Note the idea for the word flash came from camera flash. English 'cell' or single-level cell is the term for the memory unit. Flash memory is non-volatile computer memory that can be electrically erased and reprogrammed. It is a technology that is primarily used in memory cards and USB flash drives for general storage and transfer of data between computers and other digital products. It is a specific type of EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) that is erased and programmed in large blocks; in early flash the entire chip had to be erased at once. Flash memory costs far less than byte-programmable EEPROM and therefore has become the dominant technology wherever a significant amount of non-volatile, solid-state storage is needed. Example applications include PDAs (personal digital assistants), laptop computers, digital audio players, digital cameras and mobile phones. It has also gained popularity in the game console market, where it is often used instead of EEPROMs or battery-powered SRAM for game save data.
Principles of operation
recensereFlash memory stores information in an array of memory cells made from floating-gate transistors. In traditional single-level cell (SLC) devices, each cell stores only one bit of information. Some newer flash memory, known as multi-level cell (MLC) devices, can store more than one bit per cell by choosing between multiple levels of electrical charge to apply to the floating gates of its cells.
recensereFlash memory is non-volatile computer memory that can be electrically erased and reprogrammed. It is a technology that is primarily used in memory cards and USB flash drives for general storage and transfer of data between computers and other digital products. It is a specific type of EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) that is erased and programmed in large blocks; in early flash the entire chip had to be erased at once. Flash memory costs far less than byte-programmable EEPROM and therefore has become the dominant technology wherever a significant amount of non-volatile, solid-state storage is needed. Example applications include PDAs (personal digital assistants), laptop computers, digital audio players, digital cameras and mobile phones.
Memoria fulgerea est non volatilis quod potest scribi et eradi esse. Est et specia (emendatio) de EEPROM cuja quanta multa data simul leguntur scribunturque ad multos locos. Antiqua modo necesse omni loci eradituntur cum scribuntur. In usu plerumque in PDA ,cameram digitalem, telephonum gestabilem .
The Memory flash is an evolution from the EEPROM memory and enables multiple positions of memory to be written and deleted in one operation of the program per electric implse. In contrast, older devices only allowed either to write or read at each single cell each round program state. Thus, the flash can function at a speed far superior when the systems employ reading and writing to various points of this memore at the same time.
Le memoria flash es un forma evoluite del memoria EEPROM que permitte que multiple positiones de memoria sia scribite o delite in un mesme operation de programmation per medio de impulsos electric, in contrasto con le anteriores que solmente permitte scriber o deler un singule cella cata vice. Pro isto, "flash" pote functionar a velocitates multo superior quando le systemas emplea le lectura e scriptura in differente punctos de iste memoria al mesme tempore.
Memoria flash(?fulgeo?) es specie evolutio ex memoria EEPROM et habilitat numerosos(acc) locos(acc?) memoriarum esse scribi eradique in uno gradu aut vice programmationis per impulsum electronicum, in contrario anteriores qui modo permitte scribire aut eradere un singule cella omne vice aut per unum gradum. Adeo, "flash" potest operare ad velocitates multo celeriter cum systemas adhibeat legendum scribendumque in varios locos memoria simul.
Un clave USB (Universal Serial Bus) (in anglese USB flash drive) es un parve medio de immagazinage que utilisa le memoria flash pro guardar le information sin necessitate de batteria electric. Le claves es impermeabile al excoriationes e al pulveres que ha plagate le formas previe de medios portabile de immagazinage, como le CDs e le dischettos.
Le systemas de operation plus moderne pote leger e scriber in le claves sin necessitate de driver (software de controlo) special. In le systemas de operation antiquate (como per exemplo, Windows 98) es necessari installar un driver.