The International Auxiliary Language Association (IALA) was founded in 1924 to "promote widespread study, discussion and publicity of all questions involved in the establishment of an auxiliary language, together with research and experiment that may hasten such establishment in an intelligent manner and on stable foundations."[1] Although it was created to determine which auxiliary language of a wide field of contenders was best suited for international communication, it eventually determined that none of them was up to the task and developed its own language, Interlingua. The IALA continued to publish materials in and about Interlingua until 1954, when its activities were taken up by the new Interlingua Division of Science Service.

thumb|Logo pro Interlingua ex I.A.L.A. The International Auxiliary Language Association (IALA) was founded in 1924 to "promote widespread study, discussion and publicity of all questions involved in the establishment of an auxiliary language, together with research and experiment that may hasten such establishment in an intelligent manner and on stable foundations.

Internationali Auxiliari Languae Societatis (IALA) condita est in 1924 ut augeat latam investigatum, conloquium, publicationem cuncti tractorum implicata statuto linguae internationali auxiliari , cum exquaesitione et experimento qui postest festenare ita statutum per modum sapientiam et fundatam stabilem. In principio proposito erat investigavisse et crevisse linguam auxilliam ex latis comprehensionibus optionibus pro communitationi internationalis. Cum non satis fuisset constitit creare propriam lingam qua est adhunc Interlingua. Usque 1954 reos de Interlingua publicabat IALA deinde Divisio Scientia sua hunc officium praefuit. [2]

Prima, consilum erat ut cerneat cui lingua auxiliari ex lata proprius sit communicando internationali. Tandem et evolvit linguam proprium, Interlinguam.

Although it was created to determine which auxiliary language of a wide field of contenders was best suited for international communication, it eventually determined that none of them was up to the task and developed its own language, Interlingua. The IALA continued to publish materials in and about Interlingua until 1954, when its activities were taken up by the new Interlingua Division of Science Service.

Lapsus in citando: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag Grammatica et vocabula interlinguae perfecta sunt anno 1951, post viginti annos investigationis per IALA. Alexander Gode fuit unus primarum auctorium conmissorum. + Gode, Alexander, "Introduction", Interlingua-English: A dictionary of the international language, Revised Edition, New York: Continuum International Publishing Group, 1971. </ref> - - - Interlingua ex IALA, sigla in Anglice ex Societas Linguae Auxiliari Internationali, est una lingua conroborata per linguistas perita cum consilio loquendo linguae auxiliare in communicationi internationali. Est creata anno 1951.

See also



  1. International Auxiliary Language Association, Outline of Program, 1924, p. 9
  2. International Auxiliary Language Association, Outline of Program, 1924, p. 9