Welcome to the Abuse Filter management interface. The Abuse Filter is an automated software mechanism of applying automatic heuristics to all actions. This interface shows a list of defined filters, and allows them to be modified.

Of the last 175 actions, 0 (0%) have reached the condition limit of 2 000, and 92 (52.57%) have matched at least one of the filters currently enabled.

All filters

Filter ID Public description Consequences Status Last modified Visibilitas
1 Pagina mota sine causa data Warn, Disallow Enabled 22:45, 3 Iulii 2013 by UV (disputatio | conlationes) Public
2 Prevent the creation of articles by certain anonymous users on certain topics Disallow Enabled 23:19, 3 Decembris 2018 by UV (disputatio | conlationes) Public
3 Prevent the italicization of articles by certain anonymous users Disallow Enabled, High rate of matches 00:07, 21 Martii 2022 by UV (disputatio | conlationes) Public
4 Prevent certain edits by certain anonymous users Disallow Enabled 13:41, 1 Aprilis 2023 by UV (disputatio | conlationes) Public