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m →‎Nomina: Nexus
Formulis {{Qc}} et {{Ec}} usus sum
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{{Capsa civitatis Vicidata}}
[[Fasciculus:India map mod.png|thumb|upright=0.8|[[Tabula geographica|Tabula]] Indiae.]]
'''India''' ({{pns|ae|f|India}}; [[Hindi]] भारत {{IAST|Bhārata}}), seu plenius '''Res Publica India''' (भारत गणराज्य {{IAST|Bhārata Gaṇarājya}}),<ref>–{{citation|title=The Essential Desk Reference |url=|year=2002|publisher=Oxford University Press |isbn=978-0-19-512873-4|page=76}} "Official name: Republic of India.";<br />–{{citation|author=John Da Graça|title=Heads of State and Government|url= |year=[[2017]]|publisher=Macmillan Publishers |location=Londinii |isbn=978-1-349-65771-1|page=421}} "Official name: Republic of India; Bharat Ganarajya (Hindi)";<br />–{{citation|author=Graham Rhind |title=Global Sourcebook of Address Data Management: A Guide to Address Formats and Data in 194 Countries |url=|year=[[2017]]|publisher=Taylor & Francis |isbn=978-1-351-93326-1|page=302}} "Official name: Republic of India; Bharat.";<br />–{{citation|last=Bradnock|first=Robert W.|title=The Routledge Atlas of South Asian Affairs |url=|year=2015|publisher=Routledge|isbn=978-1-317-40511-5|page=108}} "Official name: English: Republic of India; Hindi:Bharat Ganarajya";<br />–{{citation|title=Penguin Compact Atlas of the World|url=|year=[[2012]]|publisher=Penguin Group |isbn=978-0-7566-9859-1|page=140}} "Official name: Republic of India";<br />–{{citation|title=Merriam-Webster's Geographical Dictionary |url=|year=1997|isbn=978-0-87779-546-9 |edition=tertia |publisher=Merriam-Webster|pages=515–516}} "Officially, Republic of India";<br />–{{citation|title=Complete Atlas of the World: The Definitive View of the Earth |url= |edition=3rd|year=[[2016]]|publisher=DK Publishing |isbn=978-1-4654-5528-4|page=54}} "Official name: Republic of India";<br />–{{citation|title=Worldwide Government Directory with Intergovernmental Organizations 2013|url=|year= [[2013]]|publisher=CQ Press|isbn=978-1-4522-9937-2|page=726}} "India (Republic of India; Bharat Ganarajya)"</ref> est [[civitas sui iuris]] in [[Asia Meridiana]] sita, [[septem|septima]] mundi [[civitas]] quod ad [[superficies|superficiem]] pertinet, ad numerum civium ex Iunio anni [[2023]] prima,<ref>{{Cite web |last=Biswas |first=Soutik |date=[[1 Maii]] [[2023]] |title=Most populous nation: Should India rejoice or panic? |url= |access-date=[[3 Maii]] [[2023]] |website=[[BBC News]] |publisher=British Broadcasting Corporation}}.</ref><ref>{{Cite book |url= |title=World Population Prospects 2022: Summary of Results |publisher=United Nations Department of Social and Economic Affairs |year=[[2022]] |location=Novi Eboraci |pages=i}}.</ref> et ex anno [[1947]], tempore suae [[libertas|libertatis]] constitutae, frequentissima [[orbis terrarum]] [[democratia]].<ref>{{sfn*Cf}} {{qc|id=Metcalf|Metcalf|2012| (2006)}}, p=. 327|ps=: "Even though much remains to be done, especially in regard to eradicating poverty and securing effective structures of governance, India's achievements since independence in sustaining freedom and democracy have been singular among the world's new nations."}}</ref><ref name="stein-arnold">{{Citation |last=Stein |first=Burton |title=A History of India |year=[[2012]] |editor-last=Arnold |editor-first=David |series=The Blackwell History of the World Series |edition=2 |publisher=Wiley-Blackwell |quote=One of these is the idea of India as 'the world's largest democracy', but a democracy forged less by the creation of representative institutions and expanding electorate under British rule than by the endeavours of India's founding fathers—Gandhi, Nehru, Patel and Ambedkar—and the labours of the Constituent Assembly between 1946 and 1949, embodied in the Indian constitution of 1950. This democratic order, reinforced by the regular holding of nationwide elections and polling for the state assemblies, has, it can be argued, consistently underpinned a fundamentally democratic state structure—despite the anomaly of the Emergency and the apparent durability of the Gandhi-Nehru dynasty. |author-link=Burton Stein |editor-link=}}.