Sulloniacis (sive Sulloniacae et Eggeswer in lingua Latina mediaevali[1]; Anglice: Edgware)[2] est oppidum comitatu Middelsexiae in Londinii.[2] Est in duas partes, in Harroviae et in Barneto. Saeculo III erat mansio Romana itineris II in Itinerario Antonini.

  1. Plea Rolls of the Common Pleas; National Archives; CP 40/647;; 4th entry, line 1, the home of the defendant Richard Smyth
  2. 2.0 2.1 Sheldon, Harvey (1996). "In Search of Sulloniacis". In Bird, Joanna; Hassall, Mark; Sheldon; Harvey. Interpreting Roman London. Oxbow Books. p. 233. ISBN 1 900188 02 3 

Haec stipula ad geographiam spectat. Amplifica, si potes!