Aedificium meridio-occidentale (Pylos)

Pars palatii q.d. Nestoris

Aedificium meridio-occidentale[1] (Anglice southwestern building[2]) est aedificium Pyli urbis Mycenaeae in Messenia Graeciae, cuius ruinae fere tria chiliometra a vico Chora occidentem et meridiem versus distant et fere septendecim chiliometra a Pylo hodierno boream versus. Fuit ut videtur pars palatii recentius confecta, ubi constructae sunt aula epularum et apothecae instrumentorum cenariorum.

  1. Haec appellatio a Vicipaediano e lingua indigena in sermonem Latinum conversa est. Extra Vicipaediam huius locutionis testificatio vix inveniri potest.
  2. Nomen ab archaeologis hodiernis datum.


  • C. W. Blegen, M. Rawson, The Palace of Nestor at Pylos in Western Messenia. I: The buildings and their contents. Princetoniae, 1966.
  • J. Walter Graham, "A Banquet Hall at Mycenaean Pylos" in American Journal of Archaeology vol. 71 (1967) pp. 353-360 JSTOR.
  • P. Halstead, V. Isaakidou, "Faunal Evidence for Feasting: Burnt Offerings from the Palace of Nestor at Pylos" in P. Halstead, J. C. Barrett, edd., Food, Cuisine and Society in Prehistoric Greece. Proceedings of the 10th Aegean Round Table, University of Sheffield, January 19-21, 2001 (Oxoniae: Oxbow, 2004. Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology, vol. 5) pp. 136-154.
  • Julie Hruby, Feasting and Ceramics: a View from the Palace of Nestor at Pylos. Cincinnati, 2006 [Dissertatio universitatis Cincinnatiensis] Textus
  • V. Isaakidou et al., "Burnt Animal Sacrifice at the Mycenaean ‘Palace of Nestor’, Pylos" in Antiquity vol. 76 (2002) pp. 86–92.
  • M. Lang, The Palace of Nestor at Pylos in Western Messenia. II: The frescoes. Princetoniae, 1969.
  • Bartłomiej Lis, "The Role of Cooking Pottery and Cooked Food in the Palace of Nestor at Pylos" in Archeologia vol. 57 (2006) pp. 7–24.
  • G. Siflund, "Sacrificial Banquets in the 'Palace of Nestor"' in Opuscula Atheniensia vol. 13 (1980) pp. 237-246.
  • Sharon R. Stocker, Jack L. Davis, "Animal Sacrifice, Archives, and Feasting at the Palace of Nestor" in Hesperia vol. 73 (2004) pp. 179-195 JSTOR.
  De hac re nexus intervici usque adhuc absunt. Adde, si reppereris.