Regia Societas Geographica,[1] vulgo Royal Geographical Society, sub appellatione Geographical Society of London anno 1830 constituta est, patrono Gulielmo IV rege. In ea incorporatae sunt Adsociatio Africana (nomine pleno Association for Promoting the Discovery of the Interior Parts of Africa), Sodalitas Raleigh, et Adsociatio Palaestinensis. Chartam regalem anno 1859 accepit.

Lowther Lodge, societatis domicilium ex anno 1912 Regiae Societatis Geographicae, a Ricardo Normanno Shaw aedificatum.
  1. Textum "Douglas Freshfield, e Collegio Universitatis, Artium Magistrum, Regiae Societatis Geographicae Praesidem" hic habes.


  • Mill, H.R. (1930) The record of the Royal Geographical Society, 1830-1930, Londinii: Royal Geographical Society.
  • Royal Geographical Society (2005) To the ends of the Earth: visions of a changing world: 175 years of exploration and photography, Londinii: Bloomsbury, ISBN 0-7475-8138-X .
  • Winser, S. (Ed.) (2004) Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers expedition handbook, New ed., Londinii: Profile, ISBN 1-86197-044-7.

Nexus interni

Nexus externi
