratias! I think that's right... --Kyoko 00:37, 22 Maii 2008 (UTC)
In the land of the Samurai
recensereOptime vales? Nunc rursum in Japonia habito. Mihi videtur facile docere Latinam ex Iaponice quam Anglice. Verbi ordinus instar Iaponice.(Noun Object Verb?) Plerumque de latine librum grammaticam tradidit ex libro germanica. Opus est docere latinam promptus! (I hope I said that right :D )--Jondel 00:58, 26 Maii 2008 (UTC)
Thanks for catching
recensereThanks for catching that ad+accusative business. I was so intent on spelling out 18o that I didn't notice the grammar! IacobusAmor 10:48, 6 Iulii 2008 (UTC)
grazie mille
recenseretutto bene? molto lavoro o stai magari per andare in vacanza. Io parto sabato. A presto e grazie per Nichola --Massimo Macconi 21:04, 7 Iulii 2008 (UTC)
si tutto bene
recenserecapisco tu non voglia vedere il latino anche alla sera. Cosa studi con padre Forster e, scusa se l'ignoranza, chi è padre Forster. Da quando sei a Roma? In maggio ero ad Assisi chissà magari a saperlo ci si sarebbe potuti conoscere di persona. Io vado bene anche perché le vacanze si avvicinano. A presto--Massimo Macconi 21:44, 7 Iulii 2008 (UTC)
recensereThanks a lot for the translation! Ďakujem! :D --Wwooter 09:19, 12 Iulii 2008 (UTC)
Desearía hacer una traducción al latín de un lema bastante conocido. La frase en concreto es la que aparece en esta imagen:
Mi traducción (-adaptación) sería; Ego volo tibi in exercitu romano.
¿Es correcto?.
Muchas gracias de antemano :)
PD: Te lo pregunto a ti porque tienes un excelente nivel de latín. No obstante si no te apetece atender mi petición sería perfectamente entendible (estoy abusando me temo).
- Hola. El único problema que yo veo es "tibi". Es como "tú gusta", cuando debería "te gusta". Por lo tanto, cambiaría "tibi" a "te". Ego volo te in exercitu Romano. Bien? --Ioscius (disp) 06:48, 18 Iulii 2008 (UTC)
- Rather prosy for a slogan. Maybe: Exercitui Romano te indigeo? IacobusAmor 09:57, 18 Iulii 2008 (UTC)
- The English is pretty prosy though, too, no?--Ioscius (disp) 22:58, 18 Iulii 2008 (UTC)
- Perhaps not so prosy as the original traducción: 'I myself want for you in the Roman army'. (Ego is both unnecessary & misleading, as if the point were 'It's I who want. . . .') IacobusAmor 00:03, 19 Iulii 2008 (UTC)
- The English is pretty prosy though, too, no?--Ioscius (disp) 22:58, 18 Iulii 2008 (UTC)
- Rather prosy for a slogan. Maybe: Exercitui Romano te indigeo? IacobusAmor 09:57, 18 Iulii 2008 (UTC)
Muchas gracias por la corrección ;) Bardeluc 10:09, 20 Iulii 2008 (UTC)
recensereIoscio Zaccharias SPD
Maximi profecto aestimo suasiones tuos monitusque, raro enim latine scripsi et numquam in "wiki". Etiam nunc non omnino novi nec quare pagina IP inscriptionem ostendat potius quam nomen meum nec quo pacto posthac nomen includatur, cum putaverim conventum aperuisse. Eheu! fortasse fallor. Licet imperit(issim)us sim, tamen opinor quo saepius Vicipaedia utar, eo facilius ipsa uti.
(hoc impono iterum, quia primo erravi. Vicipaedia est mihi novissima!)
Buonasera a lei, chiedo scusa se la disturbo dai suoi impegni di Amministratore. avrei bisogno di una grande cortesia, per favore potrebbe tradurre questi due articoli di questi due attori europei, uno austriaco l'altro l'orgoglio della Patria, potrebbe aiutarmi a tradurre dall'inglese in latino. Potrebbe farmi questa cortesia? Rendere latini questi due personaggi, la ringrazio in anticipo, sperando di ricambiare il favore (nei poteri a me concessi). Accettate anche i saluti oltre che miei del mio paesello in Calabria. Grazie per la comprensione--Lodewijk Vadacchino 16:22, 22 Augusti 2008 (UTC)
recensereillumina ignorantiam meam, si vis: in hoc loco mihi scribendum est ad loquendum tecum et cum omnibus huius vicipaediae usoribus?--Flos parthenopea sive de amoribus 10:01, 26 Octobris 2008 (UTC)26 X 2008
hic scribo ex hoc nunc et loqui possum tecum.....bene est. vale
si vis, quaeso, visita "genusia" in vicipaedia; illic scipsi enim pauca de urbe in finibus italicae terrae ubi parentes mei istam florem borbonicam nitentem reddiderunt! salve --Flos parthenopea sive de amoribus 19:57, 27 Octobris 2008 (UTC)
recenseresalve amice mi! scribo ut te salutem necnon instrumentum hoc adoperem quam citius... --Flos parthenopea sive de amoribus 20:46, 6 Novembris 2008 (UTC)
Auf klassischem Boden
recensereMi Iosci, te facile recognovi! ioculariter obstruere minatus sum nec unquam talem rem perpetrabo. Spero te auf klassischem Boden bene habere et cum spirito antiquo (i. q. grappa?) inspirari. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 12:27, 6 Ianuarii 2009 (UTC)
Request of username change
recensereCould you please change my username from PAD to Petrus Adamus? I would like to have the same name in all the Wikiprojects. Thank you beforehand. --PAD 08:32, 29 Ianuarii 2009 (UTC)
scuse accettate
recensereScuse accettate! Mi potresti per favore dire cosa avevo scritto di male che così la prossima volta evito? Grazie dell'attenzione.
