Disputatio:Universitas Delavariensis

Latest comment: abhinc 2 annos by IacobusAmor in topic Novarcensis -> Novarcum

Novarcensis -> Novarcum


Hi BigCheddah. Thank you for your edit. I reversed it though, since "Novarcensis" is no city name, but an adjective meaning "of Newark". ~~~~ Petrus Tectander (disputatio) 08:12, 15 Iulii 2022 (UTC)Reply

Oh thank you. I was just trying to figure out proper place names for a lot of new world areas. It’s so strange that so much cartography used to be done in Latin and now it’s a struggle to even find one fully translated world map in Latin outside of the Vatican. Still though the Latin for Newark, NJ is Novarcum where as this article says Novarci. Is that also just in BigCheddah (disputatio) 08:50, 15 Iulii 2022 (UTC)Reply
I hear you, Latin can be quite odd and puzzeling sometimes ;)) The form "Novarci" here is the locative, meaning "in Newark", or in full: ... Novarci in urbe Delavariae florens = "... flourishing in Newark, a city of Delaware", the nominative being of course "Novarcum" Petrus Tectander (disputatio) 09:04, 15 Iulii 2022 (UTC)Reply
Church-related sources list numerous standalone names having a form in -ensis, but as Petrus points out, they're adjectives, probably to be understood to be modifying the noun dioecesis. Also (and this may seem trivial, but in an encyclopedia, no point of distinction is necessarily irrelevant), the diocese may not be—and in most cases almost certainly isn't!—precisely coterminous with the city, so this adjective has two senses: 'pertaining to the city' and 'pertaining to the diocese'. ¶ The canonical form of a locative with an appositive is LOCATIVE [+ in] + NOUN + ADJECTIVE, as seen in the examples Antiochiae, celebri quondam urbe 'at Antioch, once a famous city' and Albae constiterunt, in urbe munita 'they halted at Alba, a fortified town' (Allen & Greenough 282d). IacobusAmor (disputatio) 10:36, 15 Iulii 2022 (UTC)Reply
In my experience (and as you see in the examples quoted above), the standard proposition in English to express locative relations was at ("He died at Rome"), but more & more over the past few decades I've been seeing in ("He died in Rome"). Perhaps Andrew will have observations on this? IacobusAmor (disputatio) 10:55, 15 Iulii 2022 (UTC)Reply
Revertere ad "Universitas Delavariensis".