Disputatio:Reges Belgarum
Reges Belgiae aut Reges Belgarum?
recensereSorry for writing this in English, but my latin is now more than 30 years old and I have never been very good at it. The officiel name of the Belgian Kings is (in French) Roi des Belges and not Roi de Belgique. If I remember well what I have learned years ago, should this not translate into Reges Belgarum instead of Reges Belgiae? Of course the same goes for the pages of each individual King where I found (Rex Belgiae) after their name. fr:Utilisateur:Lebob
Roi des Belges
recensereJe Vous remercie por vos corrections et observations. Pour le Roi de Belges j'avais vu aussi que sur les autre wikis on parlait de "Roi de Belges". Maintenant j'en vais discuter avec les administrateur de la.wiki. La politique de cette wikipedia en effet prévoit normalemente xx. rex/ nom de la nation, mais vous avez raison la formulle officielle c'est préférable. Encore merci--Massimo Macconi 06:02, 28 Maii 2007 (UTC)
- On préférerait choisir un titre authentique, je crois, et on pourrait très bien utiliser "rex Belgarum". Je me demande s'il y a une source pour cette forme latine. J'ai cherché dans les catalogues de monnaies, mais, malheureusement (!) toutes les monnaies belges ont des inscriptions soit en français "roi des Belges", soit en flamand "koning der Belgen". Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 10:02, 28 Maii 2007 (UTC)
- Je note que cet article de Wikipedia (en) sur l'institution monarchique en Belgique fait état de "Rex Belgarum". Je note en outre que les raisons données par cette partie de l'article me paraissent personnellement très pertinentes: "None of these were "King of Belgium": their title is King of the Belgians. The latter phrase indicates a popular monarchy linked to the people of Belgium, whereas the former would indicate standard constitutional or absolute monarchy linked to territory and a state. Similarly, King Louis Philippe was proclaimed "King of the French" in 1830, not the traditional "King of France". The now abolished Greek monarchy similarly was titled "King of the Greeks", indicating a personal link with the people, not just the state. Moreover, the Latin translation of "King of Belgium" would have been Rex Belgium, which from 1815 was the name for the King of the Netherlands. Therefore the Belgian separatists chose Rex Belgarum." En fait, la teminologie "Rex Belgiae" évoquerait une monarchie absolue, alors que l'expression "Rex Belgarum" vise au contraire une monarchie constitutionnelle. Outre l'article Wikipedia, une recherche google sur "Rex Belgarum" livre 43 réponses[1] alors qu'une recherche sur "Rex Belgiae" donne 11 réponses [2] dont la plupart semblent provenir de Vivipaedia. Quod demonstrandum est! :) -- 18:24, 29 Maii 2007 (UTC)(fr:Utilisateur:Lebob)
- I started changing the name to Rex Belgarum on seeing that his monument in Brussels plainly calls him, in Latin, Rex Belgarum ("LEOPOLDO II / REGI BELGARVM / 1865-1909 / PATRIA MEMOR"). (I hadn't read the disputatio beforehand.) Some categories remain to be renamed. IacobusAmor 19:29, 5 Martii 2010 (UTC)
- Better late than never? I have now corrected all the articles and the navigation box. I haven't changed the category name because it could theoretically be more general than the names of these seven (?) kings: it could cover all kings and queens who have ruled over the region, whether or not they held this title. But that's only a quibble -- it could be changed, no doubt. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 15:15, 16 Octobris 2016 (UTC)
- I started changing the name to Rex Belgarum on seeing that his monument in Brussels plainly calls him, in Latin, Rex Belgarum ("LEOPOLDO II / REGI BELGARVM / 1865-1909 / PATRIA MEMOR"). (I hadn't read the disputatio beforehand.) Some categories remain to be renamed. IacobusAmor 19:29, 5 Martii 2010 (UTC)
- Je note que cet article de Wikipedia (en) sur l'institution monarchique en Belgique fait état de "Rex Belgarum". Je note en outre que les raisons données par cette partie de l'article me paraissent personnellement très pertinentes: "None of these were "King of Belgium": their title is King of the Belgians. The latter phrase indicates a popular monarchy linked to the people of Belgium, whereas the former would indicate standard constitutional or absolute monarchy linked to territory and a state. Similarly, King Louis Philippe was proclaimed "King of the French" in 1830, not the traditional "King of France". The now abolished Greek monarchy similarly was titled "King of the Greeks", indicating a personal link with the people, not just the state. Moreover, the Latin translation of "King of Belgium" would have been Rex Belgium, which from 1815 was the name for the King of the Netherlands. Therefore the Belgian separatists chose Rex Belgarum." En fait, la teminologie "Rex Belgiae" évoquerait une monarchie absolue, alors que l'expression "Rex Belgarum" vise au contraire une monarchie constitutionnelle. Outre l'article Wikipedia, une recherche google sur "Rex Belgarum" livre 43 réponses[1] alors qu'une recherche sur "Rex Belgiae" donne 11 réponses [2] dont la plupart semblent provenir de Vivipaedia. Quod demonstrandum est! :) -- 18:24, 29 Maii 2007 (UTC)(fr:Utilisateur:Lebob)