Formula:Period color
Documentatio formulae[ostende] [recense] [historiam inspice] [purga]
Please feel free to help by translating any of the English words in the code into Latin, but remember:
- Translate the word in every instance in every connected asset (vide Assets)
- Only use lowercase letters. Uppercase letters will cause the template to crash.
This page is an asset of formula:Fossil range |
Documentatio pristina transclusa est ex Formula:Period color/doc. (recense | historiam inspice)
Quaesumus auctores experturos esse in harenarii (crea | effinge) ac periclitationum (crea) subpaginis huius formulae.
Lubet categorias et nexus in /doc subpaginam addere. Vide etiam subpaginas huius formulae.