Ioannes Vesleius
Ioannes Vesleius[1] (natus John Wesley apud Epworth in Comitatu Lincolniensi die 28 Iunii 1703; Londinii mortuus die 2 Martii 1791) fuit clericus Anglicanus et theologus, qui, una cum Carolo fratre et Georgio Whitefield amico, conditor habetur Methodismi, motus evangelici. Sua opera et scripturae primas partes in motu sanctitatis et Pentecostalismo progressis egerunt.

Obitus: 2 Martii 1791; St Luke's
Patria: Britannia
Coniunx: Mary Vazeille
(feriae die 2 Martii)
De vita
recensereFilius Samuelis Wesley alumni universitatis Oxoniensis et clerici, Ioannes Wesley eruditus est Londinii in schola Carthusiana atque apud aedem Christi Oxoniensem. Diaconus anno 1725, presbyter Anglicanus anno 1728, ordinatus est; interdumm socius electus est collegii Lincolniensis. Oxoniae his annis cum fratre Carolo aliisque societatem religiosam constituit quam inimici the Holy Club, alii autem the Oxford Methodists nuncupabant, quod nomen ipse ad divinam observationem suam describendam assumpsit. Annis 1736 et 1737 Savannae in Georgia praedicavit, ubi florilegium hymnorum Christianorum edidit titulo Collection of Psalms and Hymns. Inde iudicio persecutus subito effugit Londiniumque rediit.[2]
recensere- 1733 : A Collection of Different Forms of Prayer for Every Day in the Week
- 1734 : A Treatise on Christian Prudence Extracted from Mr. Norris
- 1737 (editor) : Collection of Psalms and Hymns. "Charles-Town" [Carolopoli] Georgiae (Editio facsimile apud Google Books)
- 1740-1789 : Journals. 20 fasciculi Editio 1797 fascc. 1-2 fasc. 3?
- 1743 : An Earnest Appeal to Men of Reason and Religion. Bristolii
- 1744 : Primitive Physic, Or, An Easy and Natural Method of Curing Most Diseases. Londinii Textus editionis 1843
- 1745 : A farther appeal to men of reason and religion Textus
- 1748 : A Letter to a Friend Concerning Tea Textus editionis 1825
- 1748 : A Short View of the Difference between the Moravian Brethren, lately in England, and the Rev. Mr. John and Charles Wesley. Bristolii Textus
- 1755 : Explanatory Notes upon the New Testament. 2 voll. 1 apud (2 apud Google Books) Recensio interretialis versionis Novi Testamenti
- 1757 : The Doctrine of Original Sin. Bristolii
- 1759 : The Desideratum; or, Electricity Made Plain and Useful Textus editionis 1881
- 1765-1766 : Explanatory Notes upon the Old Testament. 3 voll. Recensio interretialis, textu Biblico carente De hoc opere
- 1766 : A Plain Account of Christian Perfection Textus apud Vicifontem Anglicum Textus editionis 1785
- 1771-1774 : Works. 32 voll. Bristolii
- 1774 : Thoughts upon Slavery Textus editionis 1792 recensio interretialis
- 1775 : A survey of the wisdom of God in the creation; or, A compendium of natural philosophy (Textus editionis 1809 1 2 3 4 5) recensio interretialis
- 1862 : Narrative of a remarkable transaction in the early life of John Wesley, from an original manuscript. 2a ed. Londinii: J. R. Smith Textus
recensere- Editiones operum fere omnium
- Joseph Benson, ed., The Works of the Rev. John Wesley, secunda ed. 17 voll. Londinii: Conference-Office, 1809-1813 1 34 5 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16
- Thomas Jackson, ed., Works, tertia ed. 14 voll. 1827; leviter recensa, vol. 15 addito, 1872 4 6 (recensio interretialis: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ) (recensio interretialis sermonum ex eadem editione)
- The Works of the Rev. John Wesley, prima ed. Americana. 10 voll. Philadelphiae, 1826 1 2; Novi Eboraci, 1827 1 4 5 7 8 9 10
- Works, secunda ed. Americana, sed postea First American complete and standard edition appellata. 7 voll. 1831 2 3 4 5 6
- Editiones praecipuae
- The Journal of the Rev. John Wesley. 4 voll. 1827 1 2 3 4
- Letters by the Rev. John Wesley, M.A., and the Rev. T. Coke, L.L.D. Baltimorae, 1844 Textus
- The miscellaneous works of the Rev. John Wesley. 3 voll. Novi Eboraci, 1828 1 2 3
- The New Testament, with explanatory notes by the Rev. John Wesley. Halifax, 1869 Textus
- Sermons on Several Occasions. 2 voll. Novi Eboraci, 1836 1 2
- Nehemiah Curnock, ed., Journal of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M. 8 voll. Londinii, 1909-1911 8
- Robert Mudie, ed., A Compendium of Natural Philosophy, being a survey of the wisdom of God in the Creation, by John Wesley, A.M. 3 voll. Londinii: Thomas Tegg, 1842 1 2 3
- G. Osborn, ed., The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley. 13 voll. Londinii: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1868-1872 1 2 5 9 10
- Frank G. Porter, ed., Wesley's Letters to Young Women. Novi Eboraci: Hunt & Eaton, 1894 Textus
- G. Roger Schoenhals, ed., Wesley's Notes on the Bible. 1987
- John Telford, ed., Letters of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M. 8 voll. Londinii: Epworth Press, 1931
- Eruditio
- Abraham, William J. 2005. Wesley for Armchair Theologians.
