Iacobopolis (Virginia)
Iacobopolis[1] (Anglice Jamestown[2]) fuit colonia in Colonia Virginia, prima stabilis colonia Anglica in America condita. Urbs, a Societate Virginiana Londinii nomine James Fort ('Arx Iacobi') die 24 Maii 1607 (O.S., 14 Maii 1607 N.S.) constituta,[3] et post relictionem anno 1610 stabilis habita, nonnullos priores conatus defectos secuta est, inter quos Perdita Colonia Roanoke. Iacobopolis caput coloniae octoginta tres annos erat, ab 1616 ad 1699.

Vide etiam paginam discretivam: Iacobopolis (discretiva).
Nexus interni
recensere- ↑ The English Scholars Library: Capt. John Smith, ed. Edward Arber (Birmingham, 1884), p. lvi: "Master Porie tells me of a name given by a Duchman who wrote to him in Latin from the new town of Verginia, Jacobopolis". "Jamestowne ... Iacobipolis": Iohannes Iacobus Hofmannus, Lexicon universale (1698) ~
- ↑ Etiam scriptum James Town, James Towne, Jamestowne, et James Cyty.
- ↑ "History of Jamestown". Apva.org.
recensere- Gross, Ernie. 1999. The American Years. Novi Eboraci: Charles Scribner's Sons.
- Hoobler, Dorothy, et Thomas Hoobler. 2006. Captain John Smith: Jamestown and the Birth of an American Dream. Hoboken Novae Caesareae: John Wiley and Sons.
- Horn, James. 2005. A Land as God Made It. Perseus Books. ISBN 0-465-03094-7.
- Kelso, William M. 2006. Jamestown, The Buried Truth. University of Virginia Press.
- Kelso, William M. 1996. Jamestown Rediscovery II. APVA.
- Kelso, William M., Nicholas M. Luccketti, et Beverly A. Straube. 1997. Jamestown Rediscovery III. APVA.
- Kelso, William M., Nicholas M. Luccketti, et Beverly A. Straube. 1998. Jamestown Rediscovery IV. APVA.
- Kelso, William M., Nicholas M. Luccketti, et Beverly A. Straube. 1999. Jamestown Rediscovery V. APVA.
- Kelso, William M., et Beverly Straube. 2000. Jamestown Rediscovery VI. APVA.
- Lepore, Jill. 2007. Our Town. The New Yorker, 2 Aprilis, 40–45.
- Nichols, A. Bryant, Jr. 2007. Captain Christopher Newport: Admiral of Virginia. Sea Venture.
- Price, David A. 2003. Love and Hate in Jamestown: John Smith, Pocahontas, and the Start of a New Nation. Novi Eboraci: Knopf.
- Smith, Carter. 1991. The Jamestown Colony. Englewood Cliffs Novae Caesareae: Silver Burdett Press. ISBN 0-382-24121-5.
- Williams, Tony. 2011. The Jamestown Experiment: The Remarkable Story of the Enterprising Colony and the Unexpected Results that Shaped America. Naperville Illinoesiae: Sourcebooks. ISBN 978-1-4022-4353-0.
- Wingfield, Jocelyn R. 1993. Virginia's True Founder: Edward Maria Wingfield and His Times, 1650-1631. Athenis Georgiae: WFS.
Nexus externi
recensereVicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad Iacobopolim spectant. |
- Historia, apud History Channel
- Historic Jamestowne,
- Jamestown Rediscovery project,
- Where are We Digging Now?