Grammatica categorialis combinatoria

Grammatica categorialis combinatoria est formalismus grammaticus logica combinatoria nitens.

Nexus interni


  • Baldridge, Jason (2002), "Lexically Specified Derivational Control in Combinatory Categorial Grammar." PhD Dissertatio. Univ. Edinburgensis.
  • Curry, Haskell B. and Richard Feys (1958), Combinatory Logic, Vol. 1. North-Holland.
  • Jacobson, Pauline (1999), “Towards a variable-free semantics.” Linguistics and Philosophy 22, 1999. 117–184
  • Moortgat, Michael, Categorial Type Logics, Caput Secundum in J. van Benthem et A. ter Meulen (eds.) Handbook of Logic and Language. Elsevier, 1997, ISBN 0-262-22053-9
  • Steedman, Mark (1987), “Combinatory grammars and parasitic gaps”. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 5, 403–439.
  • Steedman, Mark (1996), Surface Structure and Interpretation. The MIT Press.
  • Steedman, Mark (2000), The Syntactic Process. The MIT Press.
  • Szabolcsi, Anna (1989), "Bound variables in syntax (are there any?)." Semantics and Contextual Expression, ed. ab Bartsch, van Benthem, van Emde Boas. Foris, 294–318.
  • Szabolcsi, Anna (1992), "Combinatory grammar and projection from the lexicon." Lexical Matters. CSLI Lecture Notes 24, ed. ab Sag et Szabolcsi. Stanford, CSLI Publications. 241–269.
  • Szabolcsi, Anna (2003), “Binding on the fly: Cross-sentential anaphora in variable-free semantics”. Resource Sensitivity in Binding and Anaphora, ed. ab Kruijff et Oehrle. Kluwer, 215–229.

Nexus externi


Haec stipula ad linguam vel ad linguisticam spectat. Amplifica, si potes!