- Blackman, Francis. 2003. John Wesley 300: Pioneers, Preachers and Practitioners. ISBN 9768080612.
- Borgen, Ole E. 1985. John Wesley on the Sacraments: a Theological Study. Grand Rapids Michiganiae: Francis Asbury Press. ISBN 0310751918.
- Collins, Kenneth J. 1989. Wesley on Salvation: A Study in the Standard Sermons.
- Collins, Kenneth J. 1997. The Scripture Way of Salvation: The Heart of John Wesley's Theology.
- Collins, Kenneth J. 2007. The Theology of John Wesley: Holy Love and the Shape of Grace.
- Green, Richard. 1905. John Wesley: Evangelist. Londinii: Religious Tract Society Textus
- Hammond, Geordan. 2014. John Wesley in America: Restoring Primitive Christianity. ISBN 9780198701606
- Harper, Steve. 1983, 2003. The Way to Heaven: The Gospel According to John Wesley.
- Jennings, Daniel R. 2005. The Supernatural Occurrences of John Wesley.
- Lindström, Harald. 1946, 1980. Wesley and Sanctification: A Study in the Doctrine of Salvation.
- Maddox, Randy L., et Jason E. Vickers, eds. 2010. The Cambridge Companion to John Wesley.
- Oden, Thomas. 1994. John Wesley's Scriptural Christianity: A Plain Exposition of His Teaching on Christian Doctrine.
- Taylor, G. W. 1905. John Wesley and the Anglo-Catholic Revival. Londinii: SPCK Recensio interretialis
- Tyerman, Luke. 1872? The Life and Times of the Rev. John Wesley. 3 voll. Novi Eboraci: Harper 1 2 3
- Vickers, Jason E. 2009. Wesley: A Guide for the Perplexed.
Nexus externi
recensereVicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad Ioannem Wesley spectant. |
- Opera auctore "John Wesley" apud reperta
- The Asbury Triptych Series,
- De Ioanne Wesley apud Christian Classics Ethereal Library
- "Shocking Beliefs of John Wesley,
- Partes selectae ex Journal of John Wesley apud A Vision of Britain through Time
- Homiliae Ioannis Wesley apud ecclesiam Methodisticam Unitam
- De Ioanne Wesley abolitionista
- "John Wesley" apud ecclesiam Methodisticam Unitam
- "John Wesley" in Georgia Encyclopedia
- John Wesley's Explanatory Notes on the Whole Bible, recensio alia et alia (inter 1754 et 1765 productae)
- De vita Ioannis Wesley apud BBC
- Historia Fratrum Wesley, (diarium Epworth Bells)
- Carey, Brycchan. "John Wesley (1703–1791)" apud The British Abolitionists
- Martyn Smith, "John Wesley: Doing All The Good He Could"
- Llanelli Community Heritage John Wesley Blue Plaque
- Oden, Thomas C. Colloquium de fratribus Wesley
- The Wesley Center Online apud universitatem Boreo-occidentalem Nazarenam
- (The experience of several eminent Methodist preachers ... in a series of letters written by themselves to the Rev. John Wesley, A. M. [editio 1812] apud Google Books) editio 1837