Vicipaediae aliae
recensereI might have known you would notice! No, I've no special connection with Slovene, but I got interested in how the early non-English wikipedias got started and noticed that Slovene was among the first.
Hope you're OK, Josh? I'm currently not writing as much Latin as I'd like -- too busy elsewhere, as I suspect you are too -- All good wishes Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 20:57, 11 Maii 2009 (UTC)
De vasconica lingua
recensereKaixo Iosci! It's good to have you back here. A very good on-line Basque course, which I've been using myself (alas, in Spanish) can be found here: . I have to admit that due to the research in Rome and exams I haven't gone beyond unit 10 (they are roughly weekly units), but hopefully I'll catch up during the summer. It is a course for colloquial Basque, no hard philology in it, but certainly it is a first step. Hope it helps, agur!--Xaverius 18:27, 11 Iunii 2009 (UTC)
PS: You can always come to euskarazko wikipedia and practice as I do with short articles ;)
Gratias ago
recensereSalve, gratias for the translation in my "pagina usoris" --Vallatum 13:57, 15 Iulii 2009 (UTC)
Tibi multas gratias!
recensereSalve Iosci! Loquor paucibus linguis, meus autem sermo patrius Hungaricus est, quem supra in mea disputatione dixi, nisi Germanice, Latine, Hungarice, et parva Anglica lingua loquor, non possum aliis linguis loqui. tibi multas gratias ago me inceptore tueris, et adiuvisistis me quaestionibus meis. Iam faciebam rem dimidiam unam de mea urbe favorita (Savaria / Si tempus habes, te peto ea emendari) Latine scripsi, et ideo multum gaudeo. (mihi multum tempus opus erat ut operam dare possim)
Multas Gratias,Iosci, Vale! Tibi salutem dicit --Martinus567 17:32, 16 Ianuarii 2010 (UTC).
De inscriptione
recensereMi Iosci, potes versionem anglicam inscriptionis meae legere? gratias ago!--Xaverius 10:18, 10 Februarii 2010 (UTC)
- Cum gaudio. --Ioscius∞ 19:11, 10 Februarii 2010 (UTC)
- Gratias ago ob auxilium cum inscriptione.
- De re alia, vidi imaginem ostentam apud Poetovionem. Isti "kurenti" videntur mihi simul eu:Zanpantzarrak nostri!--Xaverius 22:36, 14 Februarii 2010 (UTC)
About your note:
recensereUnhappily, it was adequate; but don't forget the educated ladies:-) Georgius B 13:42, 28 Februarii 2010 (UTC)
- I agree that it was both unhappy and necessary =/ But I didn't say gentleladies, because I think Pantocrator would consider that bastard english ;]. Thanks for your patience, Gregori. --Ioscius∞ 13:46, 28 Februarii 2010 (UTC)
recensereEven without that instruction, the name Iacobula clearly doesn't belong on my list (or anywhere, in my opinion). It is an invention of the past few decades by people that don't know Iacobina exists. Also, I don't know any post-classical personal names that are Latin diminutives; I think we can assume they are no longer productive.
The whole point of my list is the provide standard Latin names from the time when Latin was actually in use so that we don't make up our own forms (like Iacobula). Pantocrator 20:40, 20 Martii 2010 (UTC)
- Well standard names would probably then be Iacoba, as was debated to death. You're right though, that Iacobula doesn't belong on your list, and that is why I hastily removed it. Invented is a bit strong to say, as it is the standard diminutive of more than 2000 years.--Ioscius ∞ 21:40, 20 Martii 2010 (UTC)
- With no history of being used as a name. Pantocrator 00:19, 28 Martii 2010 (UTC)
Nova pagina translata.
Paginam in Wikipedia Latina ex Anglica in Latinam hodie transtuli, sed nomen meum non est ibi, nec pagina non est in "meae contibutiones". Quid egi? Quomodo id corrigo?
