Cibus viarius
Cibus viarius in thermopoliis popinisque et tabernis praebetur, saepe etiam in nundinis et a venditoribus viariis, ut homines dum stant vel ambulant se satiare possent neque ad mensam consedere cogerent.
recensere- "Street-food: la France n’est plus à la rue" in Les Cahiers de la gastronomie n° 11 (2012?)
- Vittorio Castellani, "Les cuisines de rue" in La pensée de midi n° 13 (2004) pp. 81–85
- Bruce Kraig, Colleen Taylor Sen, Street Food around the World: An Encyclopedia of Food and Culture. ABC-Clio, 2013 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- Artemis P. Simopoulos, Ramesh Venkataramana Bhat, edd., Street Foods. Karger, 2000 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
- Harlan Walker, ed., Public Eating: proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery 1991. Totenais: Prospect Books, 1992 (Textus apud Google Books)
- Harlan Walker, ed., Food on the Move: Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery, 1996. Totenais: Prospect Books, 1997 (Textus apud Google Books)
Nexus interni
Nexus externi
recensereVicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad Cibus viarius spectant. |
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- F.G. Winarno, A. Allain, "Street foods in developing countries: lessons from Asia"
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- Street Food apud Netflix