Kennethus Koch (Cincinnatis 27 Februarii 1925; 6 Iulii 2002) fuit poeta, scriptor scaenicus, et professor Americanus, qui ab annis 1950 ad mortem, anno aetatis suae 77, poemata componere solebat. Praestans Scholae Novi Eboraci poeta erat, laxi poetarum gregis sodalium inter quos Franciscus O'Hara et Ioannes Ashbery numerabatur, qui introspectivam eorum temporis poesin evitabant ut modo cosmopolitano et effuso faverent, qui a peregrinatione, pictura, musica inspirabatur.

Iuvenis Collegium Harvardianum frequentavit. Ad gradum A.B. anno 1948 admissus, Urbem Novum Eboracum migravit, ubi gradum Ph.D. in Universitate Columbiae obtinuit. Nonnulla centum ludos scaenicos avant-garde per suum cursum annorum quinquaginta composuit. Litteras in Universitate Columbiae docuit, ubi eius acroases discipulis gratae habebantur; inter quos erant poetae Ronaldus Padgett, David Shapiro, Franciscus Lima, Alanus Feldman, David Lehman, Jordan Davis, Jessy Randall, David Baratier, Loren Goodman, et Carson Cistulli. Cum Ned Rorem compositore Bertham opera conscripsit, quae primum anno 1973 acta est.

Libri selecti

  • Peons (1953)
  • Ko: or, A Season on Earth (1959)
  • Permanently (1961)
  • Thank You and Other Poems (1962)
  • Bertha, & other plays (1966)
  • Poems from 1952 and 1953 (1968)
  • The Pleasures of Peace and Other Poems (1969)
  • Sleeping with Women (1969)
  • When the Sun Tries to Go On (1969)
  • The Art of Love (1975)
  • The Duplications (1977)
  • The Burning Mystery of Anna in 1951 (1979)
  • From the Air (1979)
  • Days and Nights (1982)
  • On the Edge (1986)
  • Seasons on Earth (1987)
  • On the Great Atlantic Rainway: Selected Poems 1950–1988 (1994)
  • One Train (1994)
  • Straits (1998)
  • New Addresses (2000)
  • A Possible World (2002)


  • Benfey, Christopher. 1995. Wise Guy. The New Republic, 13 Martii, 39-42.
  • Block, Avital, et Lauri Umansky. 2005. Impossible to Hold: Women and Culture in the 1960s. Novi Eboraci: NYU Press.
  • Koch, Kenneth. 1985. Selected Poems 1950-1982. Novi Eboraci: Random House.
  • Koch, Kenneth. 1996. The Art of Poetry. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
  • Merrin, Jeredith. The Poetry Man. The Southern Review, 403-409.
  • Pettingell, Phoebe. 2000. The Power of Laughter. The New Leader, May–June: 39-41.
  • Rehak, Melanie. 2006. Dr. Fun. The Nation, 28-32.
  • Salter, Mary J., Margaret Ferguson, et Jon Stallworthy, eds. 2005. The Norton Anthology of Poetry. Ed. 5a. Novi Eboraci: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.

Nexus externi