</ref><ref>{{sfn*Cf}} {{qc|id=Fisher| (2018|)}}, pp=. 184–185|ps=: "Since 1947, India's internal disputes over its national identity, while periodically bitter and occasionally punctuated by violence, have been largely managed with remarkable and sustained commitment to national unity and democracy."}}</ref>
India, definita ab [[Oceanus Indicus|Oceano Indico]] in meridie, [[Mare Arabicum|Mari Arabico]] in occidente, et [[Sinus Bengaliensis|Sinu Bengaliensi]] in oriente, [[litus]] 7517 [[chiliometrum|chiliometrorum]] longum habet.<ref>Kumar et al. 2006.</ref> Attingit [[Pakistania]]m in [[occidens|occidente]]<ref>Secundum Indiae administrationem, India finem commune cum [[Afgania]] habet quia India putat totam civitatem [[Jammu et Casmiria]] ad Indiam pertinere.<!--A ceasefire sponsored by the [[Consociatio Nationum]] anno [[1948]] froze the positions of Indian and Pakistani-held territory; ergo regio quae Afganiam finit is in [[Pakistan-administered Kashmir]].--></ref>; [[Sinae (regio)|Sinas]] (provinciam Tibeticam), [[Nepalia]]m, et [[Butania]]m in [[septentrio]]nibus; et [[Bangladesha]]m et [[Birmania]]m in [[oriens|oriente]]. India est prope [[Sri Lanca]]m, [[Insulae Maldivae|Insulas Maldivas]], et [[Indonesia]]m in Oceano Indico.
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== Historia antiqua==
Abhinc annorum 55&thinsp;000 fere, [[homo sapiens|homines sapientes]], primi [[homo|homines]] hodierni, in [[continens|subcontinentem]] Indicam ex [[Africa]] adveniebant, ubi se antea evolverant.<ref name="Dyson2018">{{citation|last=Dyson|first=Tim |title=A Population History of India: From the First Modern People to the Present Day|url=|year=[[2018]] |location = Oxoniae | publisher=Oxford University Press|isbn=978-0-19-882905-8|page=1}} Quote: "Modern human beings—''Homo sapiens''—originated in Africa. Then, intermittently, sometime between 60,000 and 80,000 years ago, tiny groups of them began to enter the north-west of the Indian subcontinent. It seems likely that initially they came by way of the coast. . . . it is virtually certain that there were ''Homo sapiens'' in the subcontinent 55,000 years ago, even though the earliest fossils that have been found of them date to only about 30,000 years before the present. (page 1)."</ref><ref name="PetragliaAllchin">{{cite book |author1=Michael D. Petraglia |author2=Bridget Allchin |author-link2= |title=The Evolution and History of Human Populations in South Asia: Inter-disciplinary Studies in Archaeology, Biological Anthropology, Linguistics and Genetics |url= |publisher=Springer Science + Business Media |page=6 |isbn=978-1-4020-5562-1|date=[[22 Maii]] [[2007]] }} Quote: "Y-Chromosome and Mt-DNA data support the colonization of South Asia by modern humans originating in Africa. . . . Coalescence dates for most non-European populations average to between 73–55 ka."</ref><ref name="Fisher2018">{{citation*Cf}} {{qc|lastid=Fisher|first=Michael H.|title=An(2018)}}, Environmental History of India: From Earliest Times to the Twenty-First Century|url=|year=2018|publisher=Cambridge University Press|isbn=978-1-107-11162-2|page=23}} Quote: "Scholars estimate that the first successful expansion of the ''Homo sapiens'' range beyond Africa and across the Arabian Peninsula occurred from as early as 80,000 years ago to as late as 40,000 years ago, although there may have been prior unsuccessful emigrations. Some of their descendants extended the human range ever further in each generation, spreading into each habitable land they encountered. One human channel was along the warm and productive coastal lands of the Persian Gulf and northern Indian Ocean. Eventually, various bands entered India between 75,000 years ago and 35,000 years ago (page 23)."