WorldCat est catalogus interretialis et datorum repositorium quo collectiones 72 000 bibliothecarum 170 civitatum et territoriorum quae participes sunt consociationis OCLC (Online Computer Library Center).[1]
recensere- Blackman, Cathy; Moore, Erica Rae; Seikel, Michele; Smith, Mandi (July 2014). "WorldCat and SkyRiver: a comparison of record quantity and fullness". Library Resources & Technical Services 58 (3): 178–186
- Breeding, Marshall (May 2015). "Library services platforms: a maturing genre of products". Library Technology Reports 51 (4): 1–38
- Matthews, Joseph R. (July 2016). "An environmental scan of OCLC alternatives: a management perspective". Public Library Quarterly 35 (3): 175–187
- Formula:Cite techreport
- Wilson, Kristen (August 2016). "The knowledge base at the center of the universe". Library Technology Reports 52 (6): 1–35