Disputatio:Thorvaldus Asvaldi filius


  1. "Septemtrionalis" is an acceptable alternate spelling for "Septentrionalis," and furthermore I've created a redirect to make sure you get to North America no matter how I (or someone else) spell it. So really that didn't need to be corrected.
  2. Wouldn't it make more sense to put that link you added under Ericus Rufus? --Iustinus 03:13 feb 1, 2005 (UTC)
1 - Noted. Redirects are better bypassed whenever convenient, so as to reduce the risk of double redirects. Robin Patterson 11:58 feb 1, 2005 (UTC)
2 - It could go there too. Is there an external one that says more about Thorvaldus Asvaldi filius? Robin Patterson 11:58 feb 1, 2005 (UTC)

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