</ref> Prima hominum hodiernorum reliquia nota in [[Asia Meridiana]] ex [[aevum|aevo]] abhinc annorum 30&thinsp;000 fere exstant.<ref>Petraglia et Allchin 2007: 6.</ref> Post annum 6500 a.C.n. fere, indicia [[fruges|frugum]] [[animalia|animaliumque]] [[domitus|domitorum]], structurarum perpetuarum [[aedificium|aedificatarum]], et residuorum [[agricultura]]lium reconditorum in [[Mehrgarh]] aliisque locis in [[regio]]ne nunc [[Balochistania]] appellata apparere incipiebant.<ref>Coningham et Young 2015: 104–105.</ref> Quae [[cultura]] in [[Civilizatio Vallis Indicae|Civilizationem Vallis Indicae]] gradatim mutata est,<ref>Kulke et Rothermund 2004: 21–23.</ref><ref>Coningham et Young 2015: 104–105.</ref> primam [[cultura]]m [[urbs|urbanam]] in Asia Meridiana,<ref>Singh 2009: 181.</ref> quae ab anno [[2500 a.C.n.|2500]] ad annum [[1900 a.C.n.]] [[floruit]] in [[regio]]ne nunc [[Pakistania]] et India occidentali appellata.<ref>Posseh 2003: 2.</ref> Quae [[civilizatio]], in [[Mohenjo-daro]], [[Harappa]], [[Dholavira]], [[Kalibangan]], aliisque [[urbs|urbibus]] condita, atque variis subsistentiae generibus innitens, fabricam [[ars|artificiorum]] et [[commercium]] porrectum vehementer suscepit.<ref>Singh 2009: 181.</ref>
Antiquissima [[religio]]num mundi a multis habetur [[Religio Induica]], quae in India ab [[millennium 3 a.C.n.|anno 3000 a.C.n.]] vel multis annis ante orta est. In India etiam [[saeculum 6 a.C.n.|sexto saeculo a.C.n.]] duae notissimae religiones conditae sunt, videlicet [[Buddhismus]] et [[Iainismus]]. Huic nonnulli obsequuntur, sed ille nunc in India desuetus est. Post [[saeculum 8|octavum saeculum]], multi homines Indici, praecipue in India septentrionali, religionem [[Islam]]icam acceperunt, quia [[natio]]nes Islamicae ex [[Cultura Occidentalis|terris Occidentalibus]] oppugnantes multum [[subcontinens|subcontinentis]] vicerunt.
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== Bibliographia ==
<div class="references-small">
* ''A Handbook for Travellers in India, Burma, and Ceylon''. Ed. octava. Londinii: John Murray, 1911 [ Textus apud]
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* Guha, Ramchandra. [[2007]] ''India after Gandhi: The History of the World's Largest Democracy''. Picador. ISBN 978-0-330-39610-3.
* Kulke, Hermann, et Dietmar Rothermund. [[2004]] ''A History of India.'' ed. 4a. Routledge. ISBN 0-415-32920-5.
* {{ec|id=Metcalf (2006)|c=Metcalf, Barbara, et Thomas R. Metcalf. [[2006]]. ''A Concise History of Modern India.'' Cambridge Concise Histories. Cantabrigiae et Novi Eboraci: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-68225-8.}}
* Spear, Percival. [[1990]]. ''A History of India.'' Vol. 2. Novi Dellii et Londinii: Penguin Books ISBN 0-14-013836-6.
* Stein, Burton. [[2001]]. ''A History of India.'' Oxoniae et Novi Dellii: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-565446-3.
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;Flora et fauna
* Ali, Salim, et S. Dillon Ripley. [[1995]]. ''A Pictorial Guide to the Birds of the Indian Subcontinent.'' Mumbai: Bombay Natural History Society et Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-563732-1.
* {{ec
| id = Fisher (2018)
| c = {{cite book
| last = Fisher
| first = Michael H.
| title = An Environmental History of India: From Earliest Times to the Twenty-First Century
| url =
| year = 2018
| publisher = Cambridge University Press
| isbn = 978-1-107-11162-2