Metapragmatica in anthropologia linguistica, praecipue in semiotica Michaelis Silverstein doctrina, modum tractat per quem effectus condicionesque linguae res ipsae sermonis fiunt. Signa metapragmatica participes interpretari sinunt quod in interactione sociali fiat.

Nexus interni


  • Lucy, John A. 2004. Reflexive Language: Reported Speech and Metapragmatics. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University. ISBN 0521351642.
  • Silverstein, Michael. 1976. Shifters, Linguistic Categories, and Cultural Description. Meaning in Anthropology, ed. Keith Basso et Henry A. Selby. Albuquerque Novi Mexici: UNM Press.
  • Silverstein, Michael. 2001. The Limits of Awareness. Linguistic Anthropology: A Reader. Ed. Alessandro Duranti, 382–401. Malden: Blackwell.

Haec stipula ad linguam vel ad linguisticam spectat. Amplifica, si potes!