Disputatio:Ordo professorum

Latest comment: abhinc 16 annos by IacobusAmor in topic Attestationes?



Do we have attestions showing that English faculty (of professors) is Latin facultas (professorum)? On my diploma, the relevant phrase seems to be Ordo Professorum. IacobusAmor 01:41, 20 Iunii 2008 (UTC)Reply

I found a number of sources attesting it through googles:
And from a Harvard students' site, no less—yet a Harvard diploma identifies the Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences as the DECANVS ORDINIS ARTIVM ET SCIENTIARVM. (Incidentally, it identifies the Dean of the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences as merely the DECANVS ACADEMIAE SVPERIORIS.) The OED has an attestation of facultas meaning 'a department in a university', from Giraldus Cambrensis from about 1184. There could be a subtle distinction here: a department isn't quite the same thing as 'the teachers & administrators of a school, college, or university', which is more or less what the modern English term has come to mean. It's an easy enough linguistic development though. IacobusAmor 03:21, 20 Iunii 2008 (UTC)Reply
Liber anni 1828 (Google Books)
--Rafaelgarcia 02:30, 20 Iunii 2008 (UTC)Reply
Revertere ad "Ordo professorum".