Sichismus sive religio Sikiensis,[1] vulgo usitate Sichi (Punjabi ਸਿੱਖੀ sikkhī < sikh < radice Sanscrita śiṣya 'discipulus' vel śikṣa 'institutio'[2][3]), est religio monotheistica, monista, pantheistica saeculo quinto decimo in regione Punjab a Guru Nanak condita,[4] et deinde a decem guru Sicis continuis promota, ultima doctrina Guru Granth Sahib scriptura sancta. Sichismus inter religiones ordinatas est quinta a maxima in orbe terrarum, circa 30 milliones adsectatorum habens.[5][6][7] Haec formula philosophiae et actionis religiosae usitate Gurmat 'Sapientia Guru' appellatur. Punjab, civitas Indica, est sola orbis terrarum regio ubi plerique incolae sunt Sici.[8]

Omni Sico opus est in se proprietates sancti-militis (sant-sipāhī) habere, sua vitia intestina temperans, et sibi virtutes in Guru Granth Sahib explanatas constanter iniciens.
recensere- ↑ Diccionario auxiliar: español-latino para el uso moderno del Latín (pag. 989 apud Google Books).
- ↑ Singh, Khushwant (2006). The Illustrated History of the Sikhs. India: Oxford University Press. p. 15. ISBN 978-0-19-567747-8.
- ↑ Nabha, Kahan. Sahib Singh (1930). Gur Shabad Ratnakar Mahan Kosh/ਗੁਰ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਰਤਨਾਕਰ ਮਹਾਨ ਕੋਸ਼. p. 720.
- ↑ Patwant Singh, The Sikhs (Alfred A. Knopf Publishing, 2000), 17. ISBN 0-375-40728-6.
- ↑ "Religions by adherents" (PHP).
- ↑ "Sikhism: What do you know about it?".
- ↑ Zepps, Josh. "Sikhs in America: What You Need To Know About The World's Fifth-Largest Religion".
- ↑ Res apud
Nexus interni
recensere- Chopra, R. M. 2001. Glory of Sikhism. Novi Dellii: Sanbun.
- Dilgeer, Harjinder Singh. 1997. The Sikh Reference Book. Amritsar: Sikh University Press & Singh Brothers.
- Dilgeer, Harjinder Singh. 2005. Dictionary of Sikh Philosophy. Amritsar: Sikh University Press & Singh Brothers.
- Dilgeer, Harjinder Singh. 2008. Sikh Twareekh. Amritsar: Sikh University Press & Singh Brothers.
- Dilgeer, Harjinder Singh. 2012. Sikh History. 10 voll. Amritsar: Sikh University Press & Singh Brothers.
- Duggal, Kartar Singh. 1988. Philosophy and Faith of Sikhism. Himalayan Institute Press. ISBN 978-0-89389-109-1.
- Kaur, Surjit. 2003. Amongst the Sikhs: Reaching for the Stars. Novi Dellii: Roli Books. ISBN 81-7436-267-3.
- Khalsa, Guru Fatha Singh. 2010. Five Paragons of Peace: Magic and Magnificence in the Guru's Way. Toronti: Monkey Minds Press.
- Khalsa, Shanti Kaur. 1995. The History of Sikh Dharma of the Western Hemisphere. Espanola, Novi Mexici: Sikh Dharma. ISBN 0-9639847-4-8.
- Singh, Khushwant. 2006. The Illustrated History of the Sikhs. India: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-567747-8.
- Singh, Patwant. 1999. The Sikhs. India: Random House. ISBN 978-0-385-50206-1.
- Takhar, Opinderjit Kaur. 2005. Sikh Identity: An Exploration of Groups Among Sikhs. Burlington Montis Viridis: Ashgate Publishing Company. ISBN 0-7546-5202-5.
- Teece, Geoff. 2004. Sikhism: Religion in focus. Black Rabbit Books. ISBN 978-1-58340-469-0.
Nexus externi
recensere- "A complete portal on Sikhism,"
- Fontes academici de Sichismo,
- Libellum de sichismo,
- Museum,
- "The second scripture of Sikhism: Sri Dasam Granth Sahib,"
- "Sikh History Web Portal,"
- "Sikh Philosophy Network,"
- "Sikh Thematic Philately: Sikh Stamps Collection,"
- Situs publicus,
- Situs publicus,
- Situs publicus,