Miracula panum[1] (ita compendiose nuncupata) duo in evangeliis descripta sunt, videlicet:

  • Miraculum quinque panum duorumque piscium quibus quinque milia hominum pranderent (Matth. 14.13-21; Marc. 6.31-44; Luc. 9.12-17; Ioann. 6.1-14)
  • Miraculum quattuor panum paucorumque piscium (Matth. 15.32-39; Marc. 8.1-9)
Fuga in Aegyptum (supra) et miraculum quinque panum duorumque piscium (infra) saeculo fere IX in cruce exarata oppidi Moone in Hibernia

Notae recensere

  1. "Alii etiam propter miracula panum sequebantur eum" (p. 70 apud Google Books)

Bibliographia recensere

  • Jouette M. Bassler, "The Parable of the Loaves" in Journal of Religion vol. 66 (1986) pp. 157-172 JSTOR
  • G. H. Boobyer, "The Eucharistic Interpretation of the Miracles of the Loaves in St. Mark's Gospel" in Journal of Theological Studies n. s. vol. 3 (1952) pp. 161-171 JSTOR
  • J. R. C. Cousland, "The Feeding of the Four Thousand Gentiles in Matthew? Matthew 15:29-39 as a Test Case" in Novum Testamentum vol. 41 (1999) pp. 1-23 JSTOR