Disputationes olim ad "Disputatio Vicipaediae:Pagina desiderata" factae


How much desired?


Can we really want Index nominum alternorum civitatum Americae? I know it's a great thing that American states have official nicknames -- I remember, when I was about 8, being bemused by a list of them in the Information Please Almanac -- but they are English. We can't invent Latin equivalents, can we? That would be original research. So what would there be to put in this page? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:54, 18 Februarii 2007 (UTC)Reply

(Remark: This link is part of {{Civitas Americae}}. Maybe it was just translated from the English aequivalent. --Rolandus 15:22, 18 Februarii 2007 (UTC))Reply
Well, Florida, the Sunshine State, must certainly be Civitas Solis. When I was growing up, the local chamber of commerce had a weeklong event called the Fiesta del Sol. (That was long before the influx of Cuban-speakers.) Not Latin, but enough to show local non-Hispanic interest in a language of which Latin is the source. ;) IacobusAmor 17:57, 18 Februarii 2007 (UTC)Reply

Page Rank section - partial Latin translation


I have translated about half of the "Page Rank" section (currently in English and with a {{maxcorrigenda}} tag) into Latin. I have not edited the article directly because it is generally a good idea to test your idea before editing a policy page. Text that is still in English is in italics, numbers use a space as a thousands separator (i.e. 300 000 is three hundred thousand). I would greatly appreciate it (as would many others, I suppose) if someone with a better understanding of Latin would edit the Latin I already have to made it better, or especially if someone were to translate any of the remaining English into Latin. Feel free to edit the text I already have, rather than rewriting it. (By the way, I have used ordo, ordonis as "rank"; I don't know if that's the right word to use or even if I have inflected it correctly) - 17:52, 23 Ianuarii 2008 (UTC)Reply

Ordo paginae est ordo quem pagina habeat si we made a list of all the pages that we want to have. Vide Vicipaedia:Gravitas.

Think of a list with 5 million entries, not 20 thousand entries. Non igitur malum est si pagina ordonem 300 000 habet. Haec pagina inveniatur in encyclopaedia quae habet 1 million entries. Paginam cum ordone 2 000 000, aliquis potest “irrelevant” vocare.

Non malum est multis paginis same ordonem habere. Quoque non est malum 2 000 paginis ordonem sub 1 000 habere. This is not mathematically correct, sed aliquis ordonem later corrigere potest.

Please take it as a game and change the rank sicut vis.

P.S.: I think that we should have many pages cum ordones maiores quam 1 500 000.

Revertere ad "Paginae desideratae".