Ioannes Falstaff, amicus principis Henrici (regis Henrici V futuri), est persona fabularum Gulielmi Shakesperii, qui eum primum in ludo scaenico historico Henry IV part I praesentavit, mox in Henry IV part II. Mors eius in Henry V nuntiatur. Eadem persona (sine cura chronologica) in comoedia The Merry Wives of Windsor reperitur. Post Shakesperium persona Falstaff usus est Iosephus Verdi in opera sua Falstaff.

Ioannes Falstaff cum Doll Tearsheet in Boar's Head Tavern bibit: "Henry IV part II: actus II scaena 4" ab Henrico Fuseli pictum pro Pinacothecam Shakesperianam Boydell


  • Bloom, Harold, ed., Falstaff. Novi Eboraci: Chelsea House, 1992.
  • Caldwell, Ellen M. "'Banish All the Wor(l)d': Falstaff's Iconoclastic Threat to Kingship in I Henry IV" in Renascence vol. 59 (2007).
  • Cooper, Stephen. The Real Falstaff: Sir John Fastolf and the Hundred Years War. Londinii: Pen & Sword, 2010.
  • Doloff, Steven. "Falstaff's 'Honour': Homeric burlesque in I Henry IV (1597-8)" in Notes and Queries vol. 55 (2008).
  • Grady, Hugh. "Falstaff: Subjectivity between the Carnival and the Aesthetic" in Modern Language Review vol. 96 (2001).
  • Taylor, Gary. "William Shakespeare, Richard James, and the House of Cobham" in Review of English Studies vol. 58 (1987).
  • Wilson, John Dover. The Fortunes of Falstaff. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press, 1943.

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