Fodinae Cereticenses[1] (vulgo: Ceredigion) ab aevo Romano usque in saeculum XIX usitatae sunt ad plumbum, zincum, argentum producenda in Cereticensi comitatu Cambriae. Argentum in nummos Anglicos praecipue inter annos 1568 et 1731 adhibitum est.

Vestigia fodinarum in valle fluminis Ystwyth videntur
  1. Haec appellatio a Vicipaediano e lingua indigena in sermonem Latinum conversa est. Extra Vicipaediam huius locutionis testificatio vix inveniri potest.


  • George C. Boon, "A Case-History of British Bullion: Cardiganshire Silver and the Feather Coinage 1671-1731" in British Numismatic Journal vol. 63 (1993) pp. 656-83
  • O. T. Jones, Lead and zinc. The mining district of north Cardiganshire and west Montgomeryshire (Memoirs of the Geological Society, special report, 20). 1922
  • Lily Newton, "Pollution of the rivers of West Wales by lead and zinc mine effluent" in Annals of Applied Biology vol. 31 (1944) Prima pagina
  • Iohannes Pettus, Fodinae Regales, or, The History, Laws, and Places of the Chief Mines and Mineral Works in England, Wales, and English Pale in Ireland. Londinii, 1670 Frontispicium huius operis

Nexus interni

Nexus externi

  Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad fodinas Cereticenses spectant.