locus archaeologicus
Vlasac seu litteris Cyrillicis Власац est locus archaeologicus Serbiae ubi vestigia habitationis hominum mesolithicae reperta sunt. Locus haud longe a Lepenski Vir distans ad ripam dextram Danubii fluminis iacet intra fauces quae "porta ferrea" appellantur. Ibi aristae plurimae carparum, piscatus et cibus incolarum, repertae sunt.[1]
recensere- ↑ Prinz (1987) pp. 58, 61; Christopher K. Currie, "The Early History of the Carp and Its Economic Significance in England" in Agricultural History Review vol. 39 (1991) pp. 97-107 JSTOR
recensere- Clive Bonsall et al., "Mesolithic and Neolithic in the Iron Gates: a palaeodietary perspective" in Journal of European Archaeology vol. 5 (1997) pp. 50–92
- Dušan Borić et al., "Late Mesolithic lifeways and deathways at Vlasac (Serbia)" in Journal of Field Archaeology vol. 39 (2014) pp. 4-31
- Dušan Borić, Sofija Stefanović, "Birth and death: infant burials from Vlasac and Lepenski Vir" in Antiquity vol. 78 (2004) pp. 526-546
- Lucy J. E. Cramp et al., "Regional diversity in subsistence among early farmers in Southeast Europe revealed by archaeological organic residues" in Proceedings of the Royal Society B: biological sciences (16 Ianuarii 2019)
- B. Prinz, Mesolithic Adaptations on the Lower Danube: Vlasac and the Iron Gates Gorge. Oxoniae: British Archaeological Reports, 1987
- D. Srejović, Z. Letica, edd., Vlasac: A Mesolithic Settlement in the Iron Gates = Власац: мезолитско насеље у Ђердапу. 2 voll. Belgradi: Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 1978
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recensere- "Vlasac" apud Don's Maps