Iura civitatum
Iura civitatum in republica Americana sunt iura politica gubernationibus civitatum potius quam gubernationi foederali secundum Constitutionem Civitatum Foederatarum, praecipue iura enumerata Congressus et Emendationis Decimae exprimentia. Inter iura enumerata quae in Constitutione perscribuntur sunt iura foederalia exclusiva et iura concurrentia (quae cum omnibus civitatibus communicantur), atque omnia haec iura, etiam iura civitatum appellatae, cum iuribus reservatis comparantur, quae solum ad civitates pertinent.[3][4]

Nexus interni
recensere- ↑ Katharine Q. Seelye, "Tennessee Expands Gun Rights," New York Times, 15 Iunii 2009.
- ↑ Human Events (editores), "Top 10 Conservative Books of 2007," Human Events Magazine, 26 Decembris 2007.
- ↑ Gardbaum 2005:39.
- ↑ Bardes et al. 2008.
recensere- Althouse, Anne. 2001. Why Talking About "States' Rights" Cannot Avoid the Need for Normative Federalism Analysis: A Response to Professors Baker and Young. Duke Law Journal 51(1):363.
- Baker, Lynn A., et Ernest A. Young. 2001. Federalism and the Double Standard of Judicial Review. Duke Law Journal 51(1):75ff.
- Bardes, Barbara, et al. 2008. American Government and Politics Today: The Essentials. Cengage Learning.
- Farber, Daniel A. 2001. States' Rights and the Union: Imperium in Imperio, 1776-1876. Constitutional Commentary 18.
- Kirk, Russell K. 1951. Randolph of Roanoke: A Study in Conservative Thought.
- Gardbaum, Stephen. 2005. Congress's Power to Pre-Empt the States. Pepperdine Law Review 33:39.
- Gutzman, Kevin R. C. 1995. A troublesome legacy: James Madison and "The principles of '98." Journal of the Early Republic 15(4):569–589.
- Gutzman, Kevin R. C. 2000. The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions Reconsidered: "An Appeal to the Real Laws of Our Country." Journal of Southern History 66(3):473–496.
- Gutzman, Kevin R. C. 2012. James Madison and the Making of America.
- McDonald, Forrest. 2002. States' Rights and the Union: Imperium in Imperio, 1776–1876.
- Murray, Robert Bruce. 2003. Legal Cases of the Civil War. ISBN 0811700593.
- Risjord, Norman K. 1965. The Old Republicans: Southern Conservatism in the Age of Jefferson.
- Sinha, Manisha. 2000a. The Counterrevolution of Slavery: Politics and Ideology in Antebellum South Carolina. University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 0807825719.
- Sinha, Manisha. 2000b. Revolution or Counterrevolution?: The Political Ideology of Secession in Antebellum South Carolina. Civil War History 46.
Bibliographia addita
recensere- Barber, Sotirios A. 2013. The Fallacies of States' Rights. Cantabrigiae Massachusettae: Harvard University Press.
- Davis, Jefferson. 1890. The Doctrine of State Rights. The North American Review 150(399):205-219.
- Drake, Frederick D., ed. 1999.States' Rights and American Federalism: A Documentary History.
- Kilpatrick, James J. 1957. The Sovereign States: Notes of a Citizen of Virginia. Sicagi: Henry Regnery Company.
- Orbach, Barak Y., et al. 2010. Arming States' Rights: Federalism, Private Lawmakers, and the Battering Ram Strategy. Arizona Law Review 52. Abstractum.
Nexus externi
recensereVicicitatio habet citationes quae ad Iura civitatum spectant. |
- "Interposition Resolution in Response to Brown v. Board of Education, 1957," https://www.floridamemory.com/exhibits/floridahighlights/collins/ (Florida Memory: State Library & Archives of Florida)
- "States' Rights," encyclopediavirginia.org (Encyclopedia Virginia)
- "Welcome to the Tenth Amendment Center!" www.tenthamendmentcenter.com (Tenth Amendment Center)