Cicha e molle[1] (lingua Quechua molle aqa; Hispanice chicha de molle) est potio fortis e parvulis seminibus subrubris arboris Schini molle facta. Censetur iam aevo medio a populo Huari in monte Cerro Baúl confectam esse.

  1. Haec appellatio a Vicipaediano e lingua indigena in sermonem Latinum conversa est. Extra Vicipaediam huius locutionis testificatio vix inveniri potest.


Fontes antiquiores
Eruditio recentior
  • Mary Beckman, "Beer of Kings" in Science (30 Iulii 2004)
  • David John Goldstein, Robin Christine Coleman [Goldstein], "Schinus molle L. (Anacardiaceae) Chicha production in the Central Andes" in Economic Botany vol. 58 (2004) pp. 523-529
  • David J. Goldstein, Robin C. Coleman Goldstein, Patrick R. Williams, "You Are What You Drink: A Sociocultural Reconstruction of PreHispanic Fermented Beverage Use at Cerro Baúl, Moquegua, Peru" in Justin Jennings, Brenda J. Bowser, edd., Drink, Power, and Society in the Andes (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2008) Textus (recensio probanda)
  • Michael E. Moseley, Donna J. Nash, Patrick R. Williams, Susan de France, Ana Miranda Q., Mario Morales, "Burning Down the Brewery: Establishing and Evacuating an Ancient Imperial Colony at Cerro Baúl, Peru" in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences vol. 102 (2005) pp. 17264–17271
  • Oriana Pardo B., "Las chichas en el Chile precolombino" in Chloris Chilensis vol. 7 pars 2 (2004) Textus
  • Lidio M. Valdez, "Molle beer production in a Peruvian Central Highland valley" in Journal of Anthropological Research vol. 68 (2012) pp. 71-93 JSTOR[nexus deficit]