De nomine


Microchip (nunc Taxillus) et chip (nunc Talus (informatica)) sunt unum et idem, en:integrated circuit. Nisi fons pro talus est (nunc ibi pagina Vicipaedia tantum citatur), nomen propono circuitus integratus, sicut circuitus electricus (qui autem ipse fontem non praebet). Alii quid dicunt? Lesgles (disputatio) 20:08, 9 Martii 2015 (UTC)Reply

A, iam est pagina circuitus integratus. Contributionem igitur propono trium paginarum. Lesgles (disputatio) 20:12, 9 Martii 2015 (UTC)Reply

Bene curas o Lesgles. Tamen nonne videtur fons pede paginae? Nonne Glossarium verborum computatralium numeratur ut fons? Quippe talus est genus circuiti integrati tamen sensus eiorum differunt. Quaeso relinquamur sepositae.--Jondel (disputatio) 12:38, 11 Martii 2015 (UTC)Reply

Glossarium verborum computatralium is not an external source; it simply redirects to Vicipaedia:Glossarium computatrale. That page, it's true, links to (but criticizes) an external list by "Draco". So maybe talus should be kept. But what distinction do you propose between a chip and an integrated circuit? en:Integrated circuit makes no distinction, except perhaps that the chip is the piece of silicon on which the circuits rest. I'm not sure that's enough to justify two separate articles. Lesgles (disputatio) 19:59, 11 Martii 2015 (UTC)Reply
I think similarly ... On the citation issue, citing our own page as a source is not appropriate. We could cite Draco directly, if he suggests this term (I haven't verified). A web-page vocabulary by a Latinist such as Draco would be the lowest level of "reliability" we'd go to, I think (no offence to Draco!), but in computer studies it may be the best we'll find. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 09:33, 12 Martii 2015 (UTC)Reply

distinction between a chip and an integrated circuit


A chip is ussually a device containing the IC such as a memory chip or tracking chip implanted on let say a dolphin or bird. When it is implanted, people ussually say 'microchip' to stress and distinguish the electronics. Other references are those on an ATM or security card to get into a building. The size ussually from that of a dust particle to a thumbnail. Integrated circuit refer to the method of how the electronics is implement4ed such as wiring.

Here is a definition on of microchip from, A microchip (sometimes just called a "chip") is a unit of packaged computer circuitry (usually called an integrated circuit) that is manufactured from a material such as silicon at a very small scale. Microchips are made for program logic (logic or microprocessor chips) and for computer memory (memory or RAM chips). Microchips are also made that include both logic and memory and for special purposes such as analog-to-digital conversion, bit slicing, and gateways.

If this is settled, I would like to expand on the existing stubs.--Jondel (disputatio) 13:51, 13 Martii 2015 (UTC)Reply

A microchip implant is a specific use of a microchip/IC, as is a smart card (chip card, integrated circuit card); they could easily be put under either heading, and eventually should have their own articles. I agree that there is some difference in usage; chip referring more to the physical object and integrated circuit to the technology (the latter is perhaps also more formal), but having articles on both would mean much duplicated effort. Let's examine the definitions:
English: An integrated circuit or monolithic integrated circuit (also referred to as an IC, a chip, or a microchip) is a set of electronic circuits on one small plate ("chip") of semiconductor material, normally silicon.
Spanish: Un circuito integrado (CI), también conocido como chip o microchip, es una estructura de pequeñas dimensiones de material semiconductor...
German: Ein integrierter Schaltkreis, auch integrierte Schaltung (englisch integrated circuit, ...) ist eine auf einem Halbleiter aufgebrachte elektronische Schaltung. Diese rechteckigen Halbleiterplättchen nennt man Chip, insbesondere zusammen mit dem integrierten Schaltkreis auch Mikrochip. Einen Chip ohne schützendes Gehäuse nennt man englisch Die.
French: Le circuit intégré (CI), aussi appelé puce électronique, est un composant électronique...
No other Wikipedias have a separate page on microchip as opposed to integrated circuit (the existing interwikis on this page are all redirects). Lesgles (disputatio) 16:46, 13 Martii 2015 (UTC)Reply
Revertere ad "Talus (informatica)".