Usor:Grufo/Officina/Tabularium/Nomina agentis
supine stem ends in -t
- supine stem amat- (ama- + -t-),
- masculine amator (ama- + -tor-),
- feminine amatrix (ama- + -tric-),
- neuter *amatrum (ama- + -tro-),
- adjective amatorius, -a, -um ("of the amator/amatrix/amatrum")
supine stem ends in -s (d or t of theme changed to s, ss became s)
- supine stem vis- (VID + -t- to vis-s- to vis-),
- masculine visor (VID + -tor- to vis-sor- to visor-),
- feminine *vistrix (VID + -tric- to vis-tric-),
- neuter *vistrum (VID + -tro- to vis-tro-),
- adjective *visorius, -a, -um ("of the expulsor/expultrix/expultrum")
supine stem ends in -s (c or g of theme disappeared before s, c or g appears as c before t)
- supine stem muls- (MULG + -s- to mul-s-),
- masculine *mulsor (MULG + -sor- to mul-sor-),
- feminine *mulctrix (MULG + -tric- to mulc-tric-),
- neuter mulctrum (MULG + -tro- to mulc-tro-),
- adjective *mulsorius, -a, -um ("of the mulsor/mulctrix/mulctrum")
supine stem ends in -s (s added directly to theme)
- supine stem expuls- (ex-PUL + -s- to expul-s-),
- masculine expulsor (ex-PUL + -sor- to expul-sor-),
- feminine expultrix (ex-PUL + -tric- to expul-tric-),
- neuter *expultrum (ex-PUL + -tro- to expul-tro-),
- adjective expulsorius, -a, -um ("of the expulsor/expultrix/expultrum")
supine stem ends in -ss (d or t or theme changed to s, ss unchanged)
- supine stem possess- (pos-SED + -t- to posses-s-),
- masculine possessor (pos-SED + -tor- to posses-sor-),
- feminine possestrix (pos-SED + -tric- to posses-tric-),
- neuter *possestrum (pos-SED + -tro- to posses-tro-),
- adjective possessorius, -a, -um ("of the possessor/possestrix/possestrum")
supine stem ends in -x (for -cs)
- supine stem crucifix- (cruci-FIG + -s- to fic-s- to fix-),
- masculine crucifixor (cruci-FIG + -s- to fic-s- to fixor-),
- feminine *crucifictrix (cruci-FIG + -tric- to fic-tric-),
- neuter *crucifictrum (cruci-FIG + -tro- to fic-tro-),
- adjective *crucifixorius, -a, -um ("of the crucifixor/crucifictrix/crucifictrum")