Pagina est
--Andrew K. 00:27, 28 Martii 2010 (UTC)
- Te esse videtur oblitum aperuisse conventum prius recensiones quam servaris. Nihil momenti est! Speramus hanc commentationem non fuisse opus tuum ultimum apud nos =] --Ioscius ∞ 00:43, 28 Martii 2010 (UTC)
Possibile est mihi nomen meum cum pagina ponere? Quomodo scis me scripsisse paginam illam? Me paenitet, sed Wikipedia est nova mihi.
Estne "link" ex pagina "Josephus Matt" ad me. Quomodo hoc agitur?
In other words, is there any way for me to take authorship of this page, or is it impossible now?
--Andrew K. 01:37, 28 Martii 2010 (UTC)
- There is no 'authorship' of articles on wikis. Every page can be modified by anyone. Pantocrator 05:01, 28 Martii 2010 (UTC)
- Yes PC, you're right there is no way to "take authorship" as this is a wiki which "can be modified by everyone". Certainly you understand his point, though, PC, that he would (rightly) want his username at the bottom of a good page that he obviously spent a lot of time on. Sadly, no, what's done is done. The best thing I suggest is just make sure you are signed in next time you write a page. Hopefully you will write so many more that the absence of this one won't be noticed. Best! --Ioscius ∞ 07:38, 28 Martii 2010 (UTC)
- See the same thing happened here. You can click an option when you sign in tesseram inter conventa memento or something like that. Best to click that. --Ioscius ∞ 07:40, 28 Martii 2010 (UTC)
- It just occurs to me: there is one other thing you might do. The page is now at Iosephus Matt. OK, you could begin the talk page Disputatio:Iosephus Matt by writing some note there -- ask for help with a question, or invite others to contribute -- and include in your note the fact that you created the page. That would be fine. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 17:24, 28 Martii 2010 (UTC)
- Great idea Andrew (Dalby, of course ;])! Will that work, Andrew K.? --Ioscius ∞ 19:17, 28 Martii 2010 (UTC)
- Thanks Andrew and Ioscius. I have done just what you said. It is nice to have some sort of mark of my authorship. I appreciate your help, and the help that I'm sure you'll give me on future articles I translate. --Andrew K. 02:58, 29 Martii 2010 (UTC)
- Great idea Andrew (Dalby, of course ;])! Will that work, Andrew K.? --Ioscius ∞ 19:17, 28 Martii 2010 (UTC)
- It just occurs to me: there is one other thing you might do. The page is now at Iosephus Matt. OK, you could begin the talk page Disputatio:Iosephus Matt by writing some note there -- ask for help with a question, or invite others to contribute -- and include in your note the fact that you created the page. That would be fine. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 17:24, 28 Martii 2010 (UTC)
recensereSalve! I wrote the "Viator II" page, and I see that you marked it as L -2. I was wondering if you could give me some pointers for improving it. I'm always trying to learn more about this beautiful language! Thanks! --SECUNDUS ZEPHYRUS 04:46, 3 Aprilis 2010 (UTC)
- Salve et tu Zephyre. Not a whole lot wrong is with your article, maybe -2 was too much. There are a few things, though:
- As has been discussed elsewhere spatialis refers to physical space, compare the English "sptatial" which has nothing to do with outer space. Astronavis I think is what was decided.
- I'm not sure what deducta is doing here.
- It was supposed to mean "launched", i.e. "Voyager II is an automatic spacecraft launched August 20th..." Lewis and Short says "deducere navis" = "to launch a ship". Is it the grammar of the phrase that confuses you?
- The confusion may reflect the fact that deducere means 'to lead down' (i.e., to the water), but spaceships are usually sent upward, rather than downward. IacobusAmor 03:17, 5 Aprilis 2010 (UTC)
- It was supposed to mean "launched", i.e. "Voyager II is an automatic spacecraft launched August 20th..." Lewis and Short says "deducere navis" = "to launch a ship". Is it the grammar of the phrase that confuses you?
- I don't find any examples of cosmos in the plural used like that (I could be wrong).
- What word would you suggest for outer space outside of the solar system? Do we have an agreement on a term for "outerspace"?
- Spatium cosmicum.--Ioscius ∞ 08:52, 5 Aprilis 2010 (UTC)
- What word would you suggest for outer space outside of the solar system? Do we have an agreement on a term for "outerspace"?
- What is a golden disc of travelers? (this might be my ignorance of the Voyager program).
- Yes, it literally is a Golden Disc. The Voyagers carried a kind of timecapsule phonograph record with sounds from earth, a variety of music, and greetings in dozens of languages (including Latin!). English has an entire article dedicated to it, and it really has a lot of information on it!
- Best regards,
- --Ioscius ∞ 11:53, 4 Aprilis 2010 (UTC)
- Gratias tibi ago! I will work on expanding the article, too! --SECUNDUS ZEPHYRUS 02:15, 5 Aprilis 2010 (UTC)