The Closet of Sir Kenelme Digbie Opened
The Closet of the Eminently Learned Sir Kenelme Digbie Kt. Opened est liber de re coquinaria, atque praesertim de confectione hydromelitis vel medi, e manuscriptis seu schedis Kenelmi Digbii paratus. Auctore anno 1665 mortuo, permissione filii eius editio anno 1669 ab amanuensi confecta est. Nomine amanuensis non dato, suggeri potest Georgium Hartman hoc opus divulgavisse, qui anno anteriori Choice and Experimented Receipts in Physick and Chirurgery e collectionibus Kenelmi Digbii simili modo ediderat. Idem anno 1682 florilegium divulgavit praecepta selecta e libris ambobus comprehendens, titulo novo The True Preserver and Restorer of Health.

Praecepta fere 335 hoc libro recitantur, quorum fere 80 aliis inventoribus attribuuntur. Brevi adnotatione editoris anonymi praefato, insequuntur
- Praecepta primae divisionis, potiones fortes comprehendentis, videlicet:
- hydromel (meath, metheglin), variis herbis aromatibusque additis, 103
- vinum e cerasis, e ribis rubris, ex uvis passis, e fragariis (morello wine, cherry wine, currants wine, stepponi, strawberry wine), 6
- allam vel cervesiam modo Anglico una cum pomacium (ale, cider), 10
- Praecepta secundae divisionis, cui rubrica Of Cookery "De re coquinaria" praeponitur, 219
Fere 12 praecepta Francica esse referuntur aut sub nominibus Francogallicis dantur; perpauca Italica (panis coctus: Pan cotto, as the Cardinals use in Rome),[1] Hispanica, Hollandica, Germanica esse videntur. Praeceptorum trium Portugallensium duo ad reginam Catharinam Bragantiae comitissamque Penalvae ancillam reginalem adscribuntur. Ambo in arte coquinaria Lusitanica hodie usque celebrantur, videlicet cydoniatum vel marmelada (White marmulate the Queens way) et gemada(pt) (The way that the Countess de Penalva makes Portuguez eggs for the Queen).[2]

recensere- 1669 : The Closet of the Eminently Learned Sir Kenelme Digbie Kt. Opened. Londinii: Henry Brome (Textus e fac-simile demptus apud Google Books) editio interretialis apud Project Gutenberg
- 1671 : 2a ed. Londinii: Henry Brome
- 1677 : 3a ed. Londinii: Henry Brome Textus apud Internet Archive
- 1682 (florilegium) : George Hartman, ed., The True Preserver and Restorer of Health, being a choice collection of select and experienced remedies for all distempers incident to men, women, and children. selected from and experienced by the most famous physicians and chyrurgeons in Europe, together with excellent directions for cookery ... with the description of an ingenious and useful engin for dressing of meat and for distilling th[e] choicest cordial waters with-out wood coals, candle or oyl; published for the publick good. Londinii (Textus apud Google Books) editio interretialis apud Michiganenses
- 1911 : Anne Macdonell, ed., The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened ... with introduction, notes, and glossary. Londinii: Philip Lee Warner, 1910 Textus apud Internet Archive
- 1967 : The Closet of Sir Kenelme Digbie Opened, London, 1669 (editio fac-simile primae editionis). Mallinckrodt Collection of Food Classics, vol. 6 (Textus apud Google Books)
- 1997 : Jane Stevenson, Peter Davidson, edd., The Closet of the Eminently Learned Sir Kenelme Digbie Kt. Opened (1669) ... with introduction, notes and appendices. Londinii: Prospect Books, 1997. ISBN 978-0-907325-76-5
recensere- ↑ (Pp. 167-168 editionis 1669 apud Google Books)
- ↑ (Pp. 241-242 et 296-297 editionis 1669 apud Google Books). Comitissa Penalvae anno 1662 in Angliam profecta est, anno 1665 ibi mortua est (vide "Penalva")
recensere- Priscilla Bain, Maggie Black, "A Glance at the Life of Sir Kenelm Digby, Knight, at his cookbook called The Closet Opened ..." in Harlan Walker, ed., Cooks and Other People: proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery 1995 (Londinii: Prospect Books, 1996) (pp. 27-34 apud Google Books)
- Clarissa Dickson Wright, A History of English Food (Londinii: Random House, 2011. ISBN 978-1-905-21185-2) pp. 223–229