Draco Stratonis filius
Vide etiam paginam discretivam: Draco (discretiva).
Draco Stratonis filius (Graece Δράκων), qui saeculo IV a.C.n. exeunte floruit, origine Cous, fuit annis fere 306-301 a.C.n. Antigoni Monophthalmi sectator seu aulicus; eo enim tempore inscriptio in ruinis Heraei in insula Samo reperta Draconem laudat ob legatos Samios ab eo adiutos.
recensere- "Prosopography of Antigonos's Friends and Subordinates" in Richard A. Billows, Antigonos the One-Eyed and the Creation of the Hellenistic State (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990) no. 36, p. 384
- C. Habicht, "Samische Volksbeschlüsse der hellenistischen Zeit" in Athenische Mitteilungen vol. 72 (1957) pp. 152-274 (vide no. 21)
- M. Schede, "Aus dem Heraion von Samos" in Athenische Mitteilungen vol. 44 (1919) pp. 1-46 (vide no. 5 H)
- P. Schoch, "Drakon (12a)" in Paulys Real-Enzyklopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft edd. G. Wissowa et alii (Stuttgart, 1893-1972 ~ ~) suppl. 4
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