Bibliotherapia[1] vel therapeutica fabularum narratio est therapia expressiva quae narrationem fabularum implicat, quae est lectio textuum ad hominem sanandum. Haec ratio coniunctione aegri cum rebus contentis in libris, poematibus, aliisque vocabulis scriptis pro therapia utitur. Saepe cum therapia scribendi miscetur. Efficax in depressione tractanda monstrata est.[2] Eius exitus diutini monstrati sunt.[3]
Nexus interni
recensere- ↑ E bibliotherapy, vocabulo Anglico a Samuele Crothers in commentario in Atlantic Monthly Augusto 1916 primo divulgato (McKenna, Hevey, et Martin 2010).
- ↑ Burns 1999: xvi–xxxii.
- ↑ Smith, Floyd, Jamison, et Scogin 1997.
recensere- American Library Association, 2011. Bibliotherapy.
- Bergner, R. 2007. Therapeutic storytelling revisited. American Journal of Psychotherapy 61, 149162.
- Bolitho, J. 2011. Reading into wellbeing: Bibliotherapy, libraries, health and social connection. Aplis 24(2): 89–90. ISSN 1030-5033.
- Brandell, Jerrold. R. 2000. Of Mice and Metaphors: Therapeutic Storytelling with Children. California: SAGE.
- Brewster, L. 2009. Books on prescription: Bibliotherapy in the United Kingdom. Journal of Hospital Librarianship 9(4): 399–407. doi:10.1080/15323260903253456.
- Burns, David. 1999. Feeling Good.
- Burns, George. 2001. 101 Healing Stories: Using Metaphors in Therapy. Wiley. ISBN 9780471395898.
- Burrows, L. 2008. Max and the knight: how a therapeutic story provided a connection point for child, family, school, human service agencies and community. In Communities and change: selected papers, ed. D. Bottrell et G. Meagher, 107-139. Sydneii: Sydney University Press. Communities and Change Conference 2007. Sydney, NSW. October 2007. ISBN 9781920898847.
- Burrows, L. 2013. Transforming "the red beast" within through mindfulness and therapeutic storytelling: a case study. Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling 23(Special Issue 2): 172-184.
- Crothers, S. M. 1916. A Literary Clinic. The Atlantic Monthly 118(3), 19 Septembris, 291–301.
- Curran, Christina M., et Amy J. Petersen. Handbook of Research on Classroom Diversity and Inclusive Education Practice. ISBN 1522525203.
- Doll, Beth, et Carol Doll. 1978. Bibliotherapy with Young People: Librarians and Mental Health Professionals Working Together. Englewood Colortrati: Libraries Unlimited.
- Dwivedi, Kedar Nath. 1997. The therapeutic use of stories. Novi Eboraci et Londinii: Routledge.
- Mahoney, Mary M. 2017. War Service to Science: Bibliotherapy in World War I.[nexus deficit] In Books as Medicine: Studies in Reading, Its History, and the Enduring Belief in Its Power to Heal.
- McKenna, G., D. Hevey, et E. Martin. 2010. Patients' and providers' perspectives on bibliotherapy in primary care. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy 17(6):497–509.l PMID 20146202. doi:10.1002/cpp.679. PDF.
- McLaine, Susan. 2012. Bibliotherapy: Reading for Wellbeing in Old Age. PDF.
- Muller, K. 2011. Bibliotherapy. Textus.[nexus deficit]
- Perrow, Susan. 2012. Therapeutic Storytelling:101 Healing Stories for Children. U.K.: Hawthorn Press. ISBN 9781907359156.
- Pierce, J. B. 2010. Youth matters: A feeling for books. American Libraries. Textus.
- Skočić Mihić, Belcher Maich, Barisic Perrow, et Novak Ramić. 2017. The Role of Bibliotherapy and Therapeutic Storytelling in Creating Inclusive Classroom Communities 16: 375.
- Smith, N. M., M. R. Floyd, C. Jamison, et F. Scogin. 1997. Three year follow up of bibliotherapy for depression. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 65(2): 324–327. PMID 9086697. doi:10.1037/0022-006X.65.2.324.
- Sunderland, Margot. 1997. Using Story Telling as a Therapeutic Tool with Children. Speechmark Publishing Ltd. ISBN 9780863884252.
- U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. 2009. VA bibliography reference guide. [1][nexus deficit]
Nexus externi
recensere- Bibliotherapia. American Library Association.
- Bibliotherapia. The Behavior Advisor.
- Bibliotherapia Australiana. Words That Heal.
- Bibliotherapy in Alcoholism Treatment. Alcohol Rehab Thailand.
- Blog. Tolstoy Therapy.
- "Infography about Bibliotherapy."
- Knoth, Maeve Visser. Ails Bibliotherapy? Horn Book Magazine.
- Educationis.[nexus deficit]
- The Sadie Peterson Delaney Literary Collaborative. Words Heal, Inc.
- Situs proprius.
- Situs proprius. LitTherapy.
- Situs proprius. Poems in the Waiting Room.
- Therapeutica fabularum narratio pro pueris.
- "What is Bibliotherapy?" The Association for Bibliotherapy and Applied Literature.