Disputatio:Iohannes Rawls

Latest comment: abhinc 16 annos by IacobusAmor in topic Philosopha/Philosophia

Iohannes Rawls fuit pagina mensis Septembris 2008.

CFA nomen


Neander, mutasti "In Foederatas Americae Civitates reversus" (Anglice: 'returned to the United States of America') ut legatur "In Civitates Foederatae Americae reversus" ('returned to the States of United America'). Res vere foederatae sunt civitates, non? Ergo recte: "In Civitates Foederatas Americae" vel (fere melius) "In Foederatas Americae Civitates"? IacobusAmor 01:11, 7 Iulii 2008 (UTC)Reply

Et egomet propter silentium meam rem credebam ab nemine legi!   :–)   Quod ad syntaxin attinet, FAC mihi paululo melius audit quam CFA, sed certe ambo Latinitati videntur parere. Cum de tituli inscriptione agatur, difficile est iudicatu, uter sit rectissimus ordo. Latina enim est lingua liberi verborum ordinis, id est: In sententiis textualibus construendis verborum ordine indicantur res pragmaticae: Quibus verbis ponatur emphasis, etc. In CFA reversus sum, ne a titulo publico abhorrerem. Si tu CFA in FAC denuo mutaris, non remordebo. --Neander 03:11, 7 Iulii 2008 (UTC)Reply



For the record: when I changed Philosopha popularis Americana Ayn Rand to Philosophia popularis Americana Ayn Rand, I was taking Ayn Rand to be in the genitive case: 'Ayn Rand's popular American philosophy', instead of what Rafael wants to say, 'The popular American philosopher Ayn Rand'—which, if Bradley's Arnold's notes on style are to be believed, would be better rendered by putting the name first, as Ayn Rand, philosopha popularis Americana. Since that wasn't the order presented, I naturally read it the other way, assuming it had an obvious typo in it. ¶ Since Ayn, as an indeclinable word, can fall into any case & number at all, would it be possible to find/create a declinable form for it? ¶ Is it really accurate to call her popularis (= 'popular, democratic')? I'd have guessed the opposite! IacobusAmor 16:30, 4 Augusti 2008 (UTC)Reply

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