Disputatio:Gulielmus Shakesperius

Latest comment: abhinc 18 annos by Rolandus in topic Shakespeare in Latin

Gulielmus Shakesperius fuit pagina mensis Aprilis 2012.

Habemus poetam!

Unexplained image


What's the "Imago:Johann Heinrich Füssli 025.jpg" doing as an illustration in this article? What does it show? Where's the caption? IacobusAmor 12:31, 10 Septembris 2006 (UTC)Reply

Shakespeare in Latin


Does anybody know where I could get a translation of Shakespeare's plays in Latin? -- 20:17, 21 Novembris 2006 (UTC)Reply

Maybe you should ask this in the Vicipaedia:Taberna. --Rolandus 21:24, 21 Novembris 2006 (UTC)Reply
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