
Latest comment: abhinc 9 annos by Andrew Dalby in topic "Galactica"

Words cited as words


Either way is in use, but the academic preference over here is to italicize them:

The word galaxy = Vocabulum galaxias


The word "galaxy" = Vocabulum "galaxias"

That may be so as to save double quotes for actual quoting and single quotes for glossing (and for quoting inside double quotes):

He said, "I like the word galaxy."

We see the confusion in

He said, "I like the word 'galaxy.'"

Where now the quoting looks odd. The period goes to the left of quoting quotes (single or double), but to the right of glossing quotes:

"He said, "I like the word galaxias 'galaxy'." IacobusAmor (disputatio) 14:25, 22 Decembris 2014 (UTC)Reply
I think in a section on names and etymology it makes some sense to use italics for (among other uses) citing words in a foreign language, i.e. not Latin, and use quotation marks for (among other uses) citing words in our own language, i.e. Latin. It can be useful to distinguish the one from the other.
But, you know, I don't really mind so long as it makes sense. I thought at first I was correcting my own inconsistency, and only realised afterwards that I had reverted a purposeful edit by you! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:47, 22 Decembris 2014 (UTC)Reply

Nomina galaxiarum Latina


Usque hodie non habuimus. Nuper hunc librum repperi:

  • Bodifee, Gerard, et Michel Berger. 2010. CMG: Catalogue of One Thousand Named Galaxies. 2 voll. Hove Belgiae: Volkssterrenwacht Urania. De hoc libro Recensio brevis

Mihi videtur librum utilem esse sed ab aliis astronomis haud receptum. Igitur nomina Latina ibi proposita in commentationibus inserenda censeo sic vel alio modo --

  • Messier 110 (nomen Latinum propositum "Lucida Andromedae")<ref>Citatio</ref> ...

sed nomina Messier, NGC, etc., ab astronomis usitata, in titulis et lemmatibus praeferenda. Alii quid censent? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 15:15, 22 Decembris 2014 (UTC)Reply

Mihi placet! Lesgles (disputatio) 15:59, 22 Decembris 2014 (UTC)Reply



Anonymus qui in aliis paginis lemmata alternativa sine fonte addidit, hic addidit nomen alternativum "galactica" cum fonte "Ebbe Vilborg. Norstedts svensk-latinska ordbok. Editio secunda anni 2009". An re vera Vilborg nomen substantivum singulare "galactica" accipit, "galaxiae" alternativum? Aegre credo. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 17:59, 8 Iulii 2015 (UTC)Reply

Melius video. Anonymus re vera notam nostram, antea ad verbum "galaxias" positam, post additionem suam movit. Crimen severius reprimendum! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 18:07, 8 Iulii 2015 (UTC)Reply
Revertere ad "Galaxias".