Dolní Věstonice (loci archaeologici)
(Redirectum de Dolní Věstonice (locus archaeologicus))
Dolní Věstonice, vicus Moraviae meridianae, est situs locorum archaeologicorum eiusdem nominis ubi vestigia habitationis hominum palaeolithicae reperta sunt. Inter quae vestigia iecit simulacrum femininum, abhinc annorum inter 29 000 et 25 000 confectum, quod communiter Venus Dolní Věstonice appellatur.
recensere- Kurt W. Alt et al., "Twenty-five thousand-year-old triple burial from Dolní Věstonice: An ice-age family?" in American Journal of Physical Anthropology vol. 102 (1997) pp. 123–131
- S. L. R. Mason, J. G. Hatler, G. C. Hillman, "Preliminary investigation of plant macro-remains from Dolní Věstonice II, and its implications for the role of plant foods in Paleolithic and Mesolithic Europe" in Antiquity vol. 68 (1994) pp. 48–57
- Miriam Nývltová Fišáková, "Fauna lokality Dolní Věstonice III = Fauna from excavations at the site Dolní Věstonice III"
Nexus interni
Nexus externi
recensereVicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad locum archaeologicum Dolní Věstonice spectant. |
- "Dolni Vestonice" apud Don's Maps
- "Dolni Vestonice and Pavlov sites" apud Don's Maps