Disputatio Formulae:Creanda

Latest comment: abhinc 9 annos by Lesgles in topic De legibilitate

De legibilitate


Would it help readability to have the blue link smaller or in superscript? E.g. Iulia Gayet (fr). Lesgles (disputatio) 17:51, 27 Februarii 2015 (UTC)Reply

By coincidence I just suggested this on Iacobus's talk page. Such a change would be easy to make: anyone could do it right now, to test reactions. I won't, because I'm travelling, but go ahead if you like. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 18:43, 27 Februarii 2015 (UTC)Reply
Factumst! Safe travels! Lesgles (disputatio) 22:40, 27 Februarii 2015 (UTC)Reply
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